Name / Company Listing / Dramatis Personae
InitialRelevanceNameActiveConnectionNotesOther Aliases
RAN (Ltd)Very HighRealtime Analysis & News Limited2005-The main companyRANsquawk
RSHighRanvir Singh2005-2016 (Eviction)
2016-onwards (litigation)
CEO and founder of RAN LtdProven serial fraudster and bully. Has anger management issues due to drug abuse. RS was not fit for CEO and MC ran the company for the most part. RS's later involvement was more to bully / coerce staff into wrongdoings (see Kieran witness statement)Yannis, Patrick Thompson
MCMediumMatthew Cheung2005-2015Co founderWhile Matt was complicit with RS's fraud many years, MC was the whistleblower and has done all he can to make amends for the past. Matt was the many person driving company growth. MC initially was relatively quiet person but in later years RS's influence meant he often had to corner staff in ways that made him unpopular with key staff
GBVery HighGeorge Busfield2005-Director (non exec till 2016)GB knew RS from school. GB has been the leading character in regard to investing fraud within the company (RS, SNE mostly)
AVVery HighAdam Voce2015-Director after MC evictionMC nominated AV as a director as per his right to appoint a director in the original RAN Ltd shareholders agreement on GBs recomendation. AV was seen to be a neutral to GB and RS initially. AV was school friend of RS and GB. AV is "puppet" of GB and never goes against GB
MPVery HighMehul Patel2008-Friend of MC, and initially a friend to RSActs on behalf of CP in shareholder / board meetings. Goes by the name of “index arb” in email chainsindexarb
CBHighCynthia Busfield2007-Shareholder, mother to GBGB acts on behalf of CB. CB effectively holds shares for AV, JV, and rest of Busfield familyCindy
CPVery HighChandrakant Patel2008-Shareholder, father to MPMP normally acts on behalf of CP
JEVery HighJason Earl2008-Software engineer.
Director of JET (2016-)
JE knew RS via a mutual friend and former RAN employee Marc Loakes (JE knew Marc for 18 years before he ran away due to drug related issues). JE involved with investigations info RS from June 2016. Befriended GB, unaware of GB's past. JE was sole director of both JET companies until summer 2018
TTN (Ltd)MediumTalking-Forex2010-Illicit companyTFX was effectively the retail version of RAN Forex channel. RS named the company after a US competitor to cloak its existence from SNE and minority shareholdersTFX. Also related to TTN Holdings BVI
LS (Ltd)HighLiveSquawk2007-2015 (First Call Market Squawk Ltd)
2011- (LiveSquawk Ltd)
Competitor businessThis is the main company behind the a number of subsidiary LiveSquawk companies (often run as joint ventures, i.e. Market Tutors, HLDP, LiveSquawk Fixed Income, First Call Markets, LiveSquawk Fixed Income, LiveSquawk Holdings). Mostly owned by HD and SP until Mar 2018First Call, Market Tutors
SiPvHighSimon Pevlin2018-Friend of AV / GB / JVUsed to facilitate antiques deals with SP which is used as cover for SP legal costs
ADLowAnita Darbar2015-2018PA to RS and AHDiscovered cameras in the officeNeets
ALVery HighAdam Linton2013-Director from Summer 2016Employed by RAN in 2013Lints
LBLowLaura Bennett2016-Was a friend of GBLB now hates GB, particularly for his attitude towards opposite sex and was disgusted by the way GB treated NP
AHMediumAubrey Hayward2016-Director at RAN (2016)Replacement CEO / COO after SNE eviction in June 2016Aubs
ABMediumAlec Baughan2008-RAN contractorDeals with RAN sales
SPAP (Ltd)Very HighSPAP Consultants Ltd2018-SP (and was intended to be AP) consulting companyWas setup so SP could work as a contractor to JET following LS administration
GCV (Ltd)Very HighGCV Ltd2016-GB Service companyFronted by ID, Bank managed by AV but run purely for GB's benefit. Syphoned money goes here. Not VAT registeredGinkgo Capital Ventures
JETG (Ltd)Very HighThe JET Group2016-New operational front to RAN LtdJET was created to facilitate IP claims over RAN and allow RAN business without the liability of actions undertaken by RS
JETGS (Ltd)Very HighThe JET Group Services Ltd
JETVery HighUsed where both JET companies are involved2016-Companies that where RANsquawk operate from
