Condensed Timeline of CP / MP RAN Shareholder Dispute
28 Jun 2005Chandrakant Patel bought shares in Realtime Analysis and News Limited circa 2006 as did Cynthia Busfield. It later transpired that Cynthia’s shareholding is made up of shares she holds on behalf of Adam Voce, Jamie Voce, Chandrakant had no interaction with the company until 2016 when it was discovered that the then Directors Ranvir Singh and Matthew Cheung has misappropriated circa £2 million to £3 million from the company.George Busfield, Nicola Robin Hulme nee Busfield. The shareholding is controlled by her son George Busfield.2005_INC
29 Jun 2007George Busfield became a director of Realtime Analysis and News Limited in May 2007, and terminated his directorship on 26 September 2017. He continued/continues to control the company with Adam Voce as shadow directors using third parties as front people.See here
30 Jun 2005We have since learnt that in circa April 2008 Ranvir Singh accepted £5000 in cash from a friend who was also a creditor to the company (RAN) this should have been deposited into the company bank account but was not. Chandrakant was not made aware until 2010 and when he was, said to both it was wrong, don’t do it again.See here
It now transpires that George Busfield saw this as an opportunity to “blackmail”/leverage the situation and asked Ranvir Singh to pay him £70,000 in “compensation” So the Busfield shareholders got back the £70,000 they had paid for the shares about 12-18 months earlier and kept the shares. It also transpires that George Busfield had told his consortium that he had paid £100,000 for the shares when in reality he had paid £70,000 effectively stealing from them. (emails available)2016_01_08_GB_RS_BLACKMAIL
2 Jul 2005We have now learnt that from circa 2010 he was off work from IBM due to medical reasons and has since been “pensioned off (£45k pa)” so is not supposed to be working. We believe a lot of these medical reasons to be fraudulent. This also explains why George Busfield does not put his name to stuff on external documents and controls using third parties as front people. IBM discovered his actions in March 2019 and have since terminated his pension. There are records of him working in property development in 2011, and then working for Realtime Analysis and News Limited since 2016. He bills using third party companies that he and Adam Voce control, mainly GCV LTD. Although has charged the company for services via his mother. Adam Voce has also charged the company for services without providing any invoices.
1 Oct 2014October 2014 Dow Jones win a $5 million summary judgment in a New York court against Realtime Analysis and News Limited for Hot News Appropriation. The sum is not paid as the company has no US operations and Hot News Appropriation it is argued is not recognised in the UK.See here
1 Dec 2015After a settlement was reached in December 2015 Market News International are due to be paid £1m by Realtime News and Analysis Limited and a rights issue is proposed. Chandrakant, Cynthia, Matthew Cheung and Anthony Cheung refuse to take part as there was no clarity from the company. MNI paid is a loan from Schneider?See here and here
1 Dec 2015Mehul starts to act as a shareholder representative for Chandrakant Patel (non voting) and attends a few meetings to establish the facts. All decisions and documents are ultimately made by Chandrakant Patel. Mehul is accepted as a representative with no restrictions by George and Sonny.
1 Dec 2015In December 2015 Chandrakant had enough/bored and wanted nothing more to do with the company. He offers to sell his shares and George Busfield offers £5k to 15k for the shares. In the end George does not buy the shares as he hates spending his own money, Tired to get a loan from Singh/Schenider and offered DIY services instead of cash. Chandrakant withdraws offer to sell, will write off against tax bill.
1 Feb 2016At the end of Feb/Start of March 2016 the theft undertaken by the two founders is discovered (Singh & Cheung) after Cheung blows the whistle. (Talking Forex & Ran Research, RAN UK). George takes charge of forensic investigations. The amount with costs and interest is circa £3 million.
Cheung blew the whistle after years of bullying/manipulation and the straw that broke the camel's back was Singh and Schneider wanting his brother Anthony who worked for the firm to take the blame for the Market News International (MNI) claim for £1m in copyright damages.
1 Mar 2016Effectively from the point of the March 2016 theft discovery George Busfiled took control of the day to day running of the company (RAN) along with the other director Sonny Schneider.See here on RAN legals
1 Apr 2016Singh and Cheung are treated differently as Cheung cooperates and helps with investigations/whistleblowing. A High Court freezing order is obtained by the company of Singhs assets using David Bailey of law firm Shakespeare Martineau in Apr/May 2016.See here on RAN legals
A settlement agreement is signed with Ranvir Singh where he repays circa £1.5 million in cash and surrenders his shares to the company. (pro rata)
10 Jun 2016June 2016 there is a fallout between George Busfiled and Sonny Schneider. Both want to take control of the company and vying to gain control of Mathhew Cheungs shares which would give them over 50% control of the business. Both offer him a take my deal and you won't owe the company any money/the full amount. (sonny email). Chandrakant also offers to buy Matthew Cheungs shares (March 2016) but withdraws. He/Mehul see any opportunity to take the business in a different direction.JE TODO: find board meeting content. Search - 2016_06_08_RAN - GB (SNE and MS).pdf
10 Jun 2016George Busfiled move’s the company's offices from the Heron Building to Wework. The Heron Building offices were Schneiders offices where he housed many companies.
