George Busfield - Crime Chronology
DateImpactEventProtagonist / CharactersWrongdoingRisks / ConcernsEvidence & NotesEvidence / ReferenceCompaniesSourceRelated MattersUncoveredMehul Related?
HighVarious banking protocol breaches and / or large transfersGBViolation of internal policyOn many occasions the payment will get raised from Adam Voce's metro account and then approved by GB minutes later. In Sept 2018 JE discovered when this happens AV is logging on from the same IP as GB, even when AV is outside the country (see 2018_09_01_JE_GB_FALLOUT where JE asks GB about the case of Schrodinger Voce)GB has requested 300-400K from RAN to go to GCV, 71K from TTN and further £110+K from JET Services to go to GCV. This is not VAT registered. On numerous times PJM have asked for invoices from GB and he has repeatedly failed. JE has likewise raised the issue on email.

CSV/Excel audits of bank activity added from latter part of 2018 as people become aware of GB violations. Audio file names annotated where concerns exist
Sept 2017
HighNumerous requests from CH for paperwork to be filedGB, AH, JEVarious violations of CA2006GB inability to act is putting directors at risk. GB is complicit here by the fact he has said on record that ID and RW "are willing to to jail for Adam (Voce) and I"Examples of numerous pieces of paperwork received from CH. AH, AL, and JE have followed this up internally with PJM and GB but it then falls on deaf ears when it gets to GB. JE is fuming that JET pays a VAT fines of £2K along with other late fees, which probably exceed his basic salaryCOMPANIES_HOUSE_OVERDUEJET, RANCompanies HouseLATE_TAX
HighDeed of trust documents between GB / CB / AV etcGB, CB, AVHiding assetsGB is trying to move assets out of his name due his dubious behaviour. This predates from when PT (aka RS) goes to RTRS in summer 2016 and tells NB to go after GB's property (See RAN Legal spreadsheet)GB / AV / CB setup various trusts for their properties.GB_PROPERTY_DEED_TRUSTGCVEvidence GB shared with JE back in 2016MISREPRESENTATION
Nov 2018 (Revisited JE)
MediumID (Ivaylo) has conflicting details on CHID, GBFraud by misrepresentationA number of us believe this was done deliberately by GB (it is unlikely ID did this by himself) for similar reasons GB set up a fake Linkedin connection

ID's signature on here has been "lifted" and used on other digital documents by GB.
Spelling and nationality of ID is different and conflicting between the companies. IVAYLO_CHJET, RAN, GCVCompanies HouseMISREPRESENTATION
June 2018
MediumVarious examples of where GB has burdened the company with high costs through strategies that have not been followed throughGBPoor managementMP has often objected to the way company money has been spent, and more recently JE, AH, AL have.

GB's decision to purchase LS has made JET unable to pay it's VAT bill. Albie from PJM made it very clear to GB that money returned from RAN legal costs will need to offset the JET VAT bill back in April. GB has used this money to pay for LS Legals out of company money. This has put JE at risk as a director and JE is livid as it is clear there is a "warchest" (GB's words) in GCV for fights that should hasn't been used, probably because GB is trying to keep the money for himself. If GB sorted shareholding in Feb it would not have been an issue (and MP would have contributed to LS buyout)
* GB burnt up £48K on legal costs because he could not make a decision on LS purchase in April 2018
* GB has spent a lot of money instructing David Bailey. Other than the injunctions the rest of the team feel he should have have used DB
* GB has used KRIS to spy on SNE and past employees who have violated their non compete. Whilst there was ground to do this, GB decided to unilaterally instruct KRIS without the consent of others. This totalled £86K
2018-2020Very HighCommunication with HMRC from JE and AL

See also:
* 2019_06_04_HMRC_PAYE
* 2018_11_29_JETGS_HMRC_LETTER
* 2018_12_04_JE_HMRC_REPLY
... etc from late 2018 to 2019 (just search HMRC on here)
HMRC, JE, AL, AHGB abusing directorsJE has provided independent draft accounts to HMRC because JE does not trust PJM

JE has provided admissions from GB stating directors are willing to "go to jail". JE has made it clear this was why JE resigned from

JE has highlighted the linked nature of the two JET companies and how this impacts not being able to do JETG accounts (given amounts have been cross charged)
These show emails JE and AL has sent to KP on numerous occasions.

JE has informed HMRC of assets GB/AV share (properties) and highlights GCV accounts not tallying up with money that has been siphoned from RAN Ltd on 3rd Jul 2017

JE has raised up PAYE concerns and VAT returns

JE has shown that AV has wrongful been dealing with PAYE matters for JETG (staff are employeed by JETG, while JETGS pays suppliers/HMRC, etc)
Very HighVarious time stamped phone calls with GBGB, Various (mostly JE)NumerousGB is often a hypocrite and will say one thing and do another. Good example is 25 June 2018 calls. GB openly states "fuck Mehul" over the share issue and JE pushes GB round 25 June 2018 over lack of transparency by GB, yet GB will claim to AH and MP he is wanting to be transparent, especially in regard to MP shareholding. GB tries to push MP to ignore shareholding issue because JE won't sign contract and that is more important due to KT suing RAN Ltd / GB (shows GB openly being selfish)Various phone calls. Need to skim over to generate synopsis for them - filenames have some summary notes as to their synopsis. Generally, there is a recurring theme of mutiny due to staff being unhappy with GB. Often GB will say slightly different things to play people off from each other. PHONECALLSRAN, JET, GCV, etcPhone callsSHARE_THEFT
2018? 2019?HighCall with MC and GB. Discussions about RAN liquidation and fear of RS winding up the company. GB is trying to get MC to rally MP/CP into puttng the business into administration.GB, MCCP/MP had previously been against the administraton as CP was now aware GB was now a fraudster and was concerned he would lose his shares .

GB gloats about RR being a friend. Shows that GB is pulling the strings in GCV (talk of his pay) and RAN Ltd.
See notes.txt in folder. GB uses RS/SS/DOW threat as cover to wind up RAN but it is believed GB also wishes to annex shares from CP.

Shows intent to further flip JET into a new company (talk of GCV covering JET is basically winding up JET and taking assets in GCV because of HMRC debts)
MediumGB / CB buys into RAN LtdGB, RS, MC, SNE / SHL-MC was blackmailed by GB to gift CB shares. See Documents for Cynthia E C Busfield to sign and Documents for George Busfield to sign in this folderVarious emails relating to CB / GB buying into RAN. Goes with and overlaps in part with 2008_RS_GB_BLACKMAIL_SHARESGB_CB_SHAREHOLDERRAN LtdEmail-2018
MediumBank statements of JETJE--Bank transaction logs (from Metro / JET for now. TODO RAN and Lloyds)BANK_STATEMENTSJET, RANMetrobank-2018
2018? 2019?HighCall between JE and AV. AV aware of contracts being in JETG but invoiced via JETGS.JE AV-Shows AV pulling strings on behalf of GB. AV very aware of the arrangement between group and services - This is a concern due to new banking changes in 2018. See 1min mark of the callAUD-20190327-WA0003.m4aGCV, JETGS, JETPhone recording-2019*
2016-2020HighVarious emails showing AV controlling business affairs including banking, accounts, and other high level adminAVFraud in RAN, JETGSAV acts a shadow director. AV is fully instructed by GB because he is a clueless idiot . AV is well aware of GB's intent and actions.

AV is connected explicitly to GCV, JETGS, RAN
Numerous emails mostly sent to AB / AH / JEADAM_VOCE_CONTROLGCV, JETGS, JETEmailsSHARE_THEFT
2016-2020HighVarious emails showing GB controlling business affairs including banking, accounts, and other high level adminGBFraud in RAN, JETGSGB is a shadow director. Shown by emails directing solicitors, and accountants

Not named due to concerns about exposing pension fraud and being known to HMRC.

Emails to Versa/PJM clearly illustrate communication between GB and Versa/PJM/AST with the full awareness clients belong to JETG/Group but are billed from JETGS/Services. Despite this AST/Versa continued to bill clients via JETGS following the transfer to NS/Newsquawk in Dec 2019. (e.g. 2016_09_01_2016_!!_Directors & Consultants Roles As Agreed Going Forward and 2016_09_02_FW: RAN-JET ACQUISITION)
Numerous emails mostly sent to AB / AH / JE, also directing AST, PJM, DBGEORGE_BUSFIELD_CONTROLGCV, JETGS, JETEmailsSHARE_THEFT
2019-2020HighVarious emails showing CB controlling business affairs including banking, accounts, and other high level adminCBFraud in RAN, JETGSCB is a retired nurse. CB is clueless with no experience of running a company or business other than her B&BNumerous emails mostly sent to AB / AH / JECINDY_BUSFIELD_CONTROLGCV, JETGS, JETEmailsSHARE_THEFT
2017-2020HighVarious emails to show GB workingGBWorking against pension contract"PRIORITY ACTIONS" email shows GB taking control of accounts. Also see accounts filed in 2019 under RWGB_WORKINGGCV, JETGS, JET, RANEmail
Nov 2005Very LowCompany formed by Ranvir Singh (RS) and Sonny Schneider (SNE) (through his company "STA") and Matthew Cheung (MC). Shareholding approx 45% RS, 30% SNE, 25% MC, with all 3 directors of RAN Ltd.SNE, RS, MC--CP purchases also shares in the company. No money goes between CP and MP. Can be proven with bank statements.

SNE talks abot GB working and self approving payments out of RAN in 2016
-RAN Ltd---2005 INC
Jan 2006Very LowRAN Ltd started tradingSNE, RS, MC----RAN Ltd---
Jun 2006Very LowRAN Ltd profitableSNE, RS, MC----RAN Ltd---
Feb 2007Very LowGB (George Busfield) buys shares in RAN and becomes directorGB, CB----RAN Ltd---
Dec 2007MediumGB raises issue of theft at BMGB, RS, MC, SNE(Theft by RS)-GB raises up invoice theft from RS via Kev Gray invoices2007_12_14_GB_THEFT_BMRAN LtdBoard minutesBLACKMAIL2018 (JE)
2008HighRS caught stealing £5KRS(Theft by RS)CP notes RS made a mistake but takes no further action. Later to learn in 2018 learn about GB's blackmail for £70K towards RS. Later to learn in 2018 learn about GB's blackmail for £70K towards RS, told his co investors he paid £100K. Email between RS and GB ... email: I don't care about what your family have paid. Also have found out GB was doing property develop in 2010 (Worlingham) whilst claiming to be incapacitated at IBM. RS caught stealing MP/CP does not find until 2009/2010 - See RAN Spreadsheet: 2008_APR_INVOICE_FRAUDRAN LtdBLACKMAIL2008 RS THEFT
2008Very HighNumerous emails between RS and GBGB, RSBlackmailGB stated to RS that GB family had invested circa £100K into RAN. GB had threatened to go to the police to RS (I believe informally). RS being scared had to agree to a deal GB put forward that effectively gave GB his family shares for pennies on the poundRAN Shares + Mehul email highlights RS concerns about GB lying to people like JV, effectively meaning JV paid full price for the shares and then GB pocketed the money RS gave back for the shares. JE - TODO: GB admits to this on call round June 2018?

