[26/06/2018, 22:13:12] Nikki Peters UK: ‎Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption.
[26/06/2018, 22:13:12] Jay: Heya, long time no speak... I've heard G has been stringing you along (in the same way he's stringing Alex and Stuart) along. Just wanted to touch base because I want to get to the bottom of some of the recent GB lies
[27/06/2018, 14:34:30] Nikki Peters UK: Hi Jase - yeah it’s not been an easy few months... and yeah, he’s also said some pretty disgusting things! What’s going on at the mo?
[27/06/2018, 15:24:48] Jay: Hi
[27/06/2018, 15:25:22] Jay: Long story.... dunno where to start, but reading between the lines and given you've spoke to Aub's you can imagine everyone is pissed with him now
[27/06/2018, 15:25:38] Jay: including myself!
[27/06/2018, 15:27:23] Jay: Anyway, I'm sure Aub's told you, he didn't pay Alex P the other month, he's string Stuart along and now he's using Stuart's contract as a way to make the company beholden to GCV. He won't give Mehul his shares and I want my 10% if MP gets his share and when this all happens I want him below 50% and not acting as an executive as he's alienated everyone
[27/06/2018, 15:27:48] Jay: I believe what he's tried to make you sign is similar to what he's tried to make Stuart sign
[27/06/2018, 15:31:05] Jay: And when I hesitated for a few hours over signing Stuarts agreement, G took it on himself to reappoint directors and change the shareholding on JET - we believe the shareholding change was fraud
[27/06/2018, 15:34:13] Jay: I understand you've had to consult regarding your legal position because of what G has done
[27/06/2018, 15:35:00] Jay: I'm of the option we work together and stop the bullying. I wanted to reach out because I know you sent it to Aub's but was better I reached out to you and thus heard it form you rather than second hand
[27/06/2018, 15:45:01] Nikki Peters UK: I just had much of the same really ... Obviously I was fired for no reason and because he had a tantrum. Then he offered me a settlement agreement as he felt bad... apparently I wasn’t grateful enough for his ‘kind’ and ‘generous’ offer as he never paid me anything... in the end I was just chasing what I was owed for the work I did in April! Eventually he paid me.... then the settlement came up again, but he wanted me to sign this massive document. Given that it was lies (wanted me to say I never worked for the company etc) I said I wasn’t going to do it. Plus, I never believed he would pay me anyway even if I did sign! We spoke on the phone a couple of times about 2-3 weeks ago. He text me saying he needed my help and that ‘they’ were trying to steal the company from him. I tried to reason with him... what’s so bad about giving Mehul his shares and sharing control etc. He said he would never ever relinquish control. 
Since then I’ve had a number of abusive messages - again I’m not grateful enough etc etc... so I’ve just blocked him on everything
[27/06/2018, 15:55:37] Jay: Yea, G is just being an ungrateful cunt atm who is all full of words and no delivery. Back in 2016 he was a very different person to now, and I keep trying to tell him to go back what he was, and just be decent to others
[27/06/2018, 15:47:27] Nikki Peters UK: I don’t understand how he can change the share structure or do anything with JET as you’re the sole director?
[27/06/2018, 15:57:36] Jay: He has the code on companies house and basically as part of the agreement of me being sole director there was a deed of trust and unfilled resolution appointing should he feel the need. Back then I was on good terms with him so didn't see the issue, but now he's just being an ass
[27/06/2018, 16:02:16] Nikki Peters UK: Right I see ... he’ll never let the company go Jase. It’s the bottom line. Unless you try and go down the mental health route - unfit?
[27/06/2018, 16:03:02] Nikki Peters UK: Also... I would just make sure that everything you have signed is fully legal and binding. In my experience a lot of GB DIY legals wouldn’t stand up
[27/06/2018, 16:18:54] Jay: Yea, I had a call with him yesterday where he was a bit pissed and said that clearly
[27/06/2018, 16:19:13] Jay: No one want him as a majority shareholder now or directing unilaterally
[27/06/2018, 16:19:31] Jay: So in the interests of protecting the company I think there will be some action
[27/06/2018, 16:20:39] Nikki Peters UK: Well given his behaviour and how he chooses to lead then I think it’s definitely in the beat interests of the company
[27/06/2018, 16:22:01] Jay: Yea, I'm not going to back someone who's serially bullying everyone at the moment
[27/06/2018, 16:23:14] Jay: Much as he's done the right thing back in 2016 I just can't back someone who bullies. I've had to lend cash to Alex / Stuart on occasions because G won't pay
[27/06/2018, 16:24:01] Jay: Stuart is only involved still because he feels compelled to reciprocate help I've given him. Otherwise he'd have told GB to do one months ago
[01/07/2018, 18:08:50] Jay: BTW, you OK, forwarding me all the crap GB sent you or me getting it from Aub at some point?
