[21/10/2018, 20:38:09] B: will call you first thing in the morning - please call me as soon as you are up - important thank you x [21/10/2018, 20:39:02] B: I am avail now / this evening also if you wish to chatr but will more productive first thing if that is ok with you please [21/10/2018, 22:11:21] SP: Will call at 8 tomorrow as that will fit in with my days plans [21/10/2018, 22:11:32] B: great thx [21/10/2018, 22:11:50] B: hope heather doing ok ... did she have the pacemaker fitted? [21/10/2018, 22:12:37] SP: She has been in bed most of the weekend. [21/10/2018, 22:12:42] SP: Not yet [21/10/2018, 22:12:56] B: well thinking of you / her [21/10/2018, 22:13:04] B: hoping things improve [21/10/2018, 22:13:09] B: genuinely [21/10/2018, 22:13:29] B: makes me hate harry and schneider more if you want to know how it actually makes me feel [21/10/2018, 22:13:30] SP: She has a cardiac mri on Thursday [21/10/2018, 22:13:46] B: well all I can say is that I hope it goes ok [21/10/2018, 22:13:58] B: and send my best wishes for you both [21/10/2018, 22:14:08] B: makes me angry [21/10/2018, 22:14:15] B: I cannot imagine how it makes you feel [21/10/2018, 22:14:24] SP: I will tell her. Thanks mate [21/10/2018, 22:14:35] B: thx [21/10/2018, 22:14:39] B: wish could do more [21/10/2018, 22:14:49] B: fucking disgusting arseholes [21/10/2018, 22:14:57] B: please excuse my french [21/10/2018, 22:15:03] SP: Every dog has there day even if it’s at night [21/10/2018, 22:15:22] B: I believe so and I believe that will be the case here too [21/10/2018, 22:15:40] B: anyway objectivity to achieve the same etc ... [21/10/2018, 22:16:07] B: but as say by very best wishes and keeping toes crossed for you both - especially her obvs [21/10/2018, 22:16:54] B: I know you lucky to have her clearly - but she is lucky have you to mate. [21/10/2018, 22:16:57] B: chat tom. [21/10/2018, 22:17:27] SP: Yes. [21/10/2018, 22:17:31] B: x [21/10/2018, 22:17:46] SP: Hope things are improving with your aunt [21/10/2018, 22:18:19] B: well its terminal so difficult to improve but I think mum's last trip was better - she seemed calmer [21/10/2018, 22:18:36] B: but she got upset in sainsburys as couldnt add the bill up [21/10/2018, 22:19:10] B: and got up in the night this week and packed her car full of all her belongings and then came in and asked for the keys at 3am as she was like "ok I am ready to leave" ... [21/10/2018, 22:19:11] SP: Sorry mate. Cannot image [21/10/2018, 22:19:20] B: there was obvs nowhere to go [21/10/2018, 22:19:28] B: terrible to have canceer [21/10/2018, 22:19:42] B: unimaginable when it is destroying the brain [21/10/2018, 22:20:00] B: I'd have taken some pills and said godbye [21/10/2018, 22:20:08] B: but that's me [21/10/2018, 22:20:19] B: she thanked my mum for all she has done [21/10/2018, 22:20:24] SP: Send my best wishes to your mum as well please [21/10/2018, 22:20:44] B: and that is important to my mum as she will always want to feel she did all she can [21/10/2018, 22:20:56] B: I promise I will do mate - and thank you. [21/10/2018, 22:21:14] SP: Speak tomorrow ‎[21/10/2018, 22:22:25] B: ‎image omitted [21/10/2018, 22:22:47] B: Done.. (we WhatsApp as I am 3 floors up!) [21/10/2018, 22:22:54] B: Yes speak Tom [22/10/2018, 19:53:43] B: Stu been a long day mate ... Jason is here in the morning so can we catch up tomorrow morning...hope that’s ok 👍 [22/10/2018, 20:45:25] SP: No worries [23/10/2018, 11:03:18] SP: Just tried calling [23/10/2018, 11:03:34] SP: I’m 2 hours away [23/10/2018, 11:03:41] SP: Call me back [23/10/2018, 12:15:58] SP: I’m here [23/10/2018, 12:16:01] SP: ???? [26/10/2018, 09:34:15] SP: Morning mate This all has sorted very very quickly my end as I will not compromise my relationship with my friends. [26/10/2018, 10:49:42] B: Noted [26/10/2018, 10:50:17] B: I was on calls last night and again today to outline plan this weekend [26/10/2018, 11:29:41] SP: Sorry mate. My limit is end of play today. Sorry but I have tried to give a much time as possible, remember Monday was the contract signing I delayed that for 48 hours. I simply am not putting myself at risk of getting nothing so I think it best left that I am out. I hope you understand. [26/10/2018, 11:36:10] B: Ok well I will see what I can do by close of play but having to have lots of conversations and consider / factor budgets etc . Will do my best and call you this arvo [26/10/2018, 11:36:38] B: All part of a