GB PROPOSAL - Shows GB creating a "loan" from CB as a vehicle for GB's blackmail. Reading in I'm guessing no money was loaned to RS. "strictly speaking it has nothing to do with RAN Ltd but is a transaction between you and CB". GB's "Why would RAN Ltd want a director to leave acrimoniously into the marketplace?" shows threats from GB is the agreement is not made
5 May 2011Very HighInvoice for £10,000 from CB to RAN LtdGB, RS, CBBlackmailThis invoice was mostly to advice on structures that primarily advantage GB and a means to further extract money out of the companyCB is not a financial advisor. This was in relation to extorting money from RS2011_01_05_CB_CONSULTINGRAN LtdEmailsBLACKMAIL2018 (JE)
8 Jan 2016Very HighGB sends email to RS via CB regarding a "hypothetical situation" which is effectively no different to reality threatening to go to the authorities if RS doesn't pay GB £13K of unpaid dividendsGB, CB, RSBlackmailGB is willing to let his own mum hang herself for his blackmailLetter was actually written from GB from the writing style, but "sent" from CB as she's the named shareholder2016_01_08_GB_RS_BLACKMAILRAN LtdRS EmailsBLACKMAIL2017
7 Mar 2016LowRS removed from RAN Ltd by SNE and GBGB, RS, SNE-GB and SNE do not get on as SNE is aware of GB's past damage. Likewise GB distrusts SNE. JE mostly unaware of GB takes GB's sideGB, SNE and MS take over the executive functions of RAN Ltd-RAN Ltd---
20 May 2016Very HighAV GB and ID sign GCV contract. It should be noted that JET does not have a contract with GCV and therefore numerous there are numerous occasions where GB and AV have self approved invoices that are effectively theftGB, ID, AV-Contract invalidated.
* JE and AH never paid from GCV. Contract only runs fo 18 months.
* GB claiming for IT equipment which contract states must be provided by RAN Ltd
* 3.2 GCV responsible for tax affairs
* 4.1.1 & 5.2 GCV warrants it staff are have the skill to undertake work (GB hasn't)
* 7.1 Invoicing - not happened at end of month
* 8.2 GCV is resonsible for PAYE etc of consultants

Contract paves the way to RAN being beholden to GCV Ltd. Much like RAN was beholden to SNE for back office functions2016_05_20_GCV_RAN_CONTRACTRAN Ltd, GCV LtdGB Evidence given on USB in 2016
Late 2017 (JE)*
10 Jun 2016Very HighGB holds RAN Ltd board meeting with SNE and MSGB, SNE, MSGB and AV collude after SNE's resignation to push MS out as a director. GB came in as a "white knight" after RS removal and befriended staff in such a way to make MS look bad.

It should be noted SNE/MS don't help the situation (SNE tries to terminate board meeting preemptively and MS tries to prevent agenda proceeding).

The concerns over MS's role and MC's settlement end up being part of a proxy war between GB and SNE trying to get over >50% shareholding in RAN Ltd. MP, unaware of GB history speaks to both after the meeting trying to mediate
GB preempts SNE forcing him out of the office so GB gets staff to move the company to Wework offices that weekend. GB effectively exploits the inherited trust from staff (because RS was painted to be a bad person and SNE was generally not seen in a favourable light by senior staff)2016_06_10_SNE_EVICTIONRAN LtdBoard meetingANTAGONISATIO
19 Jun 2016MediumGCV Ltd registered as Ltd #10189809. Not VAT registeredGB, IDGCV is not VAT registered, yet well over £85K/pa pases through the companyGB is using ID as nominee director to protect GB from any wrongdoings. VAT Fraud. JE is certain that there will be a "deed of trust" document handing power of attorney to GBCorrespondence address seems to not be ID's address but rather another address, we think is ID's mum 2016_06_19_GB_ID_GCV_LTD_IN01GCV LtdCompanies HouseVAT_FRAUD
18 Jul 2016MediumJET Group Services (aka J Earl Trading Ltd) incorporatedJE, GB-JE and GB have concerns over the amount of damage previous directors (namely Ranvir Singh and Sonny Schneider) have done to the business RAN Ltd through fraud and litigation (i.e. MNI, DOW, Reuters). JE tells GB that Ranvir never gave hima contract and therefore legally all of the IP used by the company JE provides is owned by him. Through informal discussion GB and JE decide that setting up JET and migrating company assets into JET is effectively a way to firewall liabilities caused by old management (Ranvir / Sonny) from new management (JE / GB) in a similar way to that of the banks in the financial crisis (i.e. bad band / good bank).2016_07_18_CH_IN01_JETJETCompanies House
24 Aug 2016MediumThe JET Group Ltd incorporated on Companies HouseJE, GB-GB decided that JET Services would act as a factoring invoice company for JET Group because in his mind it added extra protection against hostile 3rd partiesSee above.2016_08_23_CH_IN01_JETJETCompanies HouseIP_THEFT-
Sep 2016High2016_09_01_DIRECTORS_ROLESJET, RANEmail2016_09_01_DIRECTORS_ROLES-*
Sep 2016Very HighJE assigns IP from himself to J Earl Trading Ltd (JET Group Services)JE, GB-GB in emails has valued my IP at £15,000/month2016_08_IP_ASSIGNMENTJET, RANContracts / EmailsIP_THEFT-
Sep 2016Very HighRAN to JET Sale happensJE, GB-The SPA (Sales Purchase Agreement) in the end was a decoy setup by GB and was looking back it was lacked many previsions (e.g. clear asset list in the appendix etc)Post JETGS SPA date all customer contracts are in in the name of Group (and always have been). 2016_09_14_RAN_JET_SALEContracts / Emails--
late 2016HighGB requests a number of large payments to be raised from RAN Ltd to GCV. The amount comes to circa £300-400K. Asks AH to approve thisGB, RSSyphoning moneyBreach of shareholder agreement (RAN Ltd)GB tells AH / JE that this is money for a rainy day in case Sonny / Ranvir attack the company. See 2017_05_08_GB_INVOICING_JETGSee Non protocol payments under BANKING_VIOLATIONS_ETCRAN Ltd, GCV LtdAH & bank statements
Sometime 2017Very HighJE signs deed of trust giving control GB and AVGB, JEGB can effectively use this as leverageUnfortunately JE can't locate this. It was signed at a time when GB had not fallen out with JE.

Deed of trust invalid as model articles 23 state trust are invalid: See
JE signs the document because at the time GB and AV were RAN directors and shareholders and understood he was effectively acting on behalf of RAN stakeholders. At this time MP and GB were on good grounds. However GB lures GB into signing this not drawing to the attention over 75% of the shareholding go back to GB / ID when really it should have been 52%-JETContracts
10 Apr 2017Very HighJay Woods signs a new contract with JETG. JE's signature is fakeJE, JW, GBForged signature. Fraud by misrepresentationGB is willing to forge signatures. It is concerning when HMRC accounts are due and GB has altered the accounts PJM have donecapital E is looped, something JE does not do. Contract contains a number of non standard additions that JE had no awareness of2017_04_10_JAY_WOOD_FORGEDJETContracts
Mid 2019
5 May 2017MediumMetro Bank accounts for TTN, RAN, JET are opened via AST and GB though Chris DyerDSIncorrect documentsDesi's passport had expired the year before on 2nd Sept 2016. (CD has clarified this is not an issue for bank purposes)Email chain shows GB controlling everything. GB's writing on the personal tax return shows GB controlling Desi's finances

CD: "Will replicate the Jet Group mandate for the Jet Group Services". Shows GB aware of Grup and Services and aware / controlling the layut of both entities
2017_07_05_DESI_TTN_MBJET, GCV, TTNEmail
July 2019*
5 May 2017Very HighGB sends email outlining a desire to split the business across JET and JETGS, where contracts are held in JETG and invoiving goes out of JETGS.GB, AST, JEFraudEmail also shows GB's desire to utilise offshore entities to hide money from others including HMRC. This ties in with GB's connection to Brett Greggory-Peake. GB had bragged this is how he got paid to hide income from HMRC and IBM

This highlight GB is well aware contract assets belong to JETG not JETGS
Email shows desire from GB to split contracts and invoices into two businesses. The reason on the email is different from the verbal given to JE, which was to hedge against litigation risks from DOW, RS, etc2017_05_08_GB_INVOICING_JETGJETEmail
18 May 2017Very HighGB opens GCV bank account.GB, ID, (AH), NP, AVFraud by misrepresentationAH is a signatory. Possible risk that AH could be implicated/blamed if fraud was discoveredWhile ID is supposed to be a director, the form has GB's handwriting2017_05_18_GCV_METRO_OPENINGGCV LtdPaperwork
2 Jun 2017Very HighAH gets letter from Priory Healthcare in relation to GB's health. It is pretty evident this letter has been written by GB from the style. (i.e. talks a lot about GB's role / title and "delay in reverting to you formally"GBFraud by misrepresentationDr Hopley is either "bent" like GB or unaware of the fraudulent letter. It's believed that it would be used if the proverbial hit the fan for GB that he would be able to claim insanityWhilst this letter might be a fraud, the fact GB has this medical history illustrates the GB is not in a fit position act as a director2017_06_02_PRIORYRAN LtdHardcopy
Late 2017*
22 Jun 2017HighNatwest Mentor contracts migrated from RAN to JETGB, AD--Employment contracts moved to JETG via Natwest Mentor. Further shows contracts always existed in Group not Services2017_06_22_NATWEST_MENTORRan Ltd, JETGEmail
14 Aug 2017Very LowAlex Piper joins the companyGB, AV, APMistreatment of staffAP was a good friend of AV. Despite the connections to AV and GB, AP was left unpaid on several occasions. JE had to intervene when AP was on holidayShows GB pulling the strings in the company again.2017_08_14_AP_OFFERGCV LtdEmail--
7 Sep 2017Very HighDB emails SP & HP, with KT CC'ed in to say GB will cover legal billsGB, DB, SP, KTContractual Leverage / Mistreatment of staffShows GB is pulling the strings with attempted LS purchase and funding SP legals. This is a concern because GB's refusal to pay KT in spring 2018 cause SP and HP untold stress and almost makes them bankrupt. GB only further leverages SP & HP into granting GB rights over LS holding shares GB also facilitates SP's legals by getting SP to sell personal assets to GB's friends. GB then uses the SP contract from June 2018 to "unwind this" allowing GB to siphon more funds from JETGS via SP's payments2017_09_07_SP_GB_LEGALSLS Ltd, RAN Ltd, JET, GCV LtdEmail
7 Sep 2017HighNC and AST from PJM email regarding tax matters.PJM, JE, GBLate filing of accounts / Tax FraudPJM highlight GB's actions are putting the company at risk of a VAT inspectionPJM speak to GB in the first instance, showing GB is pulling the strings2017_09_07_VATJETEmailLATE_TAX
14 Sep 2017Very HighSP gets injunction over HD / LSGB, SP, HP, HD, Livesquawk, DB, KT--See LS Legals sheet of SP's should more info about this be needed