[01/07/2018, 18:30:14] Nikki Peters UK: Where is it going though?
[01/07/2018, 18:31:44] Nikki Peters UK: Sorry Jase am out for a roast so can’t speak!!
[01/07/2018, 18:32:02] Jay: Probably worth having a chat at some point, but I believe you've spoken to MP
[01/07/2018, 18:35:56] Jay: Either way, will catch you another time - enjoy your roast!
[01/07/2018, 21:46:23] Nikki Peters UK: Yes I’ve had a brief chat with mehul and Aubs... but not really aware of details.
[01/07/2018, 21:47:29] Jay: Yea, I don't think they can deal with him any more
[01/07/2018, 21:47:53] Jay: He's treated SP like shit recently and hated me for taking Stuart's side
[01/07/2018, 21:48:44] Jay: Add that up with the way you and Alex have been treated
[01/07/2018, 21:49:38] Jay: Lints and I are looking at each other and just saying if he's willing to screw over Alex, why should we have any loyalty
[01/07/2018, 22:26:03] Nikki Peters UK: I think he’s panicking and lashing out. But ultimately he is selfish, and if you get in the way of what he wants/thinks is right then you’re on his black list
[01/07/2018, 22:31:29] Jay: Last week was very much a panic
[01/07/2018, 22:31:42] Jay: Atm he's desperately trying to patch things up with me
[01/07/2018, 22:32:36] Nikki Peters UK: Yeah I can imagine
[01/07/2018, 22:32:31] Jay: I have no idea really whats happening in his mind, but we're all sick of the BS. I've tried to be more than tolerant of it all
[01/07/2018, 22:32:40] Nikki Peters UK: He sees you as an ally
[01/07/2018, 22:33:16] Jay: But I made it very clear on a call with Adam last week that he has to do what others want if he wants the company to continue
[01/07/2018, 22:32:56] Nikki Peters UK: But you know he’ll just be using you to get an outcome that is favourable to him
[01/07/2018, 22:33:56] Jay: Yea, he knows he needs me right now, it's why he hasn't resigned me from JET Services as a director
[01/07/2018, 22:34:10] Jay: but I have to play the game because if i don't he will just blow things up
[01/07/2018, 22:35:28] Nikki Peters UK: From where I stand (and I told him as much on the phone when he rang me a few weeks ago)... if all people want is what they’re rightfully owed and we’re promised and transparency over shareholdings etc ... then what’s so bad about that? Unless of course you’re doing something shady.
[01/07/2018, 22:36:00] Nikki Peters UK: Yes of course - don’t rock the boat with him, it’s the only way... I think everyone realises that he has to be ‘handled’
[01/07/2018, 22:37:56] Jay: Yea, it makes it very hard to put things across to him though if he is unwilling to accept criticism. Thankfully I was able to be more forthright with Adam Voce last week
[01/07/2018, 22:38:12] Jay: but you know it's bad when you have to deal with Adam Voce on a phone call ...
[01/07/2018, 22:38:54] Jay: Adam Voce is like that annoying holding music you get on phone switchboards.... utterly pointless and stuck on repeat!
[01/07/2018, 22:41:20] Nikki Peters UK: Yeah... I found that, you can’t voice your opinion because it triggers his irrationality. Arguments always ensue. And yeah I felt really disappointed on Adam... thought he would do the right thing. But he’s loyal to George to a fault - makes me believe GB probably controls a lot of his finances
[01/07/2018, 22:44:01] Jay: Yea, I have no idea what GB holds over Adam
[01/07/2018, 22:44:11] Jay: Both MP and I are very confused
[01/07/2018, 22:48:33] Jay: Its for that reason everyone whats him out, we're sick of having to "manage" the situations
[01/07/2018, 22:49:07] Jay: Having him as a >50% shareholder with this level of irrationality is just too much for all of us
[01/07/2018, 22:50:48] Nikki Peters UK: Yeah I fully understand... it’s for the benefit of the business