master plan!! [26/10/2018, 11:37:10] B: But will call you later and share positions as some things I need to ask / clarify / discuss with you also [26/10/2018, 11:37:27] SP: No worries [26/10/2018, 11:38:04] SP: I get home about 6 [26/10/2018, 11:44:16] B: K [26/10/2018, 18:09:12] B: Just having food call u after [26/10/2018, 18:12:34] SP: Ok mate [27/10/2018, 17:25:14] B: Stu just to update Jamie has been shooting today so haven’t been able to reach him .. he is back about 6.30 so we will call u once I got hold of him thx [27/10/2018, 17:30:24] SP: Ok [27/10/2018, 17:32:30] B: thx [27/10/2018, 18:42:30] B: as an aside - would you be able to meet Jamie next week (subject to overall plans) for half a day / day or at least a lunch .. he is going to go to London and spend time with the accountants. [27/10/2018, 18:58:35] B: Also just spoken to James [27/10/2018, 18:58:45] B: And will send you his number now [27/10/2018, 18:58:56] B: And your number to him [27/10/2018, 18:59:16] B: I think best first off you both speak to each other directly [27/10/2018, 18:59:20] SP: Depending on the outcome of tonight that will determine the length of time. Lunch definitely [27/10/2018, 19:00:08] B: He will be far better placed to answer questions in his past qualifications / roles at coutts and current market knowledge etc than I [27/10/2018, 19:00:28] B: (Albeit I imagine this does not surprise you buddy xx ;) ) [27/10/2018, 19:00:31] B: Hehe [27/10/2018, 19:00:51] B: So he literally just walked through the door from shooting [27/10/2018, 19:01:03] B: His direct mobile is 07740157204 [27/10/2018, 19:01:11] B: Oh shit no that is mine sorry [27/10/2018, 19:01:21] B: 07785237587 [27/10/2018, 19:01:25] SP: We need to sort a deal George [27/10/2018, 19:01:33] B: I know that [27/10/2018, 19:01:43] B: I want you to speak to James first [27/10/2018, 19:01:51] B: Then Adam Jamie and I and you will talk [27/10/2018, 19:01:55] SP: What is it you want me to talk to him about [27/10/2018, 19:02:00] B: And then we try sort [27/10/2018, 19:02:22] B: I want you just to touch base and outline your view of the potential for us as a team [27/10/2018, 19:02:32] B: And to understand his background [27/10/2018, 19:02:54] B: And to share thoughts on him being your lieutenant [27/10/2018, 19:03:16] B: Exactly how you and I hoped with an alternate individual [27/10/2018, 19:03:22] B: As you said yesterday [27/10/2018, 19:03:32] SP: If he has just walked through the door get him to call me [27/10/2018, 19:03:38] B: I will [27/10/2018, 19:03:40] SP: When he has settled [27/10/2018, 19:04:06] B: Sorry his number is 07785227587 [27/10/2018, 19:04:19] B: Versus Adam voce’s [27/10/2018, 19:04:27] B: 07785227586 [27/10/2018, 19:04:36] B: Will send him your no now x [27/10/2018, 19:04:43] SP: Ok [27/10/2018, 19:04:46] B: And to be clear [27/10/2018, 19:04:54] B: He is a very good guy [27/10/2018, 19:05:01] B: And easy going [27/10/2018, 19:05:05] SP: I’m sure he is [27/10/2018, 19:05:10] B: And I trust him without reservation [27/10/2018, 19:05:28] SP: That I don’t believe [27/10/2018, 19:05:36] B: Ha ha 🖕 [27/10/2018, 19:05:47] SP: 😂😂 [27/10/2018, 19:06:11] B: You can speak to him and I want you to with exactly the same honesty you did with Adam and I yesterday [27/10/2018, 19:06:22] B: He needs to hear the truth [27/10/2018, 19:06:25] B: As do I [27/10/2018, 19:06:27] SP: I will [27/10/2018, 19:06:32] B: Thank you [27/10/2018, 19:06:36] B: All I ask [27/10/2018, 19:06:41] B: And thank you [27/10/2018, 19:06:54] SP: No problem [27/10/2018, 19:06:56] B: As we agreed yesterday was always our plan [27/10/2018, 19:07:08] B: I am sorry for how things evolved with alex [27/10/2018, 19:07:13] B: Sad [27/10/2018, 19:07:24] SP: Greed is a terrible thing [27/10/2018, 19:07:34] B: So I hear [27/10/2018, 19:07:39] B: 😇 [27/10/2018, 19:07:47] SP: Haha [27/10/2018, 19:08:12] B: Thx for taking time to chat to him - and then we speak after [27/10/2018, 19:08:27] SP: Ok [27/10/2018, 19:08:34] SP: No worries [27/10/2018, 19:08:34] B: I just want you to share stuff with him from the position he is in and coming from [27/10/2018, 19:08:52] B: I.e. he doesn’t have same knowledge of business as Adam and I [27/10/2018, 19:09:01] B: Will text him now mate [27/10/2018, 19:09:16] SP: I am ready whenever he is [27/10/2018, 19:09:24] B: Great thx [27/10/2018, 19:10:21] B: ps. and Trust ... [27/10/2018, 19:10:57] B: as best I can (and exactly as