Evidence with calls where GB is fronting the LS injunction decision making
2017_09_14_LS_INJUNCTIONLSHigh Court--
20 Dec 2017Very HighGB makes false claim that James Talbot was a non exec at RAN. GB said he made the claim because he knew JT from school. However he hadn't kept in touch and didn't speak to JT priorGB, BoE, ECB, AH, YCFraud by misrepresentationThis false claim is very damaging not just to RAN but also to JT as central bank staff have to be seen to be neutral and not have vested interests "The ECB’s comms team contacted us recently to ask about Ransquawk and said that you had told them that the Bank’s James Talbot was one of Ransquawk’s non-executive directors. I've checked with James who said that was news to him."2017_12_20_BOE_MISREPRESENTATIONRAN, JETEmailMISREPRESENTATION-
21 Dec 2017Very HighGB proposes RAN liquidationGBThis email shows GB's existing relationship with RR.

GB has used the cover of RS/SS litigation as a masquerade to wind up RAN Ltd. However it became more clear towards the middle of 2018 that the ulterior movtive was to remove CP as a shareholder. It is clear GB resigned as a director before this such that AH and AL's names would be on the tin when the company was wound up

The email clearly shows GB pulling the strings and not giving AL the ablity to act independtly as a director. Despite resigning as a director in Sept 2017
31 Jan 2018HighMP calls JE. MP recently recalls GB blackmailing RS and tells JEMP JE-JE was unaware of RS / GB stuff from the past. JE somewhat confused over matter and bit off tangent with SalesforceGB got extra shares and money. RS had to remortgage.2018_01_31_MP_JE_CALLRAN, JETPhone call
31 Jan 2018Very HighMP falls out with GB requesting that MP's dad (CP) needs to get shares in his name for his pension. GB, MP, JEShare theftGB is unwilling to work MP and appears his intention is not to give CP his shares.

GB argues it will compromise the company and his family's shareholding. GB reasoning is that RAN needs to be wound up and wait over a year before shares are moved over once RAN is "dead" and RS / SNE have gone
GB uses aggressive and foul language towards MP on the phone prior to this. Acts in a complicit nature.

In this instance it looks like MP is the aggressor - This changes over coming months as GB alienates others (i.e. NP, AP, SP)
2018_01_31_MP_WHATSAPPRAN, JETWhatsapp & Phone callsGCV_SYPHON
31 Jan 2018Very HighMP calls JE post MP GB fall out about share transferJE, MPShare theftThis is a pivotal point where people start to question GB given other fallout happening as outlined by MPAt this point JE is still very loyal to GB, thus doesn't totally buy into MP's argument, but this sows doubts about GB to in JE's mine. MP puts forward case to question GB due to the blackmail from 2007 / 2008PHONECALLS/2017_01_31_JE_MPJET, RANPhone recordsGCV_SYPHON
1 Feb 2018MediumPD from PJM highlights concerns over GCV not providing invoicesGB, PJMSiphoning to GCV / VAT FraudThis payment was raised by GB and approved by AV. It lacks invoice still to date (Jul 2019)This payment was just before AH / JE started to realise fully what GB was up to and would have prevented it had we known better2018_02_01_GCV_NO_INVOICEJETGS Ltd, GCV LtdEmailCORRUPTION
1 Feb 2018Very HighDodgy board resolutions passedGB, JEContractual LeverageThis is used to further / facilitate MP share theft

AP was never asked to be a director. It is believed others also did not give their permission
GB exploits good will and strong relationship with JE to sign these. JE signs them mostly because old RAN directors are GB and AV and thus only sees it as returning power of attorney to them where needed2018_02_01_BOARD_RESOLUTIONSJET, GCV LtdSent via Whatsapp, signed on HellosignCORRUPTION
-Get Chris to ask other members of GB's family to put pressure on them
25 Feb 2018LowGB admits that GCV should repay 1080 costsJE, GBSiphoning to GCVGB is running up costs for JETGS despite the need to keep costs downShows GB is pulling strings for GCV as well as JETGS2018_02_25_GCV_1080_COSTSJETGS Ltd, GCV LtdEmailGCV_SYPHON
12 Mar 2018LowJE chases PJM asking if they are on top of company accounts being filed. GB is CC'd in so more than awareGB, PJM, JELate filing of accounts-JE proactively chasing accounts because he suspects it would be held up by GB2018_03_12_CH_REMINDERJET, PJMEmail / Companies HouseLATE_TAX
26 Mar 2018Very HighQT/ AA is appointed as the administrator of LS. JET places bid in for LS under the instruction of GBQT, AA, SP, HP, GBLeverage using syphoned moneyGB spends close to £50K on legal fees. A lot of this is a waste of money. MP is angered because GB asks MP to chip in £100K into the purchase of LS but GB has not addressed MP's share concerns. MP further realises that the money GB / AV are supposedly claiming to commit is really offset by the money syphoned into GCV and therefore doesn't see why MP/CP should have to cough up cash when GB / AV hasn't. This is comparable to the marginalisation RS created via the rights issue in late 2015 / early 2016See LS Legals sheet of SP's should more info about this be needed

See EXCESSIVE_COSTS for DLA Piper invoice
-LSHigh Court / Companies House / Stuart PettmanCORRUPTION
17 Apr 2018MediumJET accounts dueGB, JE, PJMLate filing of accountsGB too busy with LS administration issues to do thisJE chases PJM about this a few days later when 1st Formations notification comes in that accounts are not filed. PJM admit accounts are done but need GB sign off. NC state's there is a huge tax liability. JE is told that some stuff can be moved back a tax year but ultimately a payment should be agreed with HMRC2018_03_26_LS_ADMINISTRATIONJET, PJMEmail / Companies HouseLATE_TAX
22 Apr 2018HighNP gets sacked by GB for removing GB's desk. This was done to send a warning shot to LB who assisted in this. GB had not been in the office for over 6 monthsNP, GBBullying / Contractual LeverageThis sets off a wave of resignations in the company, namely ER, LB, AP, SIShows that GB is a controller of GCV, and JETGS. It is vile that GB has CC'ed a number of unrelated parties in this email.

Note this contains details NP's pay. This should be offset against meeting with AV where £110K invoices was for AP and NP. AP's contract will details will shot that neither of these figures came to £110K
A few months later. AH and NP speak
22 Apr 2018MediumJE chases PJM over late accounts following up email sent by 1st formationsGB, PJM, JELate filing of accountsJE concerned that GB or PJM has not filed the accounts on time. Given PJM said were on top of things the week before JE suspects that GB is the hold up due to GCV invoices.

Shows GB is the one controlling accounts
Email shows JE chasing accounts in accordance with his fiduciary duties. PJM email shows that the matter is a matter handled by Albie and GB2018_04_22_JE_CHASE_PJMJET, PJMEmailLATE_TAX
30 Apr 2018HighArrangements are made for SP to be a JET consultant. GB starts drafting IB and contractGB, SPBullying / Contractual LeverageGB in his greed keeps trying to leverage SP due to the costs incurred via GCV Ltd. e.g. use of LS share options so that GB can go after LS / Microlatency and reclaim laundered money that belongs to SP / HP in LSFollowing the failed purchase of LS, arrangements are made to hire SP to develop a "fast feed" for central banks. It is over 1 year since SP's unlawful eviction from LS so arrangements are made with SP. GB and SP keep disagreeing over contract terms2018_04_30_SP_CONSULTANT_IBJET, SPAP, LSEmail (and phone)LEVERAGE
19 May 2018Very LowGB "asks" JE for authority to procure some IT related servicesJE, GB-This was just before things massively broke down with GB and JEThis is mostly BS as GB generally twarts JE and others in the company if others disagree2018_05_19_GB_AUTH_ACTJETEmail--
21 May 2018MediumJE attempts several time to query what is happening in respect to overdue accountsGB, AH, JE, ATLate filing of accountsGB is unwilling to provide transparency or invoices for GCV and thus looking increasingly dodgyJE also puts pressure as he's concerned that JET has not had invoices from GCV which is looking somewhat suspect2018_05_21_JE_CHASING_ACCOUNTSJETEmailLATE_TAX
9 Jun 2018MediumGB tries to get NP to sign a NDA / "Hush agreement"GB, NPBullying / Contractual LeverageNP refused to sign this from what it is believedAgain this shows GB is a controlling mind. GB is worried NP will leak this to 3rd parties2018_06_09_NP_SETTLEMENT_NDAGCV LtdEmailCONTRACT_ABUSE
A few weeks later I believe
16 Jun 2018Very HighGB hassles AL to resign from RANGB, ALBullying / Contractual LeverageShows GB and RR hae an existing relationship (via AST)Shows GB pulling strings as shadow director2018_06_16_AL_GB_RAN_TERMINATIONRANWhatsappLEVERAGE
19 Jun 2018HighPayments get raised from RAN to SP (SPAP)GB, SPLeverage. FraudThese payments are really cover to pay SP legal billsThis was done to enable SP to pay KT who was in arrears, due to the botched LS take over 2018_06_19_SP_PAYMENTSJET, RAN , SPAPEmailCONTRACT_ABUSE
21 Jun 2018Very LowMC continues to get post for TTN despite not being involvedMC, GB-MC is worried this is done on purpose, and is concerned given acrimonious departure from the business and RSAgain, addressed to GB in first instance, showing GB as controlling mind2018_06_21_MC_GB_POSTTTN LtdEmailANTAGONISATION-
21 Jun 2018LowSam Indyk puts in noticeSI-Key staff leaving following NP terminationSI concerned about GB making untenable promises (regarding pay)2018_06_21_SAM_INDYK_LEAVINGJETEmailsANTAGONISATION-
24 Jun 2018Very HighSP contract - Used as vehicle to syphon money back to GCV via Simon PevlinGB, SP, HP, SiPLeverage. Fraud* Between revision 2.0 and 2.2 it was revised such that ~£100K would be paid out of JET Group Services. Nothing was explained to anyone way this was and phone calls with GB show him purposefully being opaque about the matter. It was later shown with calls with AV and JE 5 days later it was to unwind the transactions made with JV. However this also allows GB to embezzle more money

