OverviewPeriodSynopsisAffected partiesRef
Blackmail2008-2011, 2015-2016RS was caught stealing in late 2007-2008. GB felt the need to punish RS for this and therefore coerced RS into paying cash back to GB for shares GB bought from RS to the tune of £70K. This caused extreme hardship to RS to the point he had to remortgage his house. MC also had to give GB shares to GB in the same period. The set the tone and precedent in the coming years where RS & MC effectively colluded where possible to shortchange GB and Sonny for their parasitic demeanour. When GB saw that RS was tried to shortchange CB/GB for £13K dividend GB took it on himself to further blackmail RS early in 2016.
GB also tried to force MC to buy GB's mother a new kitchen
Late filing of accounts / late tax payments2017-2018GB has failed to file accounts and VAT paperwork. When money was reclaimed from RAN's VAT claim in early 2018 Albie from PJM warned GB that this would be needed to offset the JET VAT bill. However, GB decided to gamble this money on a Livesquawk merger / acquisition that ultimately was abandoned with £50K into costs. Due to no one other than PJM and GB handling the accounts it has been impossible to assert if there is anything dodgy happening, but it is highly suspected there is because it seems that GCV Ltd has not been VAT registeredJE, AL, AH, HMRCLATE_TAX
Large scale VAT fraud2017 onwardsSyphoned money has gone to GCV which is not VAT registered and no accounts have been filed. It is absurd that GB with ACMA CGMA qualifications is willing to be this bentJE, MP, (ID), HMRCVAT_FRAUD
Syphoned company money2017-2018Money has gone into GCV Ltd exceeding the VAT limit. RAN Ltd - £300-400K, JET Group Services Ltd - £100K, TTN - £71K. PJM has repeatedly asked for invoices for this and while some of this money has been used for purposes aligned to the company there has been no transparency and accountability for it. It is effectively theft. GB has occasionally "lent" money back to the company, but this money should never have left the company to go to GCV in the first place.

While a number have been "approved" in email, this was done under the impression that a pot was needed to defend against RS / SNE / LS attacks. While some of this has funded the LS case, most has "gone". There are numerous occasions where GCV has raised cash with GB / AV without approval. GCV has no contract either with the JET company so this is theft.
JE, MP, other potential shareholders, HMRCGCV_SYPHON
Share theft2016-2018When JET was set up it was agreed with JE and remaining RAN stakeholders that RAN stakeholders would be able to redeem their shares in JET pro rata once the threat of RS and SNE where removed. However, MP has been unable to redeem his shareholding. This lead to GB using a CS01 declaration to steal shareholding from JE (the agreed/accepted nominee shareholder and director) to ID. This was done at >75% such that MP's rights were quashed. There is a conflict over MP's exact shareholding as it is argued it should be 36% because GB / MP originally agreed to split shares returned to the company by MC 50/50. JE and MP have reported this to Action Fraud and Companies House.

The share theft is intertwined SP's June contract and syphoned money. GB has been paying SP an inflated contracting arrangement as a means to enable SP to settle some (but not all) legal costs incurred. However, the amount of money GB has syphoned as far exceeded this estimated £300K. This was done with the intent to then lend it back to the company and make to position GB as a creditor as well as a proxy shareholder of the JET companies, thus further weakening MP's position. This is also coupled with the fact GB had changed the shareholding in JET Group Services for ID to be over the 75% needed for special resolutions
Unanimous acting as shadow director / shareholder2016-2018GB regularly makes decisions unanimously. He will pretend to seek counsel from JE and others but if anyone disagrees will ignore them. Friction between JE and GB was minimal until June 2018. However, it became very apparent to JE from this point that GB was actively trying to screw SP and MP. This lead to actions relating to the share theft on 25 June 2018, which in turn is a pivotal point where things took a turn for the worseJE, AH, MPSHADOW_DIRECTOR
Alienation & antagonisations of staff / Bullying / Violence2017-2018GB regularly is confrontational towards key staff. Notably AH. In recent times AL has found him stubborn and disagreeable.
GB is ignorant to the dynamic of staff in the office due to not being in the office. As a result staffing decisions alienate stuff (for example paying Alex Piper more than JE or SP, despite JE / SP being more important to the business)
GB sacked NP (ex-girlfriend) in April 2018 in an extremely humiliating manner that further alienated other staff (Sam Indyk, Ant Barton, Laura Bennett, Evgeni Radev, Alex Piper)
GB has sent a number of threatening emails to AL and JE in Aug and Sept 2018 respectively
Leveraging coworkers in positions in weakness2017-2018GB acts to put people into positions of leverage so that they can be exploited. For example, SP was unable to pay legal costs that GB compelled him to undertake (despite SP not wanting to take on these costs). When SP could not pay lawyers such as Kelly Tinkler SP was taken to the brink of bankruptcy and losing his house. This was only prevented because JE took out an overdue bonus days before and used this money to prevent this along with working with SP and KT to find a way forward.
GB tried to leverage SP's shares in Livesquawk Holdings
Intellectual property theftJune 2018See share theft. JE's IP exists in JET Group Services Ltd. JE transferred into JETGS on good faith as he was 100% shareholder. JE was unaware of GB had changed the company auth codes to reassign shares to a sham director/shareholder (ID). JEIP_THEFT
Contract abuseApril 2018 onwardsGB tried to silence NP with a settlement that effectively acted as an NDA to prevent her speaking out about GB's wrongdoings of violent behaviour. Likewise, GB spent 3 months writing a contract that unfairly leveraged SP. Following fall out between MP and GB in late Jan 2018 GB got JE to sign a resolution that allowed him to appoint new directors. At the time JE signed this because as a director he was acting on behalf of BG / AV (the original RAN directors) who back in 2016 were acting in the interest of the company. In Spring 2018 GB took a turn for the worse and has leveraged this against JE and other RAN shareholders, notably MPNP, SPCONTRACT_ABUSE
Illicit use of surveillanceJune 2017 onwardsGB employed the use of KRIS spy on an ex-shareholder, SNE because it was clear SNE was breaching RAN shareholder non compete. This cost the company circa £80K and GB instructed KRIS often without the approval of others such as JE, MP, AH. Not only that, GB extended this unwarranted spying by installing cameras in the office due to moles working for SNE (this was a cover). It has since transpired that GB also has cameras everything in his London property. Whilst these are done under the guise security, JE has seen really these get used so that GB can record porn videos of girls he sleeps with without their consent and GB has a sizeable archive of material with this. AD also discovered cameras in the office in late 2017NP, JESURVEILLANCE
Invoice fraudJune 2017 onwardsThe share theft of June 2018 effectively means that there is now invoice fraud because all contracts are held in The JET Group Ltd whereas invoices are processed/paid into JET Group Services Ltd. A claim against ID of JETGS for revenue since 25 June 2018 should be considered as legal remedy?