you can) when people you have given unlimited and absolute trust to you feel have fucked you over. [27/10/2018, 19:11:21] B: Harry" and no names my side but you know how it is,,, [27/10/2018, 19:11:38] B: but I do trust him. [27/10/2018, 19:11:46] SP: It hurts doesn’t it [27/10/2018, 19:12:02] SP: But look forward not back [27/10/2018, 19:12:03] B: I am just someone like you who has been let down many times [27/10/2018, 19:12:04] B: yes [27/10/2018, 19:12:12] B: it hurts a lot [27/10/2018, 19:12:16] B: A LOT [27/10/2018, 19:13:23] B: +44 7502 221990 [27/10/2018, 19:13:33] B: soz that ws meant fr Jay [27/10/2018, 19:16:22] B: aside FYI - I am in concurrent development chatrs with Brad and the states - should have more to share Monday [27/10/2018, 19:18:13] B: ZRTX Trading Ltd [27/10/2018, 19:18:22] B: do you know this company? [27/10/2018, 19:18:32] B: https://www.facebook.com/ZRTX-Trading-Ltd-715167455282693/ [27/10/2018, 19:19:01] B: Leontos Sofou 29 6021 Larnaca, Cyprus [27/10/2018, 19:26:13] B: also FYI ‎[27/10/2018, 19:27:16] B: Ruth Spilsbury 2017 CV.pdf • ‎3 pages ‎document omitted [27/10/2018, 19:29:19] B: I hear she is a breath of fresh air in the office - BUT it seems she has some digital / social media / web analytics experience however this may need to be enhanced or may be inadequate - I believe as I thik you do that there needs to be a marketeier with significant online / digital ability that can also cover EA and and Sales support roles ... small company / multi talented etc ... [27/10/2018, 19:30:09] B: I imagine a better view can be established once you are hopefully in situ ad interacting... but any thoughts appreciated [27/10/2018, 19:43:48] B: and re deal etc ... [27/10/2018, 19:45:24] B: I just want it to ve something simple and clear and that evokes us (you and me primarily and respectfully disregarding anyone else) working together in same direction and sharing the efforts and respect and trust we are utting in each other. It is truly all I ask and is truly all I have actually ever asked of almost everybody I have ever worked with - but I think you know that already. [27/10/2018, 19:45:54] B: And I also think you know that if I ddn't feel the same about you I wouldn't even be engaing in these discussions. [27/10/2018, 19:47:50] B: says something after the hell we have been through and let us also be honest - we will disagree at times inevitably - but the one thing I cannot get away from and I hope you feel the same is that despite it all you have never fucked me and me never you ... maybe I am a romantic fool but I dream of 10 years from now friendships beer / coca-colas of laughter and fortune. But again you prob already know that too [27/10/2018, 20:38:26] SP: And how much are you paying this woman? 18-22? [27/10/2018, 20:41:34] B: how much you think - Aubrey and Alex recruited - I had no involvement [27/10/2018, 20:42:01] SP: 18-22k [27/10/2018, 20:42:14] B: I said Aubrey and Alex recruited her... [27/10/2018, 20:42:39] SP: Please don’t say more than 28 [27/10/2018, 20:42:50] B: I am too embarrassed to tell you [27/10/2018, 20:43:09] SP: For fucks sake!!!! [27/10/2018, 20:43:09] B: she has to go [27/10/2018, 20:43:15] B: I know [27/10/2018, 20:43:25] B: another reason why I need your partnership? [27/10/2018, 20:43:34] SP: She is a temp [27/10/2018, 20:43:38] B: remove the question mark [27/10/2018, 20:43:45] B: no [27/10/2018, 20:43:54] SP: With no experience [27/10/2018, 20:44:27] B: and arguably not the skills neeeded [27/10/2018, 20:44:32] SP: You could get three apprentices instead [27/10/2018, 20:44:50] SP: Not arguably definitely hasn’t [27/10/2018, 20:45:05] B: we could have someone with x3 A grade A levels and no experience for half that in stoke who I trust [27/10/2018, 20:45:15] B: so again you and I agree [27/10/2018, 20:45:25] B: and this is a repeated reality on our outlooks [27/10/2018, 20:45:44] B: and last month I had to put 20k in the business to cver payroll [27/10/2018, 20:45:54] B: how you think I feel [27/10/2018, 20:46:30] SP: I just don’t get it. [27/10/2018, 20:46:31] B: and I am (as relayed yesterday) trying define an initial 3 onth plan (with you) [27/10/2018, 20:46:35] B: yes you do [27/10/2018, 20:46:41] B: "no idea" [27/10/2018, 20:46:48] B: you have said it tome 100 times [27/10/2018, 20:46:53] B: to me [27/10/2018, 20:47:12] B: is across the board mate [27/10/2018, 20:47:17] SP: What I don’t get is why your not