* JE was unwilling to sign SP contract given MP issues about GB using it to leverage company / facilitate fraud
Money was paid in cash to SP?
It take from 30th April to 25th June for GB to write a contract that both parties can agree on. Even then SP feels leveraged. To protect SP, JE agrees that SP should sign it and JE refuses to sign the contract. JE has concerns the contract has moved from RAN to JET but also because GB is further using it to syphon cash into GCV to a point that JET struggles. GB says he can lend the money back to JET thus trying to position himself / GCV as a creditor to JET. This is done with the intention to marginalise MP in his share dispute

See also:
* 2018_06_26_ACTION_FRAUD
* 2018_04_30_SP_CONSULTANT_IB
* 2018_06_25_GB_JE_JET_CH_FRAUD_CS01
* PHONECALLS/2018_07_03_MP_AV
* PHONECALLS/2018_07_04_MP_AV_GB
* PHONECALLS/2018_07_03_MP_AV
* PHONECALLS/2018_06_29_JE_AV

Revisions of the contract are snapshotted to get an idea of changes being made. The contract is overly complex and unnecessary
25 Jun 2018MediumJE takes out bonus and gets GB to agree over the phone. This is used to prevent SP from going into bankruptcyJE, GBAntagonisation of key staffShows GB is controlling JE's pay and thus another example of GB controlling the company as opposed to directors who are on Companies House or accepted by RAN shareholdersGB agreed this on the phone prior (albeit that phone drowned on holiday - Have got copy 2018 06 25 - 15 22 call 29min). AH / AL can confirm this as they got the same bonus earlier in the year2018_06_25_JE_BONUSJETGS LtdEmail (and phone)
26 Jun 2018Very HighGB changes shareholding on Companies House for JET Group ServicesGB, JE, ID, RWFraud by misrepresentation. TheftGB has purposefully reallocated just over 75% of shares to Ivaylo who acts for him (admitted in phone call). Previously GB has admitted he is a 52% shareholder (again on phone calls). This is the key fraud and is done with the intent that GB can thus use proxy directors to wind up the company or flip it such that MP is powerless.

It should be noted that since this, ID and RW have had no interaction with the operations of the company in their capacity as directors. Whilst these are physical persons (i.e. JE distantly knows ID), to the rest of the company they are merely names. At no point do they act independently / autonomously from GB
GB has appointed RW and ID because GB knows that they can always outvote JE. GB intended to pass resolution to remove JE. Confirmed orally by ID in conversation with JE the following week. Directors were appointed in accordance with 2018_02_01_BOARD_RESOLUTIONS

ActionFraud Ref: NFRC180602403090
2018_06_26_GB_JE_JET_CH_FRAUD_CS01JETGS LtdCompanies House
26 Jun 2018Very HighJE GB call post CH change falloutJE, GBFraud by misrepresentation / Theft / Alienation of staff / mismanagementShows GB in conrol of everything, such as SP contract, changes made on Companies House a few days later, etc.See notes.txt in the linked evidence for full synopsisPHONECALLS/2018_06_25_JE_GB_FALLOUTJET, RANPhone records
26 Jun 2018Very HighGB terminates AL directorship on CHGB, ALFraud by misrepresentation / Theft / Alienation of staff / mismanagement Whatsapp GB messages sent to AL asking AL to resign and replace with RPW. AL refuses, so GB makes changes on CH anyway. GB sends email via RR/AST cc'ed threatening AL. Whatsapp what those chareholders were changes without AL's permission.2018_06_26_GB_AL_RAN_TERMINATIONRANCompanies House, Whatsapp-
26 Jun 2018Very HighJE reports GB to Action Fraud for shareholder changes and director changesJE, GB-MP requested shareholdings and directors be restored within 48 hours. GB failed to comply. Has been reported to Action Fraud as a resultDC Garratt has passed case on. MP / JE have not chased this up in the hope GB will do "the right thing"2018_06_26_ACTION_FRAUDJETCompanies House / Email
26 Jun 2018HighJE requests auth codes from CHJEGB originally changed auth codes without JE approval (they used to be 090909 in 2017)GB changing these without formal approval further cements GB acting as a shadow director who acts unilaterally in his own interestGB prior to this changed the company correspondence address to stop CH mail being picked up by other senior management. Given that senior management have not been informed of past auth code changes it appears GB has actively told PJM only to forward certain items to GB exclusively2018_06_26_CH_AUTHCODESJETCompanies House
26 Jun 2018Very HighEmail chain out to CH to highlight dispute and changes to Company Authentication codesJE, GBChanged auth codes without JE approvalAuth code for JETG need to be reset to prevent GB making further unlawful changesJE puts JETG into dispute and tries to reset it's auth codes.2018_06_26_CH_JET_DISPUTEJETEmail
26 Jun 2018Very HighEmail sent to DB and AST/PJM informing accountants and company solicitor not to take instruction from a 3rd partyJE, AST, PJM, DBIgnoring instructionDB continues to take instruction from GB and co2018_06_26_DB_AST_PJM_JET_DISPUTEJETGSEmail
26 Jun 2018LowLaura Bennett hands in her notice.LBAlienation of staffGB and LB have a history. LB hates GB's misogynistic attitude. GB continues to harass LB over a year later via Whatsapp and text2018_06_26_LAURA_BENNETT_LEAVINGJETEmailANTAGONISATION-
26 Jun 2018Very HighMP and CP email RAN shareholders alerting possible wind up action invoked form GBMP, GBShare theftGB's changes break the agreement with RAN shareholders. M and CP want this restored or GB will be reported to the authoritiesMP questions the new director to RAN Ltd2018_06_26_MP_DISPUTERAN, JETEmail
27 Jun 2018MediumJE reaches out to NP to discuss matters at the companyNP, JEAlienation of staffThis happened following AH receiving the settlement offer from GB
See: 2018_06_09_NP_SETTLEMENT_NDA
JE tries to understand GB through NP's perspective2018_06_27_NP_WHATSAPPJETGS Ltd, GCV LtdWhatsappANTAGONISATION-
29 Jun 2018Very HighGCV is instructing DB on matters relating to RAN LtdDB, MP, AV, GBDB acting without full instruction?DB is taking instruction from people are not directors / officers of RAN Ltd (i.e. GB and AV). This puts Healys in a awkward situation (especially in light of shareholder disputes and JE's IP claim)AV forwards an email where DB has only been emailing GB and AV instead of stakeholders of RAN Ltd2018_06_29_DB_ONLY_SENDING_TO_GCVRAN Ltd, JETGS Ltd, GCV LtdEmails
29 Jun 2018Very HighJE and AV speak over recent matters. JE voices a number of concerns over GB conduct, fraud and conflicted positionJE, GB, AV, MPHighlighting numerous wrongdoings of GB previously relating to SP contract and conductCall outlines mismanagement over RS court claim costs. A further loss to the business thanks to AV / GB / DB mismanagement and GB not winding up RAN Ltd in a structured manner

JE questions why the SP contract takes 3 months but JE is only given an hour to sign (under duress?) and the fact that many last minute changes are introduced such as moving the contract from RAN to JETGS, and large sums of extra money going out (over £100K). JE aware this is to further enrich GB.

AV admits GB changing share structure. Lies that it reflects deed of trust (and MP's shareholding in RAN is 26-36%, not 24%)
AV admits this is used to unwind the purchase of SP's valuables (20 min). Note money has not been paid back into JET. JE calls out it's taken GB 3 months to write a contract (the only thing GB has done for 3 months) and last min changes.

JE highlights concerns that GB's 52% shareholding is damaging (given JE / MC / AL enabled GB/CB to be a >50% shareholder)

AV admits MP share percentage of 36% round 17 min

JE highlights impossible / conflicted position where JE is responsible to represent all RAN shareholders / directors and needs to remain impartial and does not want to be associated with possible GB wrongdoings

AV admits MP not wanting to £100K for LS bid due to the lack share

AV admits account include GCV transactions (27-28 min)
PHONECALLS/2018_06_29_JE_AVJETGS Ltd, GCV LtdPhone records
29 Jun 2018Very HighShareholding in NEWCO email thread sent from GB to illustrate examples of what shareholdings should be post RAN LtdGB, MP, JE, AV, DB, JV, AT-See PHONECALLS/2018_06_25_JE_GB_FALLOUT which links NEWCO to JETShows after RAN what shareholding should be in "NEWCO". It's pretty clear from the recipients that NEWCO is effectively JET2018_06_29_MP_SHAREHOLDINGJET, RANEmail
1 Jul 2018MediumJE and GB Whatsapp GB, JEPoor managementJE raises numerous concerns, similar to those raised in phone calls. The fact GB is asking about these shows he's not listened to the concerns mentioned on the phone the week beforeWhatsapp shows GB trying to pull strings over SP contract.
GB talks indirectly about RS blackmail at 20:37
Mentions about GB room rent
GB requesting contract to be signed again
1 Jul 2018LowGB makes a new offer to try and make AP return to JETGB, APPoor management / Alienation of staffThis is all due to GB's mishandling and bullying of AP beforeAP is getting paid through the roof compared to before.2018_07_01_AP_OFFERJET, GCVEmailANTAGONISATION-
1 Jul 2018LowEvgeni Radev hands in his noticeERAlienation of staffER is close to LB and has been upset by the bullying LB received. JE is frustrated a valuable member of the team is lostER was influenced by LB's GCV contract. ER compares to GB to bad experiences ER had with a recent relationship and ER's dad. ER gets paid more in new job (JE struggled to get GB to pay more)2018_07_01_EVGENI_RADEV_LEAVINGJETEmailANTAGONISATION-
2 Jul 2018MediumJE signed resolutions to negate what was signed back in Jan/FebJE-This was done to ring fence damage already done by similar resolutions passed in JETGS LtdSee: 2018_02_01_BOARD_RESOLUTIONS2018_07_02_JET_GROUP_RESOLUTIONSJETGHellosignGCV_SYPHON
2 Jul 2018MediumAsking Alec Baughan to back sign witness signaturesGB, AB, DSFake witness paperworkAlec has never seen or meet Desi. Furthermore the resolutions were passed about 14 months prior-2018_07_02_AB_WITNESSTTN LtdEmailsCORRUPTION-
3 Jul 2018Very HighKT prepares to file court paperwork to GB & RAN Ltd regarding SP legal costsKT, SP, GB, AL, JEBullying / non paymentShows how GB only will be accountable for his actions when the bill lands on his doorKT has not been paid and SP was going to be made bankrupt. SP / JE supported KT in recovering monies from GB. KT sends letters to JE, AL, AH as directors. GB tells AL to not respond2018_07_03_KT_PRE_ACTIONRAN LtdEmailsANTAGONISATION
Need GB to AL reply
3 Jul 2018Very HighGB + AH have a call following the fall outGB, AHShare theft / Bullying* 11 min - GB being overly harsh to RS is implicit admission of blackmail over £10K
* 21min admits power to remove JE as a director highlights shadow director
* 24 min accuses JE of "spinning shit" (lies). Hypocritical. AH like JE highlights need democracy
* 34 min ID / RW willing to gown down for us. ID / RW are AV / GB. GB is the ultimate director
* 35 min talks about JET transfer. 36 min talks about SP contract and JV unwinding
* 39 min change of directors. Admits they are proxies and willing to go to jail
* 50 min talks again JV / AV shares blackmailed from RS
* 51 min JE related issues raised
Call highlights current company politics caused mostly by GB fallout