BoNMediumBrian O'Neil QC20172 Hare CourtConsulted over Singh case II (Fraud by misrepresentation on settlement agreement)
DBHighDavid Bailey2016-Legal Counsel for RANLawyer GB uses. Way too expensive and disliked by all and only good for securing injunctions"Feewhore"
MNIVery LowMarket News International-News SupplierRepeatedly tried to sue RAN due RS and SNE actions
DOWVery LowDOW Jones -News SupplierSues RAN for hot news misappropriation in 2013
RTRSVery LowReuters-News Supplier
BBGVery LowBloomberg2006-2016News Supplier
MSLowMatthew Silvester2016Associate of SNE. Temp MD of RAN for 2 monthsFired for gross misconduct in June 2016. Lodged an absurd claim against the company after claiming he was entitled to the 15% bonus of a year's salary despite his dismissal. SNE mole / associate
PJM (Ltd)MediumPJ Marks2010-Accountants Took over from SNE's financial services. Later renamed to Versa
ATVery HighAlbie Turner2011-Accountants - PJ MarksAlbie runs PJM. Normally interacts with GB. Seen to be loyal to GB though more recently getting frustrated by GB
NCHighNeil Cameron2011-Accountants - PJ MarksRuns PJM with Albie
PDHighPierce Dimmick2017-Accountants - PJ MarksDoes day to day invoicing for JET
IDVery HighIvaylo Dimitrov2016-Downstairs tenant to GBGB Fall guy / fake directorIvo
QTHighQuantuma2018-Administrators for LSRun by AA
AAHighAndrew Andronikou2018-Administrators for LSFriends of RR
RRVery HighRichard Rones2018-RAN Insolvency PractitionerFriends of AA from school. Also friends with AT from PJM. GB has strong connections. Suspected RR might be used to wind up GCV
RWVery HighRichard Williams2017-Mutual friend of AV / GBDespite being a "friend" RW steals money from AV / GB (GB admits £6K) / fake director
HDLowHarry Daniels2011-MD of LS Ltd, 52% shareholder to LS LtdHarold, Kwame / Kwamena, Howard Barnes
SPVery HighStuart Pettman2011-48% shareholder to LS LtdSP has been influential in aiding RAN / JET uncover illicit actions of SNE (and HD) in 2017. SP was a 48% shareholder in Livesquawk and a stakeholder in other LS companies"Colin"
HPLowHeather Pettman2014-Director of LS, Wife of SPHeather has suffered from a stroke in May 2016 which in part was a side effect of HD and SNE bullying. HP was a director of LS, unlawfully evicted by HD. It was suspected SNE was involved to
YCLowYogesh Chandarana2014-?Ex LSL StaffSI / YC aware of inside trading / embargo breachesYog
SILowSam Indyk2014-?Ex LSL Staff / RAN StaffSI / YC aware of inside trading / embargo breaches
SNEMediumSonny Schneider2005-2016 (Eviction)
2016-onwards (litigation)
Founder / Capital backerSNE's companies provided office space (till 2016), finance services (until 2010) and legal services (until 2016). SNE deals / acts via an umbrella of corporate entities. Throughout the history of the company there have been numerous points where shareholders and directors have challenged SNE's powers in the company (RS / MC's attempt of TFX fraud was in part due to SNE not selling shares, GB and MP had raised concerns over SNE's control too as shareholders)

It has been learnt the SNE employees the use of moles / informants heavily to disrupt businesses SNE wishes to exploit. These moles put forward some business synergy that the victim company is reluctant to turn down
STA (Ltd), ATS (Ltd), SIA (Ltd)
SSMediumSonia Singh2010-2016Wife of RSRS transferred his shares to SS around 2010
KPVery HighKaren PryseNov 2018-HMRC VAT investigations teamKP sends ID a letter to JE's home address shortly after (and independently) JE reaches out to HMRC. JE / AH / AL communicate with KP
NCHighNadid CopperSpring 2019HMRC PAYE investigations team
JWMediumJonathan WatersJune 2019IP Claim solicitor for JEPart of Helix Law
AGHighAisha GraingerJune 2019Police CID handling GB case
Versa (Ltd)HighVersa Accountants LtdLate 2018PJM Marks get renamed / restructured
PTHighPatrick TedstoneOct 2019CB's solciitorStupid man who calls himself a senior solcitor who barely knows the law who runs ORJ
ORJHighORJ LLPOct 2019CB's solciitorLow grade legal firm in Stoke used because DB is too expensive
RCMediumRichard ColeNov 2019RR's solcitor