18 Jul 2016The Jet Group Services Limited was incorporated on 18th July 2016, known as J Earl Trading at the time. (Jason Earl) Jason is the only shareholder and director. Company articles do not allow deed of trust.2016_07_18_CH_IN01_JET
16 Aug 2016A settlement agreement was signed with Matthew Cheung on the 16th of August 2016 where Mr Cheung repays £276,160 (broken down as £190,750 in cash) and £85,409 in equivalent value in shares as sells back a large portion of his shares to the company. (MC shares were transferred on 6/3/17)
George Busfiled says to Chandrakant Patel/Mehul (Shareholder rep) do not preempt buying shares from Matthew Cheung before they go to the company and in the future these will be split 50/50. Chandtakant agrees, Nothing on paper but recorded phone calls available.
According to GB, there is a on paper debt that Matthew Cheung owes the company (RAN) £326,000, however this is devised by George Busfiled to make it look as if Matthew is being treated the same as Ranvir due to fear or litigation from Ranvir (factors include money claimed via illegal expenses (which MC did not partake in) and value of shares at a significant discount to market rate). In reality the company recognised that Matthew had been bullied into participation, that he had not benefited any material amount above his shareholding (MC would have had 400k if no money was taken and normal dividiends were paid v 450k in the funds that were taken without approval) and had whistleblowing. George stated and Chandrakant agreed that on the basis he sold the shares back to the company (as he did) his debt would be zero. Schneider and Busfield offered Matthew similar deals. (emails).
24 Aug 2016The Jet Group Limited was incorporated on 24th August 2016. Jason is the only shareholder and director. Company articles do not allow a deed of trust2016_08_23_CH_IN01_JET
1 Sep 20161st sep 2016 First contracts sent out under the Jet Group Limited. Email from accountants (VERSA) stating The Jet Group Limited will be providing services going forward, All new contracts were in the name of The Jet Group Limited. As part of the SPA newsquawk bought contracts in the name of The Jet Group Limited. (check re existing-accountants email)JE - TODO Find other material2016_09_01_DIRECTORS_ROLES
1 Sep 20161st September 2016 - The Sales and Purchase Agreement that Cynthia/David Bailey sent is signed. Appendices are empty, Local solicitor has certified its a true copy. RAN - JETGSSale & Purcase Agreement2016_09_14_RAN_JET_SALE
1-14 Sep 2016Jason transfers/allocates his IP to Jet Group Services Limited (J Earl Trading at the time).2016_08_IP_ASSIGNMENT
So whilst the SPA between Realtime News and Analysis Limited and The Jet Group Services was signed there were no assets transferred and everything was transferred to The Jet Group Limited. Employee contracts, Customer contracts, PAYE, NI, Natwest Mentor, Office Agreements (all documented) etc. The SPA was a cover to hide the actual transfer to GROUP so people would attack Services and not Group where the assets had really been transferred too. On Companies House it looks like Services. Hence blank schedules in the SPA.See also 2016_09_02_FW: RAN-JET ACQUISITION.pdf
The IP transfer agreement may be an “Issue” but in reality Jason was the only director and shareholder of JETGS until George changed the directors and shareholders without Jason's approval. Further George Claims the IP was sold from RAN to JETGS so it can't be both.
Background regarding the Jason IP Assignment. George was paranoid that Ranvir, Dow Jones, Schnedier etc would come after Realtime Analysis and News Limited or him/Adam Voce so wanted to flip the business/assets into a new company. This was done via the IP assignment and the SPA. The IP assignment was that Jason Earl had written the entire code base that the business uses, most importantly the audio broadcast element (in Flash technology) and had not been paid for it/paid properly or received any monies for its licence (£15K pm). Therefore RAN never owned the code and that Jason would no longer provide the code to the business to use. Furthermore Jason was due “damages/previous licence fees of circa £1.3m. Therefore as part of a settlement Jason transferred the code to Services (on paper) and would also get assets from RAN - customer base, employees etc. This never happened as they were all put into Group.
Being frank most people were unaware of the intricacies as they trusted George and Adam, ie the difference between Services and Group.
1 Sep 2016Sep 2016 All employees transfer to the Jet Group Limited (via tupe). 22nd June 2017 Novation letter from Natwest Mentor confirming.2017_06_22_NATWEST_MENTOR
1 Sep 2016As of 1st September 2016 - Realtime Analysis and News Limited ceases to bill customers for the service - Alec correct?