* Staff resignations / interviews
* LSC (admits putting AP in front of AB)
* 51 min GB - "JE is not a director" trying to slag JE off
* Admits reason for GCV transfers

30 min mark explains reasons for RAN / JET deal
PHONECALLS/2018_07_03_AH_GBRAN Ltd, JETPhone records
3 Jul 2018Very HighAV and MP discussing MP shares prior to GB call.AV, MPShare theftMP expresses concerns over GCVAV acknowledges 50-50% split over MC sharesPHONECALLS/2018_07_03_MP_AVRAN Ltd, JET, GCV LtdPhone records
Very High
4 Jul 2018Very HighAV + GB and MP have call to discuss disputes (think it was on the 3rd, it was shared on Whatsapp on the 4th)AV, GB, MPShare theft11min MP highlights GB house in trust (maybe in response to RS Reuters claim) and 17 min

30min - GB admits meeting JV / AV / RS about settling blackmailed shares, but tries to spin it in a very different light

32.20 GB corrects MP on shareholding with the exact percentage

39min GB admits ID and RW are "willing to go to jail" for GB / AV

Discusses MC deal at 41 min
MP raises shares matter on 14 min, and highlights why it affected the LS bid.

Talk about splitting MC share buyback. Was the £62K paid back from GCV to JET?

26min admits unwinding JV position
PHONECALLS/2018_07_04_MP_AV_GBRAN Ltd, JETPhone records
11 Jul 2018Very HighGB instructs SP to wire over money to SP's solicitors and SiPelvGB, SP, SiPlevTheft/Money laundering Shows GB is funding SP's legal case. GB has leveraged SP's situation to GB's own benefit. SP was sent circa £111K from JETGSSimon was wired money from SP. This would have been sent back to AV/GCV one would presume. This was to further pay GB. SP had to do this because GB had previously leveraged SP's assets to cover SP's legal billsNeed to get these from SPJETGSSP Whatsapp messages
11 Jul 2018MediumAH discovers a number of spy cameras in the office. AH, GBSpyingGB is using this, knowing he has created enemies in the office. Probably installed in 2017 when GB was in the office overnightJE confirms this these are from GB - they are duct taped / screwed in with poor handymanship, something intrinsically associated to GB2018_07_11_AH_CAMERAJETEmails (JE has a sply "plug" with SIM card)
2 Aug 2018HighLintons director changes and threatsGB, DB, PJM, ALBullyingFurther illustrates GB is real director and is willing to act unilaterally without consent of the true directors on CH. GB threatens that Mr Turner and Mr Rhones would provide "formal affidavits can be provided to support this statement" which is effectively bullying as AL had only discussed the option of resigning rather than the process of actioning it (Something AL doesn't need GB for given AL can send in a paper TM01). GB further bullies AL with the threat of taking legal action relating to slander and libelBack in Feb 2018 AL discusses the option of resigning from RAN Ltd to GB to focus on the desk. GB interpreted that as consent to remove AL. GB filed this on CH almost 6 weeks after the event. This is in violation of s167 CA2006 where changes such as these must be done within 2 weeks. The resolutions relating to AL resignation are not on CH2018_08_02_AL_RAN_TM01_DISPUTERAN LtdEmailsSHADOW_DIRECTOR
9 Aug 2018MediumKP from HMRC emails to inform of a VAT review.PJM, HMRC, JE, GBPossible tax fraudGB has delayed accounts so long this happens.-2018_08_09_KP_JE_GB_VAT_REVIEWJETEmailsLATE_TAX
15 Aug 2018MediumGB goes on conf call to JE / MC (MP?) about winding up RANGB, JE, MCMismanagementJE worried RAN wind up has not happened due to £300-400K sent to GCV in 2016. This is now negatively affecting MC and the ability to investigate RS / SNE related management issues will be quashed if the company is wound up quickly

MP is unwilling to join a shareholders action group (SAG) again RS because CP does not have his shares, so much like the LS bid, MP / CP is unwilling to be involved when they have to bear liabilities / costs with no uplift (from holding shares). Furthermore why would MP be in a SAG against RS when MP has a very real outcome of needing to sue GB. Being part of the SAG would somewhat negate MP's cause
GB keeps talking about winding up RAN for over a year (to remove RS threat of suing MC / AC for £150K or regaining control in the company, and other legacy issues), but has failed to pull the trigger. RAN needs to be wound up and MP needs CP shares transferred into JET. PHONECALLS/2018_08_15_MC_JE_GBRAN LtdPhone recordsGCV_SYPHON
16 Aug 2018HighGB suggests that JET will need to be flipped into a new company to avoid tax liabilityGB, MPPossible tax fraudGB's actions have potential damage to JET directors, but he doesn't care because ID and RW "are ready to go to jail for AV and GB" (GB's words)Shows GB is seriously considering to not pay tax bill. Non payment is theft. It is speculated GB thinks he can get away with this because HD did this in Livesquawk and got away with it2018_08_16_MP_GBJETEmailLATE_TAX
16 Aug 2018MediumWhatsapp exchange with GB and AH. Shows GB knows accounts are well overdue and that RW can take the blame for this if neededGB, AHFake directorsUse of RW as a criminal stooge - This flies in the face of GB stating RW is trustworthy when GB resigns from RAN Ltd.. Effectively RW is happy to appoint RW as a nominee director to act as a human shield for GB's mismanagement. Admission from GB to do the accounts. Passes of the threat from HMRC as "bullying" but happily goes on to allude that it won't matter because Mr. Williams has numerous criminal records2018_08_16_AH_GB_WHATSAPPJETGS LtdWhatsappPROXY_DIRECTOR
16 Aug 2018Very HighGB emails out litigation pack on taking criminal action against SS & RSGB, AV, DBLinked to GB's Blackmail 10 years agoGB is unwilling to commit to doing this after spending huge sums of money. Brian O'Neil calls GB and AV "Dulwich Pussies", unaware GB is scared to do this because it might expose GB's blackmail from years back.

MP and CP are unwilling to commit to "shareholder action group", as this will weaken any case against GB from MP later on. Not to mention MP should not need to bank roll this when GB is using stolen money to do this
Further illustration of GB instructing within the businesses2018_08_16_SINGH_CRIMINAL_PROCEEDINGSRAN Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail / Meeting at 2 Hare Court
20 Aug 2018HighGB speak to JE. Discusses reinstatement of PROOF, RS case with MC, and accountsJE, MC, RS, GBLate filing of accountsGB asking for PROOF access further shows GB acts as shadow director and wanting to put other people in firing line for GB mismanagementGB admits he needs to do accounts. GB highlights involvement changing directors on CH. in part 3 GB admits "shitting himself" over criminal threat from CHPHONECALLS/2018_08_20_JE_GBJETPhone recordsLATE_TAX
23 Aug 2018MediumJE resigns from JET Group Services Ltd. JE finds the situation untenable. Mostly due to the fact that JE cannot remain impartial and represent interests original shareholders / directors of RAN Ltd at the point of the JET buyout JE, GBGB tries to bully JE over how the resignation was filedGB's willing to bully / antagonise / incite fear over £200-300 of legitimate expenses from this has made JE very concerned GB will be put JE and others on the line over other suspected wrong doings surrounding the possible accounting fraudsGB bullies JE in relation to this - See 2018_09_01_JE_GB_FALLOUT. This however proves that GB was the only person with company authentication codes2018_08_23_JETS_JE_CH_TM01JETGS LtdCompanies HouseSHADOW_DIRECTOR
30 Aug 2018MediumGB self approves standing order to GCV by logging in as AV to act as the 2nd approver. GBViolation of internal company policyPayments should be raised and approved by of GB / AV or JE / PJM / AH. JE calls GB out (see 2018_09_01_JE_GB_FALLOUT)See 11370550.Daily.20180830.031715.GB AV self approve FSB and GCV.csv under the Audit Logs folderSee also: BANKING_PROTOCOL_VIOLATIONS
JETGS Ltd, GCV LtdMetro Bank AuditsGCV_SYPHON
1 Sep 2018Very HighJE sends numerous emails to GB to refute / oppose antagonisations caused by GB the day before.GB, JEBullying, false allegationsJE uses replies to highlight a number of wrong doings caused by GB, such as bullying, and syphoning of large sums of money into GCVSee notes.txt in the linked evidence for full synopsis

