A | |
1 | JE Notes & Scratchpad |
2 | |
3 | Actionables: |
4 | Get LB GCV contract |
5 | Reconsilation of GCV costs (See banking tab) |
6 | Get CH to confirm GB email used for AP01 and CS01 forms on 25th June (Data Protection Act. Ergh) |
7 | |
8 | Considerations: |
9 | * GCV money "lent" back to the company is actually company money and needs reconsilation, otherwise it should be presumed to be returning stolen money. |
10 | * Remember JE has directors and officers insurance |
11 | * Where is the J30 form for ID's shares? |
12 | * Proof of funds for property (see Deed of Trust) |
13 | |
14 | Possible Damages from GB: |
15 | * IP Theft - JET transaction was assets and £600K in cash + plus trading assets. 76% stolen from ID |
16 | * Invoice theft to JETG - since 25 June changes |
17 | * MP share theft - 36.2% shares |
18 | * GCV & invoice theft. crica £400K RAN, £71K TTN (not approved by Desi?), £62-100K JET? |
19 | * Excessive / disputed expenses (DLA Piper £48K, DB costs, KRIS). Partly agreed but often argued over |
20 | * Outright theft - GCV standing order setup and money going out without approval, JET / GCV has no contract. PJM bill not paid correctly for April 2018 |
21 | * SP Contract theft - JE never approved it. Directors with criminal records were drafted in dodgily to sign it. This is 132+20+20 = £172K going to JV / SiPv |
22 | * Invoice theft to RAN - CB consuluting in 2011 and Tradersworld = £30K (Did Tradersworld get paid?) |
23 | * Lost staff - Alienation of staff has had an unquantifable / disputable effect |
24 | * RAN not wound up - RS costs / damages £25 + 26K. Inablity to investigate SNE damages |
25 | * GB agreed to pay for 1080 office - Needs money going back to JET (find call) |
26 | - Need to net off GCV cash put in to the company (£20K end of Jul 2018) |
27 | Harassment from GB to NP and LB |
28 | |
29 | Notes from Mehul: |
30 | * Statement from why AB was a director in JETGS and then resigned the day after. (Alec had the Reuters contract, litigation risk?) |
31 | * Transfer of assets to JE. JE had an IP claim. |
32 | * Paul can provide code was built pre administration |
33 | * 16 Aug 2016 - MC Settlement - GB leverages MC position to to take control of the RAN. Told MC in public he needs to be treated like RS, but in practice MC would invoice the company to offset the debt, later was agreed that nothing needed to be paid back. During liquidation MC debt was not mentioned. Wasn't mention in 2018 when CP objected. Never been put on the accounts. |
34 | * Everyone has whistle blown to HMRC (Chris needs copies) |
35 | * AH was told to invoice JETGS to create £50K cash pile. Money was given back to the company after tax implicatons fell on AH |
36 | * Selling ITC client to ITC |
37 | * Current tech - Using WebRTC not Flash |
38 | * AST has now been involved with two companies where the directors been involved in the large xfer sums of money but has failed to listen to concerns of shareholders. Failed to raise governmnce issues with ACCA / HMRC (RAN/Services) |
39 | * MP shareholder rep for CP. Prior to meeting AV clarifies there would be no restrictions on other activities he did. AV agreed to that. |
40 | |
41 | Bits added to Timeline from Mehul: |
42 | * CP Purchases shares in RAN Ltd he is the benefiacail owner. No money goes between them. Can be proven with bank statements (2005) |
43 | * RS caught stealing MP/CP does not find until 2009/2010 - CP notes RS made a mistake but takes no further action. Later to learn in 2018 learn about GB's blackmail for £70K towards RS, told his co investors he paid £100K. Email between RS and GB ... email: I don't care about what your family have paid. Also have found out GB was doing property develop in 2010 (Worlingham) whilst claiming to be incapacityated at IBM. (2008) |
44 | * AP was never asked to be a Group director. GB appointing directors without them being aware and without their permission. *Note* get Chris to ask other members of GB's family to put pressure on them - 2018_02_01_BOARD_RESOLUTIONS |
45 | * NP NDA - Blackmail / silienceing NP over what he's done. - 2018_06_09_NP_SETTLEMENT_NDA |
46 | * RW and ID are puppets. Go to Jail phone call. Two recordings - PHONECALLS/2018_07_03_AH_GB / PHONECALLS/2018_07_03_MP_AV |
47 | * Priory documents between GB AH - 2017_06_02_PRIORY |
48 | * GB email to everyone about IBM stopped my pension. Backs up story about why GB hides his identity - "Ranvir Singh COntact" 2019_10_14_RS_CONTACT |
49 | * KT - Person £100K demand from GB for legal fee incurred from LS legals. GB tells AL not to respond. - 2018_07_03_KT_PRE_ACTION |
50 | * Post JETGS SPA date all customer contracts are in in the name of Group (and always have been) - 2016_09_14_RAN_JET_SALE |
51 | * Monies to GCV = £331K from RAN, £180K JETGS, £800K GCV, Money via SP. Email from GB to JE - is only invoicing "basic fees" for my work. Shows GB working/pulling strngs. (See Banking sheet) |
52 | * When GB removed AL as director in RAN. Whatsapp GB messages sent to AL asking AL to resign and replace with RPW. AL refuses, so GB makes changes on CH anyway. GB sends email via RR/AST cc'ed threatening AL. Whatsapp what those chareholders were changes without AL's permission. 2018_06_26_GB_AL_RAN_TERMINATION |
53 | * AH given shares in RAN, why did they have this buy back option. Triggered stock xfer / buy back without AH being aware. Why was AH given shares which were CP shares. 2019_08_06_RAN_SH_SHARE_PURCHASE |
54 | |
55 | Need Evidence (Mehul): |
56 | * Simon Pev xfer from SP - £100K cash via bank account - Where does cash go after Simon is wired it? Links with Karen email about who is GB and why is it buying LS. |
57 | * SP WHat about LB's "Boob job" |
58 | * Emails from GB to SP about getting analysts and offices in SP company in Tobacco Wharf. GB emails. AL was asked to be a director because AL had no assets. |
59 | * GB emails about putting LS into an offshore company after it is being brought. Shows tax exvasion and thought process of hiding assets. (MP FIND) |