stopping it [27/10/2018, 20:47:38] B: EXACTLTY WHAT THIS WEEKEND IS ABOUT [27/10/2018, 20:47:40] B: AND [27/10/2018, 20:47:54] B: YOU KNOW I HAVE TO BE CAREFUL BECAUSE F POLITICS AND MUTINY [27/10/2018, 20:48:08] B: again - you / Jamie etc [27/10/2018, 20:48:27] B: if you come on board mate I will listen to you at every turn [27/10/2018, 20:48:38] SP: I understand. But people with no experience employing people with no experience is daft [27/10/2018, 20:48:33] B: we may not always agree [27/10/2018, 20:48:43] B: but our intentions and resolution and passion is the same [27/10/2018, 20:48:53] B: yes [27/10/2018, 20:48:57] B: yes to that [27/10/2018, 20:49:07] B: yes to everything else you have laid at my door [27/10/2018, 20:49:50] B: Adam and I have already agreed in this proposed x3 month plan we will draw no salary from cashflow [27/10/2018, 20:49:53] B: zero [27/10/2018, 20:50:12] B: but these ther changes have to happen [27/10/2018, 20:50:16] B: I am not pissing about anymore [27/10/2018, 20:50:25] B: I have for far far too long [27/10/2018, 20:50:30] B: and it is a failing [27/10/2018, 20:50:33] B: my failing [27/10/2018, 20:50:36] B: stupid [27/10/2018, 20:50:39] B: too kind [27/10/2018, 20:50:41] B: unwell [27/10/2018, 20:50:43] B: whatever [27/10/2018, 20:50:44] SP: It’s not about not taking money out it’s about growing [27/10/2018, 20:50:57] B: yes but taking less out allows for growth [27/10/2018, 20:51:08] SP: Agreed [27/10/2018, 20:51:10] B: and my agenda is long term [27/10/2018, 20:51:13] B: millions [27/10/2018, 20:51:22] B: I would rather it all blows up in a month [27/10/2018, 20:51:28] B: that go through a slow death [27/10/2018, 20:51:35] B: at least I get my own life back [27/10/2018, 20:51:41] B: BUT [27/10/2018, 20:51:46] B: that is not what I want [27/10/2018, 20:51:59] B: but things MUST MUST MUST now change [27/10/2018, 20:52:10] B: and mate you have said it to me without reservation [27/10/2018, 20:52:12] SP: Unfortunately it must be dying a slow death now. [27/10/2018, 20:52:13] B: time is up [27/10/2018, 20:52:31] B: Is the loyalty of certain people I think that means it can still win [27/10/2018, 20:52:34] B: You, [27/10/2018, 20:52:37] B: Brad [27/10/2018, 20:52:38] B: Alec [27/10/2018, 20:52:42] B: Albie [27/10/2018, 20:52:44] B: Adam [27/10/2018, 20:52:46] B: Myself [27/10/2018, 20:52:50] B: Jamie now [27/10/2018, 20:53:01] B: Linton and Yogesh work ethic [27/10/2018, 20:53:22] B: and let's be honest mate [27/10/2018, 20:53:25] B: you are me [27/10/2018, 20:53:30] B: and this situation [27/10/2018, 20:53:33] B: what you do? [27/10/2018, 20:53:44] B: 2 options for an old car right? [27/10/2018, 20:54:12] B: either spend money and turn the old porsche into the carrera RS concourse edition it deserves to be [27/10/2018, 20:54:30] B: or sell the wreck and let someone else deal with its restoration [27/10/2018, 20:54:36] SP: Jamie is a nice man. He could be the new broom you need [27/10/2018, 20:54:36] B: I would like the former [27/10/2018, 20:54:42] B: and you [27/10/2018, 20:54:45] B: and you [27/10/2018, 20:54:46] B: and you [27/10/2018, 20:54:48] B: and you [27/10/2018, 20:54:51] B: yes he s [27/10/2018, 20:54:54] B: yes he is [27/10/2018, 20:55:19] B: and off the record I think he is keen [27/10/2018, 20:55:23] B: wants to do it [27/10/2018, 20:55:41] B: and as said as much as I can I trust him ... [27/10/2018, 20:55:53] B: the Voce family has been like a second family to me growing up [27/10/2018, 20:55:57] B: I will share an example [27/10/2018, 20:56:05] B: Adam and I best mates sice 14 [27/10/2018, 20:56:11] B: done lots of business together [27/10/2018, 20:56:17] B: some arguments [27/10/2018, 20:56:29] B: some sucesses and some failings [27/10/2018, 20:56:52] B: but a friendship whereby we forgive each other always and will always revert to the most important thing [27/10/2018, 20:56:57] B: i.e. our friendship [27/10/2018, 20:57:08] B: he said once to me and I will never forget it it .... [27/10/2018, 20:57:48] B: "George, I know you seek money and financial sucess for security because your father lost everything.. but try also to remember you will never be poor when you have true friends." [27/10/2018, 20:58:11] B: a few months after my father had lost everything and has he x2 TIAs [27/10/2018, 20:58:34] B: Adam's father gave my dad a piece of work to design the new board room for HAYS PLC [27/10/2018, 20:58:44] B: (His dad was