14 Sep 201614th September 2016 Sonny Schneider is bought out of the business using Singhs settlement money for £1.2 million + fees. Chandrakant does not preempt.
Shareholders post all RAN settlements (Cynthia Busfield, Chandrakant Patel, Matthew Cheung, Anthony Cheung)
The papershareholding are xxxx
The actual shareholdings are yyy
16 Sep 2016On September 16th 2016 Aubrey Hayward and Adam Linton were convinced to become directors of RAN for the sake of optics and because Adam Voce and George Busfiled wanted to hide behind the scenes. Adam Linton is told that as he has no assets if Dow Jones or another attacks the company or him as a director George and Adam will look after him personally.Search 2016_09_20_GB_AH_SHARES_RAN
10 Jan 2017On (8th) Oct 2016 George and Adam convinced people that due to the ongoing potential of legal fights with Schneider and Singh that it would be wise for optics to have new shareholders. (Sounds mental now but we all bought into the story) Aubrey Hayward and Adam Voce are each given circa 25% of the company as an incentive plan. This means that Chandrakant and Matthew and Anthony Cheung are diluted. George and Adam said once the legals were over this would be corrected. (find emails/agreements and percentages of changes (rights or issues new shares) Companies House filing 8th Oct 2016. 84 shares to Aubrey and Adam, 3 for 1 excluding Matthew. George slips in a sly 3 year cancellation of Aubrey's shares later exercised when Aubrey “answered back".
Effectively by this action George and Adam now control the company (Hindhight!!!)
George and Adam tell staff that they will be getting shares in the company.
The above took place during a “madhouse” time at the company and George was seen as a “saviour” so people didn't suspect his ulterior motives and trusted him as it was a case of survival. It later transpires from this point onwards his real motives are found out.
6 Mar 2017Aubrey Hayward and Adam Voce given shares in RAN, partly as a performance incentive and partly to make it impossible for Sonia Singh to gain any percentage power.
3 Jul 2017331k Transfered from Realtime Analysis and New Limited to GCV LTD - No invoices , 24 transfers the same day that equate to 331kBANKING_VIOLATIONS_ETC
1 Sep 2017September 2017 Dow Jones reemerge with their claim for $5 million in damages using “Wiggins”.
April/May 2017Stuart Pettman speaks to Mehul & George about Livesquawk
Early June 2017Aubrey Hayward asked to write a letter to Mr Busfields doctor (drafted by GB) at the Priory with regards to concerns about his mental health. I later discover this is to do with his IBM pension.2017_06_02_PRIORY
1 Sep 2017David Bailey email to Stuart Pettman confirming George will support SP in his claim againt Harry DanielsJE Find
18th Oct 2017George Resigns as a director of RAN
26th Oct 2017Adam Voce resigns as a director of RAN
Both retain total control of the company using Aubrey and Adam as directors
12 Jan 2017Realtime News and Analysis was going to be put into Members Voluntarry Liquidation by Richard Rones - All stakeholders sign as George says its in the best intrests of protecting the business. George aborted last minuite2017_12_21_RAN_LIQUIDATION
8 Dec 2017Aubrey Hayward resigns as Director of RAN as it becomes apparent whats actually happening behind the scenes as AV and GB resign and Directors are replaced with 'stool pigeons'
3 Jan 2018£36,000 paid from Jet Group Services to Adam Voce - no invoiceAlso see 29 Nov 2018 HMRC letter KP asks about AV taking personal line of creditBANKING_VIOLATIONS_ETC
22 Jan 2018£71,000 to Ginkgo/GCV from Trade the News to GCV - No InvoiceBANKING_VIOLATIONS_ETC
1 Feb 2018£62,000 Jet Group Services to GINKGO/GCV - no invoiceBANKING_VIOLATIONS_ETC
16 Jun 2018Adam Linton asked to reisign as Director in Realtime Analysis and News Limited by George on Whatsapp - refuses and gets sent a threating email with Richard Rones Included2018_06_16_AL_GB_RAN_TERMINATION
25 Jun 2018Jason refuses to sign Pettman agreement as it gives George over Pettmans assets (blackmail)2018_06_24_SP_CONTRACT
25 Jun 2018Stuart Signs contract with Jet Group Services "large consultancy" to pay the legal fees owed to Kelly Tinkler. Gives ambigous option to George over Livesquawk shares. JETGS or a com[any of its choosing (s51)
26 Jun 2018George makes changes at companies house without Jasons Permission to appoint. Appoints Ivalyo Dimitrov and Phillip Williams as directors of Jet Group Services, backdates appointment to Feb 20182018_06_26_CH_JET_DISPUTE, 2018_06_26_ACTION_FRAUD, 2018_06_26_MP_DISPUTE and 2018_06_26_CH_AUTHCODES
