[31/01/2018, 20:55:11] Mehul: All ... As of the end of the week, if dads shares are not in his name, legal action starts. If need be you will all be asked to provide honest accounts of the situation and shareholdings... Please commit purgey if you want to. Or tell the truth [31/01/2018, 21:02:20] Matt Cheung: I think we all need to have a call tomorrow morning at 9am. we're all on the same team [31/01/2018, 21:02:23] Mehul: Btw... I can take a sividend cheque or fuck off is what gb said [31/01/2018, 21:02:46] Mehul: Why don't you explain to all why ranvir hatea you so much [31/01/2018, 21:03:15] Mehul: Re make him remortage his house to pay you off... Fuck you [31/01/2018, 21:03:59] Mehul: It's all. Let's so the right thing as long as it benits GB or agrees with GB [31/01/2018, 21:04:26] Mehul: Time for all the dirty laundry to be pit out to dry [31/01/2018, 21:04:47] Aubrey Hayward: Lets pull this back from the brink and off WhatsApp - tempers are high along with emotions [31/01/2018, 21:05:10] Aubrey Hayward: We need to all meet - its the only sensible and professional thing to do [31/01/2018, 21:05:24] Aubrey Hayward: PLEASE guys - come on [31/01/2018, 21:05:45] Matt Cheung: Yes agree [31/01/2018, 21:05:49] Adam Linton: Agreed [31/01/2018, 21:05:53] Adam Linton: Same team [31/01/2018, 21:05:56] Mehul: Try me GB, fuxking try me [31/01/2018, 21:08:05] Mehul: And when ranvir comes for the company it's not AL or AUB, it's Gb, MP and Ab [31/01/2018, 21:19:03] Mehul: You are a shadow director, you make all decisions, and you habe instigated all actions... [31/01/2018, 21:19:29] Mehul: Lets cut the BS [31/01/2018, 21:20:10] Mehul: And as for dad can have a dividend or fuck off... Try your luck [31/01/2018, 22:09:21] Mehul: Oh... And as you and adam run the operation... I agree [31/01/2018, 22:09:50] Mehul: You have made all decisions and instigated all actions [31/01/2018, 22:09:59] Mehul: Well you really... Not AV [31/01/2018, 22:10:12] Mehul: And def not AL or AUB [31/01/2018, 22:10:22] Mehul: Just so were all clear [31/01/2018, 22:11:01] Mehul: So you are liable for all dcisions... [31/01/2018, 22:11:05] Mehul: Try me [31/01/2018, 22:39:53] Mehul: Just so everyone is aware, like all I will take GB shit until like Ranvir he says your dad can take this or not... Btw dad chooses not like he did with ranvir... [31/01/2018, 23:03:48] Mehul: As of tomorrow dad wants full transparency on all payments between all cos ad jet, ginko and others [31/01/2018, 23:04:31] Mehul: He also wanta to know who owns jet and any trusts the shares are assigned too [31/01/2018, 23:04:50] Mehul: Let's all have a nice clean breakfast meeting... [31/01/2018, 23:05:12] Mehul: Where were all clear on where the land lies... [01/02/2018, 07:15:40] Mehul: In the cold light of the morning I'm even more adamant on full transparency, a UK limited company with the correct shareholdings, and for us all to know how much revenue we have, what costs we have, and what people pay themselves. I, dad don't want shares in an offshore company, were a UK business, if we need to we can acquire news services we can use global providers to protect the business. That way we know what the business has, it's budget, what it can and can't afford and how we grow it. Clearly all of you will be getting rally calls this morning, if my rant has helped get the business what it needs great, but this isnat going away. Clean UK business, clean shareholdings, proper decision making by the people who run it day to day and we move forward [01/02/2018, 08:05:22] Aubrey Hayward: Morning all [01/02/2018, 08:05:43] Aubrey Hayward: Vis-a-vis daily business and communication [01/02/2018, 08:06:09] ‎George Busfield left [01/02/2018, 08:06:36] Aubrey Hayward: This morning I have hospital appointment for medical check pre operation on Monday - therefore not always likely to respond quickly [01/02/2018, 08:06:51] Aubrey Hayward: Normal service this afternoon [01/02/2018, 08:07:13] Aubrey Hayward: Tomorrow day off with family to Norfolk - urgent calls only please [01/02/2018, 08:20:49] Matt Cheung: I see gb has left this chat now [01/02/2018, 08:30:52] Matt Cheung: Adam Voce - Any guidance on this? Looks like everyone needs to get in a room together [01/02/2018, 10:54:52] Aubrey Hayward: I agree [01/02/2018, 10:55:44] Aubrey Hayward: Clearly George cannot accept how hes been spoken to and Mehul can accept how things have turned out along with a lack of transparency [01/02/2018, 10:58:15] Aubrey Hayward: Im thinking out loud that Adam V, Matt C, myself, Jase need to ‘broker’ a solution/compromise between messiers GB and MP otherwise the company will self implode, years of blood sweat and tears wasted, 20 people out of work AND worst of all the vultures such as HD, SNE, RS etc will swoop in and pick up the scraps - THAT is unnacceptable [01/02/2018, 11:10:02] Adam Linton: Completely agree