It is also understood that in light of the ongoing tax investigations that GB asked SP's friend JEc to "trump up" invoices in order to reduce the burden due to HMRC
shareholders and employees, HMRCINVOICE_FRAUD
Misrepresentation2017 onwardsGB has created a fake Linkedin profile and likewise, ID's details on CH are incorrect (believed this is on purpose). GB also made false claims to the ECB that the BoE was materially involved in the company. This has hampered the companies ability to be accredited by the BoE and ECB?MISREPRESENTATION
Corruption / LiescontinuousGB often employs the use of brown paper bags for payments, particularly with SP's legal situation. GB has colluded to appoint a "bent" administrator to Livesquawk and implied that Richard Rhones would write an affidavit against AL's resignation. GB is a compulsive liar who operates a divide and conquer modus operandi. Typically this is done by propagating lies to people to pay them off against each other. Other examples include asking AB to act as a witness to paperwork signed by some AB has never met from over 12 months ago. GB heavily propagates lies on phone calls (probably because he's aware few people record so there's no paper trail) in order to play people off from each other (i.e. one day AH will get in the neck,. the next it'll be SP, then the next it'll be AL or JE). Senior staff now record their calls and share them and this has helped expose this divide and conquer tactic from June 2018AllCORRUPTION
Poor governance & judgementcontinuousGB often makes poor decisions and refuses to be accountable to them, yet is quick to hold others to account. Early examples include how GB handled the KTKN merger talks, but more recently the inability to criminally prosecute RS (which in light of the blackmail makes sense), or follow up matters relating to the LS purchase. Other examples include spending RAN VAT reclaim money on LS purchase legals only to not follow up on the purchase and then blame MPAllUNACCOUNTABLE
Abuse of proxy directors2016 onwardsGB appoints proxy directors for all his business ventures. In the initial instance, he used JE because of litigation risks posed by the damage done by RS and SNE. However, this has acted as cover for GB to act in nefarious ways. As JE's disagreements with GB's governance increased, GB appointed new directors to JET Group Services without approval with the intention of sacking JE because JE was had valid concerns over GB's motives and integrity. In days following this, GB admitted to MP that the new directors were "willing to go to jail for Adam and me". GB uses proxy directors and trust documents to protect his assets and does not show mercy for those who are acting as frontmen. It is believed the use of proxy directors for exec roles enables GB to facilitate pension fraud. GB has also appointed his mother CB as director of RAN Ltd instead of himself (his mother is a 70 year old who runs a B&B).JE, MP, AH, AL, (ID, RW)PROXY_DIRECTOR
Pension Fraud2016 onwardsGB had punched his boss in the US when working back in IBM. Apparently, GB declared himself as mentally unstable. It was decided (within IBM) it would probably be cheaper to give GB a £25K/pa pension on the condition he did not work. However clearly GB has been working for RAN Ltd / JET as a shadow director and his actions have been hugely damagingIBM UKPENSION_FRAUD