JE refutes many false allegations from GB and calls out GB on a number of concerns, such as director resignations, abuse of Companies House filing, self approved invoices. JE again raises issues of GCV invoices
1 Sep 2018Very HighGB replies to JE emails, bragging after self approval that it reminds him he needs to approve a PJM invoice from April.GB, JE, PJMNone / incorrect payment of invoicesIt is highly suspected that this is because huge sums of money have gone to GCV which is not VAT registeredThis invoice proves that PJM did the accounts before the April deadline and that GB has not acted on them. Questions need to be asked why an invoice to JET was paid by GCV without prior notice, 2 months late and then brought to the attention of JET management 4 months later2018_09_01_PJM_INVOICEJETGS Ltd, GCV LtdEmailSHADOW_DIRECTOR
6 Sep 2018HighGB is found on Linkedin masquerading as part of another Gingko found in Japan. GBMisrepresentationShows GB is willing to misrepresent himself and others which lines up with later cases of misrepresentationThis page gets removed when GB gets questioned by IBM2018_09_06_FAKE_LINKEDINGCV LtdLinkedinMISREPRESENTATION-
17 Sept 2018HighJohn Economou who's based in Cyprus was asked to inflate his invoicesGB, JEcInvoice FraudIt is believed GB asked JEc to do this in light of the large corporation tax & VAT bill, on the basis that these outgoing costs would reduce the bill. This would be convenient given the fact JEc is based in Cyprus (i.e. a different tax jurisdiction)

JEc refusing to do this means that MP / AH / JE are under the impression the GB is looking for stooges / friends who can perform invoicing fraud
As a result of this JEc feels very uncomfortable dealing with GB. It is now believed that GB might be finding other parties to do thisWould need to get a statement from JEcJETS LtdStuart PettmanINVOICE_FRAUD
13 Oct 2018HighSP's account get a VAT investigation latter.SP, GBGB's disregard to othersThis is very telling that GB reacts to SP with "Good" over the fact he is facing a VAT inspection. It shows what a selfish egocentric person GB isGiven the timing of JET and RAN inspections and the ongoing Livesquawk investigations it is suspected HMRC have put two and two together. SP has not done anything wrong, however large sums of money that have come out of JET to GCV have gone to SP (a lot via brown paper bags) to pay SP's solicitors 2018_10_13_SP_VAT_INVESTIGATIONSPAP LtdStuart Pettman / WhatsappVAT_FRAUD-
26 Oct 2018HighJE calls and emails PJM to ask what is happening over tax investigationJE, AT, GB. PJMLack of communication, GB possibly withholding information / Late filing of accountsJE worried that no one is reporting back over ongoing tax investigation or accounts. Feels vulnerable and states that it is not how a healthy business operatesJE highlights to AT that JE is entitled to see accounts (as director at the time and shareholder) and in the case of JETG that JE will need to sign them off.

JE uses this as chance to highlight concerns over breakdown in GB trust, and uses RS 2008 blackmail as case-in-point.
2018_10_25_PJM_CALLJET, PJMPhone recordsLATE_TAX
29 Oct 2018Very HighGB tries to wind up RANGB, MP, RR, PJM, AT, AA?Cover up of syphoned moniesMP worried that this allows GB to cover up money syphoned into GCV. JE frustrated that due to the quickness of this process, no investigation will be undertook that exposes SNE and RS thefts / crimes

Not sure why court cost claims have not been shared (given at some point it may end up being paid from JET)
CP sends notice to state that action will be taken against RR and GB if the wind up proceeds2018_10_29_RAN_WIND_UPRAN LtdEmailGCV_SYPHON
29 Oct 2018HighGB and JE have long phone call. JE asks about accounts (from 43 mins). Lots of other matters also covered too. GB asked about tax investigationGB, JELate filing of accountsGB mentions the use of "ratholes" from Wolf of Wall Street as a way to launder money through related companies on 43min markOther than JE's personal situation (first 40 mins) the later part of this gives a taste / snapshot of current company politics

JE asks about accounts (part 2, 13 min) because neither PJM or GB have informed JE of what is happening.
PHONECALLS/2018_10_29_JE_GBJET, GCVPhone recordsLATE_TAX
5 Nov 2018HighJE writes to CH outlining concerns and JE's side of the story regarding non filing of accounts.JE, GBLate filing of accountsDone to protect JE from GB induced mess. JE is trying to regain access to legacy Lloyds accounts in JETG, so JE will file these accounts such that JE has met his fiduciary dutiesReferences Action Fraud and CH correspondence from June 2018. Highlights GB's shadow directing2018_11_05_JE_CH_LETTERJETCompanies House / LetterLATE_TAX
20 Nov 2018HighJE writes to HMRC outlined concerns regarding GBJE, GBLate filing of accountsSee aboveReferences Action Fraud and CH correspondence from June 2018. Highlights GB's shadow directing, along with concerns GB is cooking the books. Asks HMRC to let GB file accounts because JE believes them to be fraudulent and offers to assist HMRC with investigation. Requests HMRC communicate with JE as all communication has been with GB and PJM and JE has not had open communication with either entity2018_11_20_JE_HMRC_LETTERJET, GCVHMRC / LetterLATE_TAX
25 Nov 2018MediumJE writes to Companies House to request disclosure over the email address used to make the June 2018 JETGS changesJEFake directorsGB is already on record bragging about the changes. See PHONECALLS/2018_07_03_MP_AV - But JE hoped to get another confirmationCH refused on the basis on Data Protection Act / GDPR2018_11_25_CH_JETGSJETGS LtdEmailPROXY_DIRECTOR
29 Nov 2018Very HighHMRC send JETGS letter to JE's home address but addressed to ID JE, GB, IDLate filing of accountsJE has been purposefully shut out of the VAT investigation started back in Aug . Neither GB or PJM spoke to me. Pages 2-4 of the main letter come from Ms Pryce. HMRC seem to understand that all roads lead to GB. It appears the letter did not reach GB until Wed the week after from JE / AH / MP seem to think2018_11_29_JETGS_HMRC_LETTERJET, GCVHMRC / LetterLATE_TAX
3 Dec 2018LowPJM change names to Versa Accountants LtdPJM, AST-----Email--
4 Dec 2018HighHMRC inquiries reply back. Based on the letter JE, HMRC, GBLate filing of accounts-On getting this reply, JE sends the letter from 20 Nov to KP2018_12_04_JE_HMRC_REPLYJETHMRC / LetterLATE_TAX
31 Dec 2018HighGB sends email stating £6900 which shows GB workingGB, AVPension FraudGB is trying to extract more cash out of the company by stating AV needs to invoice as well as GB for servicesGB is not allowed to work. IBM pension states he's only allowed to do up to 16 hours therapeutic work a month with IBM's express permission2018_12_31_GB_CONSULTINGJET, GCVEmailGCV_SYPHON
7 Jan 2019HighJE Emails KP again. JE also later in Jan speaks to HMRC investigatorJE, KPLate filing of accountsLack of filing has made HMRC assume JETG has VAT liability when it sits with JETGSDraft accounts from independent accountant provided. These aren't too different from the ones provided from Versa later in the year other than the cross charging of salaries2019_01_07_JE_KP_HMRCJETEmailLATE_TAX
9 Jan 2019MediumJE emails Versa and GB over concerns JETG VAT is getting ignoredJE, PJMNon payment of overdue VATGB ignoring VAT demandsJE is following up for a second time for this notification2019_01_09_VAT_OVERDUEJETGEmailLATE_TAX
14 Feb 2019HighEmail chain with GB and JE (and AH) bringing up a number of matters, including the issue of payments bouncing due to GB's stupid invoice arrangements between JETG and JETGSGB, JEInvoice fraud (JETGS and JETG). Bullying of JEGB admits to have "done" accounts. There is a recognition over end of month liquidity JE requests audit and transparency into accounts. JE refutes GB's accusation of tax being paid2019_02_14_GB_JE_ARGUEJET, GCV LtdEmailLATE_TAX
15 Feb 2019Very HighGB threatens JE with legal action he JE if JE accuses him of theftGB, JEPossible Blackmail??GB feels the need to silence JE over the threat of JE exposing GB's crimesGB has clearly been on ADHD drug or something, as he is not coherent, but it is clear there is a clear intent prevent JE exposing the truth2019_02_15_GB_POSSIBLE_BLACKMAILJETWhatsappLATE_TAX
24 Feb 2019MediumJE gets VAT reminder for £15KJEVAT FraudJE states that AV has previously said tax was not until the end of the investigation. JE questions this and asks for evidence HMRC have probably calculated this from the back of PAYE being paid from JETG when really this has been paid out of JETGS 2019_02_24_VAT_CHASEJETLATE_TAX
26 Feb 2019HighGCV filings on Companies House, change of accounting reference dateGBPossible Deception of HMRCIs this being done such that GCV would get flipped or wound up?