the FD there [27/10/2018, 20:58:58] B: my dad could barely walk to the meetings [27/10/2018, 20:59:05] B: stuggled to speak very well [27/10/2018, 20:59:18] B: and yet that piece of work saved my mum and dad financially [27/10/2018, 20:59:28] SP: How lovely. [27/10/2018, 20:59:29] B: and also gave my father some self respect he desperatly needed [27/10/2018, 20:59:36] B: that is Adam stock. [27/10/2018, 20:59:50] B: that is why I love him and will always be by his side. [27/10/2018, 20:59:56] B: I know he is too kind [27/10/2018, 21:00:04] B: but he is also bright [27/10/2018, 21:00:24] B: and for a man with trust issues (me) he is a man I trust 100% [27/10/2018, 21:00:29] B: and that is !00% [27/10/2018, 21:00:32] B: not 99. [27/10/2018, 21:00:38] B: and that is the way I am made [27/10/2018, 21:00:45] B: and tyhe values I respect [27/10/2018, 21:00:52] B: and to be honest why I respect you [27/10/2018, 21:02:01] SP: I have hardly done anything close to your friends [27/10/2018, 21:02:11] SP: But thank you [27/10/2018, 21:02:31] B: but I have only kown you for 2 years [27/10/2018, 21:02:34] B: and through hell [27/10/2018, 21:02:43] B: and you have shown heart [27/10/2018, 21:02:52] B: and that is all I ever come down to [27/10/2018, 21:02:59] SP: And so have you [27/10/2018, 21:03:11] B: I hope so [27/10/2018, 21:05:35] B: going to touch base with Jamie now - he said you had a good chat [27/10/2018, 21:05:43] B: shall I call you after? [27/10/2018, 21:15:07] SP: Yes [27/10/2018, 21:27:41] B: will d [27/10/2018, 21:31:52] B: currently have Adam's wife asking me not to be harsh on Alex Piper [27/10/2018, 21:31:52] B: I share the conversation as I think useful backdrop for you to see my mindset [27/10/2018, 21:31:52] B: [20:59, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: What’s going on with the Alex situ? [21:01, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: not good [21:02, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Sounds it [21:03, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Maybe Alex himself might not think it’s not working out either [21:03, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Who knows [21:03, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: Adam said he is enjoying the role [21:03, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Clair said he is really enjoying it [21:04, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: But that doesn’t mean he thinks he’s doing the best he can [21:04, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: you said it before [21:04, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: you know how it is [21:04, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: sure you would like your job wihout targets [21:04, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Yes I think he’s not as driven as he could be [21:04, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: you think? [21:05, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: too many people taking the piss [21:05, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: enough now [21:05, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I feel the message needs to come from you tho George [21:05, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Not adam [21:05, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Too much at stake the friendships [21:05, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Sorry to say [21:05, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: disagree [21:06, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: Adam and I are a team [21:06, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: it should come from us both [21:06, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: we aare seen as that and that is the reality [21:06, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I will speak no probs [21:06, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: So you recruit him as a team [21:06, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: but adam is the hand of the king [21:06, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: we did [21:06, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Okay [21:07, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: In most jobs it’s a review at probation [21:07, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Assess what’s good or could be improved [21:07, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Then go on performance review [21:07, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: this was his offer ... 