26 Jun 2018Jason sends emails to David Bailey that the changes at companies house were made without his permission and that he should not take instruction from any third party2018_06_26_DB_AST_PJM_JET_DISPUTE
26 Jun 2018Jason sends emails to Albie Turner at VERSA that the changes at companies house were made without his permission and that he should not take instruction from any third party
Williams or Dimtrov sign contract with StuartDay after Bailey don't take instructions
26 Jun 2018Appointment of Ivalyo Dimitrov as Director of Realtime Analysis and News Limited backdated to October 2017Appointment of Mr Iviylo Dimitrov as a director on 19 October 2017
3 Jul 2018Email from Kelly Tinkler (Keystone Law) to Adam Linton - Did George have authority to say Realtime Analysis and News Limited would fund the Pettman litigation2018_07_03_KT_PRE_ACTION
3 Jul 2018Kelly Tinkler writes stating he is taking action againt Realtime Analysis and News Limited and George Busfield to recover £200k2018_07_03_KT_PRE_ACTION
3 Jul 2018George replies to Kelly Tinker to direct all legal correspondence to himself and not Adam Linton (highlighting control) and offers to meet him "man to man"2018_07_03_KT_PRE_ACTION
23 Jul 2018Appointment of Phillip Williams as director of Realtime News and Analysis Limited backdated to October 2017
11 Jul 2018Stuart Pettman is asked by George to wire £111k to Simon Peavlin, money to go to George via Simon. Another George Mule
11 Jul 2018Upon rearranging some desks and equipment in the WeWork office discovered a hidden
16 Aug 2018George sends an email stating all stakeholders had agreed to wind up RAN (2nd time).2018_08_16_SINGH_CRIMINAL_PROCEEDINGS ??
16 Aug 2018Mehul writes back on behalf of Chandrakant stating that he has not agreed to liquidation. There are shareholder matters outstanding. Richard Rones, David Bailey, Albie Turner (versa) copied inJE/MP to add
22 Aug 2018Dow Jones / Wiggins come back saying money is due. (emails)
25 Oct 2018Communication from Richard Rones to George Busfiled regarding putting RAN into liquidation. Rones confirms a phone conversationJE/MP to add
Communication from George Busfiled to RR on behalf of Phillip Williams that we wants to put Realtime News and Limited into administration (3rd time)JE/MP to add
25 Oct 2018Mehul steps away as shareholder rep and says all communication should go to Chandrakant Patel
25 Oct 2018George offers to transfer 23% of the shares to Chandrakant if he waives notice on RAN insolvency
26 Oct 2018Chandrakant emails “all” inc Richard Rones about notices, true shareholdings etc. (emails)JE/MP to add
29 Oct 2018High court award Ranvir £25000 to be paid by Realtime Analysis and News Limited.JE to add
29 Oct 2018Chandrakant emails “all” inc Richard Rones again about notices, true shareholdings etc , RAN not being insolvent (emails)2018_10_29_RAN_WIND_UP
Lots of waffle emails from George back.
21 Nov 2018Chandrakant emails “all” inc David Bailey about this shareholding and monies transferred to GCV LTDJE to add
23 Nov 2018Chandrakant emails Versa about shadow directors and KYC checks.JE to add
29 Nov 2018HMRC letter from Karen Pryse, Asking questions, Who is George Busfiled, Adam Voce, relationship between companies, Loan to Adam Voce, who is Dimitrov.2018_11_29_JETGS_HMRC_LETTER
30 Nov 2018Adam Voce email to Chandrakant Patel regadring true shareholdings
31 Nov 2018George sends email with “true shareholding” in excel and a solutions email. Includes Versa and Bailey, who continue to play dumb and do not whitle blow to HMRC and continue with Dimitrov and Williams as directors for George and AdamJE to find
7 Mar 2019£35000 from Trade the News Limited to GCV LTDBANKING_VIOLATIONS_ETC
8 May 2019Adam Voce visits London and formerly takes over George Busfields role(s) JE to add
3 Aug 2019Aubrey Haywards shares were acquired by the Company on notice (forcefully) by Cindy Busfield for £1 - at no stage did A Hayward fill out any transfer forms or sign anything
12 Jul 2019Ranvir copies Chandrakant onto an email to George, regarding Not helping George in his Investigations and confirming that IBM has stopped his disability pension2019_07_12_RS_GB_EMAIL
20 Nov 2019Richard Rones sends email to all stating that he has been appointed Administrator of The Jet Group Services Limited and is contacting potential buyers of the business