CP raises email about this to RAN / JET management
Likewise, JE notifies KP of HMRC
CS01 will probably be in conflict with the backdated CS01 filing of July 20192019_02_26_GCV_CHGCV LtdEmailLATE_TAX
11 Mar 2019Very HighJE emails KP again to notify KP about changes to GCV Ltd. JE, KPLate filing of accountsJE is concerned GCV might be trying to wind itself up to avoid taxJE offers to speak to KP2019_03_11_JE_KP_HMRCJETEmailLATE_TAX
18 Mar 2019Very HighJE Forwards GB email to KP.JE, KPLate filing of accountsJE concerned tax credits can not be used hereIllustrates GB fall out and GB's desire to obtain R&D tax credits illicitly and get JE to put his name to them. 2019_03_18_JE_KP_HMRCJETEmailLATE_TAX
19 Mar 2019HighJE refutes GB's emailJE, GBPossible blackmail??"legal response" is bordering blackmail?GB admits working. GB's email is inflammatory and refused by JE2019_03_19_GB_CHASEJETEmailBLACKMAIL-
20 Mar 2019Very HighGB calls JE repeatedly in panic over IBM pensionJE< GBIBM pension fraudJE wonders if GB is trying corner JE
JE stated for sake of evidence that JE didn't report GB to IBM
GB states he's taken out £40K of loans - from GCV?
GB tries assert who told IBM
26 Mar 2019MediumJE follows up on accounts formerlyJE, GB, VersaLate filing of accountsGB is simply going to ignore thisJE formally follows up on this via email, but JE has informally chased this via phone many occasions 2019_03_26_CH_JETGSJETGS LtdEmail / Companies HouseLATE_TAX
27 Mar 2019MediumIncorporation of Gingko Capital Partners Ltd.GB?Possible deception?This was a month after changes made to GCV. JE is aware GB might have committed ID fraud if this was GB (hard to tell)See:
Raised to MP and AH
2019_03_27_GCP_IN01GCV LtdCompanies HouseCORRUPTIONJune 2019
29 Mar 2019MediumJE formally chases up after a number of CH remindersJE, GB, VersaLate filing of accountsGB ignores these. Versa doesn't know how to act-2019_03_29_CORP_TAXJETHMRC LetterLATE_TAX
4 Apr 2019Very HighJE emails KP again. This highlights PAYE issues that have emerged from lack of actionJE, KPLate filing of accounts. None payment of PAYERaises issues where PJM have kept JE out the loop. Solvency of the business is also a concernJE concerned that investigations team in Newcastle have not pushed the investigation further2019_04_04_JE_KP_HMRCJETGS LtdEmailLATE_TAX
9 Apr 2019MediumJE sends ranty email after HMRC letters are ignored repeatedlyJE, GBLate filing of accounts. None payment of PAYEJE questions why he has been removed by the whole processJE highlights lack of draft accounts. If GB is ill why isn't the matter picked up by the other directors2019_04_09_HMRC_VATJETGS LtdEmailLATE_TAX
19 Apr 2019MediumJE sends ranty email (AGAIN) after HMRC letters are ignored repeatedlyJE, GBLate filing of accounts. None payment of PAYEAV stated not to pay HMRC until the investigation had completed. JE believes this is rubbishExcuse language!2019_04_19_HMRC_PAYEJETG LtdEmailLATE_TAX
19 Apr 2019MediumND from HMRC's PAYE department makes a surprise visitJE, Versa, GB, AVLate filing of accounts. None payment of PAYEGB does not seem to care about HMRC visits. HMRC could arrive at any point to wind up the businessJE wasn't in, so NC was left in the lobby but later called JE2019_04_19_HMRC_VISITJETG LtdEmailLATE_TAX
29 Apr 2019MediumJE chases GB and AV over the next years set of accountsJE, Versa, GB, AVLate filing of accountsGB has left it over a year and still no accountsJE also raises the fact share disputes have not been resolved2019_04_29_CH_JETGSJETG LtdEmailLATE_TAX
2 May 2019MediumVersa raise up end of month cash flow issuesJE, Versa, GB, AVNon paymentJE states almost a year later no resolution to share disputesJE wants credit card in his name to be moved to someone else. JE has not been a JETGS director for a while and no longer wishes to extend credit to a majority shareholder who steals2019_05_02_VERSA_CASHFLOWJETGS LtdEmailPROXY_DIRECTOR
22 May 2019HighJE finally given accounts from Versa - finally after over a yearJE, Versa, GB, AVLate filing of accountsJE concerned about changes made due to GB involvementJE wants to see Versa to see exactly how these figures emerge2019_05_22_QUERY_VERSAJETG LtdEmailPROXY_DIRECTOR
4 Jun 2019HighHMRC request a payment plan for JETGJE, Versa, GB, AV, NCNon payment of PAYEEmail from Versa is addressed to AV who started the payment plan. AV is not a shareholder or director and should not be instructing accountants or lawyersIt appears AH was omitted from this. It seems AV having made this without JE's involvement has now dishonoured it2019_06_04_HMRC_PAYEJETG LtdEmailLATE_TAX
4 Jun 2019Very HighJE sends letters to GB and GCV outlining the IP theft caseJE, GBIP Theft-Letter highlights how this claims emerges. However given GB made the RAN/JET deal none of it should come as surprise2019_06_04_GB_GCV_JE_IP_LETTERGCV Ltd, JETGS LtdLetterIP_THEFT-
5 Jun 2019Very HighMP and AV have discussions. AV confirms MP would not be restricted in MP's own business ventures and activities (ie. setting up NS)MP, AVTheftAttachments show RR has long standing relationship with AV before administraton of JETGS. AV's connection to GCV as a "creditor" to JETGS etc is question Documents showing RR as potential administration of RAN Ltd. (Note CP objected to this as he was not given his shares)2019_06_05_WP_DISCUSSIONSEmail???-*
6 Jun 2019Very HighMB send a letter stating banking facilities for JETGS will be terminated on the 17 JulyJE, MB, GBInvoice fraud (JETGS and JETG)If banking facilities are not operational then the company can not continue to trade if a service can not be provided to clientsThis is mostly due to the invoice arrangements GB has created causing the bank account to repeatedly get freezed2019_06_06_BANKING_NOTICEJETGS LtdLetter
6 Jun 2019HighBank statements highlighting GB self approving payments to GCVJE, GB, AVTheft, fraud by misrepresentationAV's bank login was misused to confirm the payments. AV does not act when alertedJE discovers this a the end of the day. Note GB and AV share the same IP and AV always logs on within minutes of GB2019_06_06_GB_MB_PAYMENTSGCV Ltd, JETGS LtdOnline bankingGCV_SYPHON
7 Jun 2019Very HighJE sends email stating why AB can not be paidJE, GB, AV, RAN shareholdersTheft, fraud by misrepresentationJETGS unable to pay creditors due to this payment. GB knows this is wrong as payment gets refunded as shown by whatsapp messageJE angered that hard working staff are getting short changed from money sent to GCV2019_06_07_GB_GCV_PAYMENTGCV Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail, WhatsappGCV_SYPHON
7 Jun 2019HighJE sends another email to RAN shareholders alerting further money siphonedJE, GB, AV, RAN shareholdersTheft, fraud by misrepresentationJE concerned over payment plan not being made. AV is not doing anything despite being the one who arranged the payment planShareholders are notified, because JE does not want the wool to pulled over their eyes like in 2015. JE hopes that CP and rest of Busfield family will see what GB is really up to2019_06_07_HMRC DUE TODAYJET, GCV LtdEmailGCV_SYPHON
7 Jun 2019LowJE sends an email (rather than calling) chasing Wework and HMRCJE, GB, AVLate payments-JE starting to send emails more rather than calling as issues become more pervasive2019_06_07_HMRC_WWJETGS LtdEmailSHADOW_DIRECTOR-
8 Jun 2019MediumNumerous staff experience harassment from GBJE, LB, AB, ALHarassmentGB continues to message NP and LB who left the business over a year agoGB is calling from an unknown number to wind up AL2019_06_08_GB_HARASSMENT-Whatsapp / Call logsSHADOW_DIRECTOR
12 Jun 2019HighJE further emails alerting concerns about accounts, and banking issuesJE, GB, AV, VersaLate paymentsGB and AV do not reply. Modus operandiA number of emails from CH / MB come and are forwarded to GB / AV2019_06_12_CH_BANKINGJETGS LtdEmailGCV_SYPHON
12 Jun 2019Very HighGB replies to JE stat demand. JE replies backJE, GB, AVIP TheftGB only replies because there is personal liability here. Double standards given GB has not addressed any other matterGB using illness as cover again. 2019_06_12_GB_JE_SD_REPLYGCV Ltd, JETGS LtdEmailIP_THEFT
14 Jun 2019HighJE reports GB to Walworth Police station following the email sent on 6th and 7th June to shareholdersJETheft via GCVGB returned £6900 following the email which say a lot. Crime ref 4616611/192019_06_14_POLICEGCV Ltd, JETGS Ltd-SHADOW_DIRECTOR-
16 Jun 2019MediumJE emails to state the invoice is dueJE, GB, AVIP Theft-GB does not respond hoping things will go away. No reply given2019_06_16_JE_GB_GCV_SD_FOLLOWGCV LtdEmailIP_THEFT
24 Jun 2019Very HighJE emails the "directors" of JETGS to alert them of the fraud conducted by GB on 6th June 2019JE, ID, RWTheft, fraud by misrepresentationID and RW are stooges of GB and therefore will not act independentlyID and RW have not replied, much like GB, probably because they are just GB with a different email address. No reply given2019_06_19_JE_EGMJETGS LtdEmailGCV_SYPHON
23 Jun 2019Very HighJE emails PJM over so called "loans" from GCV to JETGSJE, PJMTheft, accounting fraudGCV is effectively billing JETGS, taking money out from the bank, often with no invoices (PD from PJM/Versa previously questioned the lack of invoices and HMRC queried AV using the company as a personal credit line on 29 Nov 2018) and then "lending" it back to the company to appear as a creditorPJM/Versa do not know what these loans are and are questing them. 2019_06_23_LOANS_TO_JETGSGCV Ltd, JETGSEmailGCV_SYPHON
24 Jun 2019Very HighJE sends similar email to above. Raises if this does not get concerned it will be raised with MBJE, ID, RW, AV, GB, VersaTheft, fraud by misrepresentationID is conflicted as director of JETGS and GCV.
AV is complicit as named on the GCV bank mandate and has not acted
JE asks yet again for GCV invoices and raises the issue of payments like the RAN £331K, along with GCV reconciliation (this was raised back in calls in late June 2018 / early July 2018. There has been no reply2019_06_24_GCV_QUERYGCV LtdEmailGCV_SYPHON
24 Jun 2019Very HighJE sends a formal email to directors of JETGS as a shareholderJE, ID, RWTheft, fraud by misrepresentationJE concerned about stolen money going to GCV being loaned back out to JETGS such that GCV is illicitly made the biggest creditor of JETGS. JE concerned by conflict of IDJE raises concerns there is no contract for GCV and JETGS, loans, etc. Queries made in relation to Companies Act 2006. No reply2019_06_24_JETGS_QUERYJETGS LtdEmailGCV_SYPHON
24 Jun 2019HighJE states he is unwilling to extend a line of credit to the business and will be cancelling his company credit cardJE, AV, GBExpecting staff to take on GB liabilitiesJE personally liable and no longer a director of JETGS. Again GB abusing staff good willGB and AV do not reply2019_06_24_MB_CARDJETGS LtdEmailCORRUPTION
27 Jun 2019Very HighJE emails DB and copies in DB's boss at Healys over concerns DB is acting without instruction in JETGSJE, DBDB acting without instructionJE concerned DB is acting for GB / GCV. DB is conflicted given the Patel share dispute and JE IP claimDB was RAN's solicitor. DB never had authorisation to act for JETGS. DB sends stupid reply which is flipping JE's own question. JE wants to go to SRA and Legal Ombudsman2019_06_27_JE_DB_FEESJETGS LtdEmailCORRUPTION
28 Jun 2019MediumJE serves a statutory demand to GCV after non payment of invoiceJE, GB, AV-Served to Versa address2019_06_28_GCV_SDGCV LtdLetter (hand delivered)IP_THEFT
3 Jul 2019Very HighJE notes GCV has filed accounts. JE sends email concerned these accounts. Separately JE alerts KP who esculates itJE, GB, KPFraudulent accountsThis confirms what JE stated to KP about GB willing to file fraudulent accountsAccounts filed when GB awake. Do not have Versa's name and omit money taken from RAN Ltd from 3rd July 20172019_07_03_GCV_CH_ACCOUNTSGCV LtdCompanies HouseGCV_SYPHON
11 Jul 2019HighNumerous changes reported on CH for GCV - made at 3am presumably by GB. AV appointed as 50% shareholderJE, GB, AVFraud by misrepresentationAV's apont backdated probably goes against older CS01 filings where ID was 100% shareholder. It makes AV liable for GB's frauds. It is suspected this was done after an argument from AV and GB that day (according to AV + MP phone call)MP states AV confirmed these changes were not done by him and thus shows GB acting again2019_07_11_GCV_CH_GB_CHANGESGCV LtdCompanies HouseCORRUPTION
11 Jul 2019MediumJE serves GCV a statutory demand and follows up with this emailJE, GB, AVIP TheftNumerous concerns highlighted in the email relating to ID/AV not picking up director duties from GB in GCV.