3 month contract [21:07, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: ask me what he has delivered [21:08, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: and the response against each item is "NOT DELIVERED" [21:08, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And identify what objectives haven’t been met or delivered [21:08, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And how he’s planing to change this [21:08, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: It’s fair to say it’s not pulling his weight and your decision is justified and he’s not delivered [27/10/2018, 21:33:33] B: one sec [27/10/2018, 21:34:19] B: [21:08, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And identify what objectives haven’t been met or delivered [21:08, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And how he’s planing to change this [21:08, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: It’s fair to say it’s not pulling his weight and your decision is justified and he’s not delivered [21:09, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I know [21:09, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: is too late for half measures [21:09, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: But it’s going to come across as quite harsh if you’re not careful [21:09, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And may impact a friendship [21:09, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: since I left the office / London they have lost 33% of monthly revenue [21:09, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: True [21:09, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I dont care from my side [21:09, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And like say your decision I believe is the right one [21:09, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: but I will ensure to protect Adam [21:09, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: as he does [21:10, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I feel Alex has let us down badly [21:10, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: With all due respect I meant Adams friendship [21:10, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: with all due respect I refer you to the above [21:11, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: George. I am just expressing an Empath view on the situ here because I care. [21:11, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: as am I [21:11, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: BUT [21:12, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: My point was not to have a discussion with you [21:12, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I thought you might understand [21:12, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: very very tired of people taking advantage of both Adam and my own good nature / kindness [21:12, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: It’s tricky for Adam [21:12, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: Hence why I am and will respect protect that for him [21:12, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: As his wife I can see how tricky it might be and can judge the situation based on how adam is behaving [21:12, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: True [21:13, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: It’s very annoying [21:14, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And I said to adam I can see that Alex is probably sitting on a cushty number and knows it [21:14, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: yes - while adam is not [21:14, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: and hence ENOUGH [21:15, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I know I was so frustrated the other day when Adam told me how much Alex is earning [21:15, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Yet not pulling his weight at all [21:15, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Annual leave then physically impaired/injury takes the piss [21:16, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I just think it’s needs to be handled carefully [21:16, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: That’s all [21:18, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: You need to set the agenda for a call so Alex can prep [21:18, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Unless that’s what tomorrow is about [21:19, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Appreciate you letting me have my view George. I know I annoy you sticking my oar in but I just care. Sorry. [21:19, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I actually appreciate [21:19, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I care about Adam, you and Alex and clair [21:19, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: but my views are as yours [21:20, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: but do you like people taking the piss out of your husband? [21:20, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: No [21:20, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: or stealing your Son's inherethence? [21:21, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: But does Alex think he’s taking the piss? He might not even view it like this [21:21, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I wouldn’t go quite that far [21:21, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: Alex’s awareness won’t even extend to this [21:22, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: If he was purposeful trying to jeopardise both Adams reputation and my son’s future then Alex would not be a friend of ours [21:22, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: He’s a very good friend [21:22, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: A decent bloke [21:22, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: A fantastic father to two lovely children [21:22, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: The most doubting loyal husband [21:23, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: And he might just be a bit lazy at work [21:23, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I really don’t think there’s more to it than that [21:23, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I dont doubt [21:23, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: or disagree [21:23, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: and agree is about awareness / lack of [21:23, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: but then for Adam and I to address [21:23, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: and to stop allowing it [21:23, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: because we are [21:24, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: and not just with Alex [21:24, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: we are failing you [21:24, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: Max [21:24, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: my mother [21:24, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: each other [21:24, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: I can see of the above is valid [21:25, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: But Alex is still a friend and you need to respect that [21:25, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: do I sound like I will not [21:25, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: again see above [21:25, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: He’s not stolen money from the company or done anything that grave [21:25, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I will [21:25, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: no [21:25, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: He’s just not pulling his weight [21:26, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: and I will never undermine something of value to Adam [21:26, 10/27/2018] Voce Iphone Vic: But I agree he isn’t right for the role [21:26, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: save one fator that has been a weakness as you know [21:26, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: I have to drive these changes for him [21:26, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: as much as anyone [21:27, 10/27/2018] George Eaton-Busfield: in fact probably more than anyone [27/10/2018, 22:04:08] SP: TRZX. highly educated self backed traders that would have heard about Ransquawk through Hotfx. Just asked John. He has met with the owner a couple of months ago. [27/10/2018, 22:24:43] B: sorry mate - just come off phone with my mum