JE raises concerns about money stolen from RAN Ltd, fraudulenent accounts being filed, shareholder and directorship changes to RAN Ltd to AH and AL
Served to Versa address2019_07_11_GCV_SDGCV LtdEmailIP_THEFT
12 Jul 2019Very HighGB setups to masquerade as JE in relation to GB's IBM pensionGB, RSFraud by misrepresentationRS sees through all this and picks up GB is purposefully emailing to the wrong email address
RS is concerned GB will use this against RS and SS in the future much like GB is known to
RS states GB has a history of restraining orders
GB pretends to be JE cc'ing other parties who might know including IBM
GB then reaches out to RS trying to make JE threatening to all
12 Jul 2019HighJE sends email to AV over the concerns of back dated shareholding to GCVJE, AVFraudulent / bad filing on Companies HouseAV in complicit in the crime even if GB made these changes because AV fails to address these issues. AV seems to willfully want to be the rabbit in the headlightsJE states this combined with other events, i.e. moving of £331K to RAN Ltd, and the loans from GCV to JETGS2019_07_12_GCV_PSC_AVGCV LtdCompanies HouseGCV_SYPHON
14 Jul 2019Very HighJE queries the fact JW's employment contract with JETG is forgedJW, JE, GBFraud by misrepresentationJE highlights concerns given fraudulent accounts, illicit changes on CH and this make a worrying combinationJE states this adds to a long list of worrying list of fraud by misrepresentation examples. See also SI (Sam Indyk) contract offer and Deed of Trust2019_07_14_JW_JE_FORGEDJETG LtdStaff contract / EmailSHADOW_DIRECTOR
16 Jul 2019MediumAV (GB) responds to statutory demand. Minutes later AV is appointed as director for GCV retrospectivelyGB, AVFraud by misrepresentationAV's appointment on CH was after the letter was sent. AV's letter is just GB ramblingAV on the phone earlier in the day to MP stated "GB is dealing with JE's stat demand"2019_07_16_GCV_CHGCV LtdCompanies HouseSHADOW_DIRECTOR
21 Jul 2019HighLetter of comfort sent from CP to JE to state facts regarding Deed of Trust and that CP will not be seeking legal remedy against JEJE, CP, AH, AL- Sent to mitigate formally against legal action (mostly for lawyers in case they request)JE states the same should apply to AH and AL given they also got dragged into similar issues with shareholdings2019_07_21_CP_JE_LETTERJETGS LtdEmailSHARE_THEFT
26 Jul 2019Very HighJE looks to wind up JETG due to a lack of action from GB and AV over persistent concerns over PAYE tax not being paidJEUnpaid taxEither JE or HMRC need to wind up the company due to insolvencyJE seeks advice from Kirker & Co / LSH. Chris Buller meets JE. Email shows meeting planning2019_07_28_LSH_ADMINJETG LtdMeeting - Room 4G, 1 Fore St, EC2Y 5EJ LATE_TAX
29 Jul 2019Very HighGB and AV send emails about GCV approvals for stakeholders. Archive files have passwordsGB, AVNumerousSee notes.txt

Given this was sent from AV it shows AV being complicit in accounting fraud alongside GB
GB is worried about action undertaken by JE.

2019-i25i is £8,598.79 GB was trying to raise until June 2019. KRIS stated they were not involved

Supposedly FT192102KH0Z links to one of these invoices (see 7th June HMRC payment)

Reconciliation for GCV was sent in the 24 June 2019 07:11 email

GB is clearly working on the email sent round 16th June yet on the 12th said is ill to JE in relation to JE's claim

CB is approving GB's invoices? So CB is part of the racket.
29 Jul 2019Very HighAV (GB) sends an email accusing JE of theft with a legal bundle to document this. This is sent to RR and DB. AV, GB, RR, DB, JEFraud by misrepresentationID's signature was stolen from his driving license. Note invoices linked and eviidence is all made up.Shows that RR relationship exists before JETGS administration. Why has a insider "creditor" sending emails before. Further compounds that AV is aware that the business was insolvent months before it was wound up . Links to content in 2019_07_29_GCV.

Note signatures at the bottom of the PDF are forged.
2019_07_29_LEGAL_AUDITGCV Ltd, JET LtdEmail???-*
6 Aug 2019Very HighJE provides Witness Statement to Walworth Police stationJETheft via GCVTODOTODOTODOJETGS Ltd, GCV LtdMeeting - Walworth Police stationIP_THEFT
6 Aug 2019HighGB via RW and CB takes AH's shares away using a clause in the RAN shareholder agreement AH was not made aware of. CB, GB, RW, AHTheftThe shares AH was given should have been distributed to CP and AH raises up they should be offered to CP. AH requested share transfer froms from AST/Versa and AST ignored these requestsAH accepted shares after being told they were part performance reward/incentive but also to avoid a RS attack. The shares were repatriated without AH's consent2019_08_06_RAN_SH_SHARE_PURCHASERAN LtdEmailSHARE_THEFT
-AH given shares in RAN, why did they have this buy back option. Triggered stock xfer / buy back without AH being aware. Why was AH given shares which were CP shares.
14 Oct 2019Very HighEmail returned from RS highlighting vexations actions undertaken from GB. RS highlights to a wider audience GB GB's tactics and does not want to be involved in GB's schadenfreude having being sued for £2m previouslyJE, RS, GB, CP, AB, AH, ALFraud by misrepresentationGB email to everyone about IBM stopped my pension ("disablity plan"). Backs up story about why GB hides his identityGB has used to contact IBM. (no evidence of this, but it's obvious) to try and side with RS and accuse JE of hacking. GB has done this because GB believe JE is the one who has cut off GB's pension. Email highlights GB's two faced character to try and became allies with someone he sued for over £2m 4 years ago 2019_10_14_RS_CONTACTJETGS Ltd, GCV Ltd, RAN Ltd, IBMEmailSHADOW_DIRECTOR
17 Oct 2019Very HighJE gets email from ORJ. JETGS has failed to pay JE for several months on the basis JE resigned. JE continues to provide IT services to keep the business running but was not paid. It is clear AV and CB wanted me to continue providing services but failed to pay JE. ORJ are used to bully JE into surrending "codes" in exchange for being paid. It is effectively blackmailORJ, PT, JEBully from solcitorsORJ did no due dil on their client. Did not chec Companies House, did not check to see any paperwork existed to validate their client's claims. ORJ have been investigated by the ICO over GDPR violations and have ruled on JE's favour. PT from ORJ is under investigation by the SRA The email makes false claims that CB is the owner of JETG. No evidence is given. JE has requested evidence from ORJ and ORJ have failed. 2019_01_11_ORJ
Legal / LLP
4 Dec 2019Very HighDB provides NSV with Deed of Trust trying to highlightDB, NSV Ltd, MP, Wayne & ChrisFraud by misrepresentationSee 2017_04_10_JAY_WOOD_FORGED and Sam Indyk: 2016_12_01_JET_&_Ransquawk_-_Offer_of_EmploymentThis is forged. The signature has been copy and pasted from Jay Wood employment signature. GB has used it alsewhere such as on Sam Indyk's welcome email.

The handwriting is GB's (Not ID's). JE believes the witness might be Ed Janes who lived with GB at the time (so CV22 7AJ address could be argued).

If one opens this in Inkscape, it is clear this was not scanned, but rather composed as there are numerous layers (Objects -> Objects) that should not exist on a scanned document. These layers seem to align with the changes in cursive text such as GB's own writing
2019_12_04_DEED_TRUSTJETG Ltd, NSV LtdDB Email
11 Dec 2019HighJE call with RR about administration of JETGSRR, JE, TR???See notes.txt in the linked folderRR says it was GB put nto admin, put money, told GB he might not win it, and received emails from CP. Very aware there was a big dispute2019_12_11_JE_RR_CALLJETGSPhonecall
23 Feb 2021HighPT (Twat) finally emails JE back with copy of the recorded callFailure to comply with GDPRPT must be aware he was blackmailing JE. Hence the delayJE highlights CP/MP dispute with GB/CB in RAN Ltd that transcend into JETGS/JETG. JE highlights PT's call conduct and that CB is leveraging pay for a shareholder dispute. PT has been asked to provide Deed of Trust and/or J30 forms showing JE handed over JETGS to ID. PT failed to respond2019_11_03_ORJ_TEDSTONEJETGSPhonecallANTAGONISATION
2 Mar 2021Very HighRR posts update on JETGS administration on Companies HouseRR, TRIllicit asset sale2021_03_RONES_REPORTJETGSCompanies House-
TODO: Add Action Fraud cases
- AH was told to invoice JETGS to create £50K cash pile. Money was given back to the company after tax implicatons fell on AH
- AST emails clients with invoices with JETGS bank details but with JET Group on the contract. AST knows the assets transferred to group
- JE to DB/AST - No not take in instraction from 3rd party but ignores me. 26 June 2018. Bring AST and DB to court
- Side letter GB to SP - You will give option to to services other *another* comapny over LS shares. (May 2018)
- Not paying JE for £13K invoices to try and leverage shareholder dispute. Ties in Tedstone
- GB sending email requesting shares via Deed of Trust. Please provide proof and no video provided. Then DB produced a fake one.
- Drag Voce into DOW. Money gone from RAN to GCV when it should have to to DOW. Contact DOW's lawyer
- NS preinsolvancy of JETGS as a compteitor. Equipment pre insolvancy etc, offices, code etc before. When Group into administrationn staff not willing to work for anyone else so NS brought assets.
- Emails from CP asking for shares (spreadsheet summer 2018) MP and AV recording admitting to 36.2% due to split of MC settlement shares. Proves MC settlement was done and dust as it was splitting his shares
- Alec sent Whatsapp from GB - GB was wanting a login for the service. GB says login not working, but background has GCV paperwork.