and aunt - they all away with whole family this weekend and just tough see her fading away. [27/10/2018, 22:24:54] B: aploges unprofessional speak am and thank u [27/10/2018, 22:25:27] SP: Sleep well [27/10/2018, 22:25:33] B: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [28/10/2018, 06:29:34] B: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/video/detail/B017HUA5TQ/ref=atv_wtlp_wtl_1 [28/10/2018, 06:29:48] B: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4425064/ [28/10/2018, 06:29:53] B: watch this before we speak [28/10/2018, 06:30:00] B: I think a lot last night [28/10/2018, 06:30:12] B: not 26 you and I [28/10/2018, 06:30:15] B: but I think we are in spirit [28/10/2018, 06:30:21] B: x10 amazing people [28/10/2018, 06:30:27] B: xrecruit correct [28/10/2018, 06:30:31] B: xpassion [28/10/2018, 06:31:09] B: speak laters but I have a very clear view of what I want and a perspective that I have overlooked that I think is fundamentall [28/10/2018, 06:31:14] B: speak laters [28/10/2018, 06:35:12] B: I want the passion in this movie... and I think I can but I think it means you... us. explain when we chat [28/10/2018, 06:36:35] B: without death there is no room for the new / the innovation ... and some things need to pass away now [28/10/2018, 08:53:19] B: when you watch that film... there is passion about their times [28/10/2018, 08:54:03] B: in our own way Jason and I were like that when we embarked against Schenider and Singh [28/10/2018, 08:54:46] B: but I see the key difference [28/10/2018, 08:54:58] B: they created a ateam [28/10/2018, 08:55:06] B: lots of faults and failings [28/10/2018, 08:55:11] B: but also lots of talent [28/10/2018, 08:55:13] SP: And a trillion dollars [28/10/2018, 08:55:18] B: no mate [28/10/2018, 08:55:21] SP: Good morning [28/10/2018, 08:55:24] B: not in the beginning [28/10/2018, 08:55:29] B: good morning mate [28/10/2018, 08:55:44] SP: I was trying to be funny [28/10/2018, 08:55:46] B: sorry about yesterday [28/10/2018, 08:55:50] B: haha [28/10/2018, 08:55:53] SP: No worries [28/10/2018, 08:55:55] B: you do your best [28/10/2018, 08:56:10] B: had just face timed my aunt [28/10/2018, 08:56:22] B: and her eyes were all over the place [28/10/2018, 08:56:28] B: was horrible to see [28/10/2018, 08:56:34] SP: I bet [28/10/2018, 08:56:46] SP: It must be terrible [28/10/2018, 08:57:02] B: yes it is a terrible and awful disease [28/10/2018, 08:57:33] B: and is things such as that make me want to make a success of things too... [28/10/2018, 08:57:51] B: so can do good / donate / give to others [28/10/2018, 08:58:16] B: I know sounds silly but in the end actually means something to me [28/10/2018, 08:58:21] B: families first [28/10/2018, 08:58:29] SP: Always [28/10/2018, 08:58:36] B: but then to help those less fortunate [28/10/2018, 08:58:49] SP: Yes [28/10/2018, 08:58:52] B: in teh end mate as Jobs says for example [28/10/2018, 08:58:59] B: we are all going to die [28/10/2018, 08:59:16] B: be nice to have done a bot to make things a better place [28/10/2018, 08:59:40] B: tell you a recent anecdote on a similar topic when we chat x [28/10/2018, 09:00:03] B: anyways speak later mate - hope Heather doing ok noting the chat above [28/10/2018, 09:00:27] SP: When are we chatting? As I am going to Hev’s mums today [28/10/2018, 09:11:56] B: what time you there? / back etc [28/10/2018, 09:18:25] SP: I’m going for lunch so will be leaving at around noon. Don’t know what time I will be back. Could be quite late as Hev hasn’t seen her for a while [28/10/2018, 10:26:25] B: well - please let me know when you are back and we can chat then as I have a call with Alex Jason Brad Jamie and Adam today (seperate calls) to enable me to definine plan and I would like to be able to share that / the outpts of those when we speak and agree hopefully our partnership together moving forward. [28/10/2018, 10:27:55] B: I am also preparing a list of propoals / actions accordingly that I want your opinion on ... as an e.g. Ruth the EA is gone etc [28/10/2018, 10:31:03] B: plus want to (time allowing) share some numbers with you [28/10/2018, 10:38:16] B: be useful if you could share any thoughts you currently have or have been thinking [28/10/2018, 10:38:25] B: ,ight be useful to have a chat now [28/10/2018, 10:38:31] SP: I will call when I get back. George this has to be sorted today. I do not want to use my friends who have given me this job. This has gone on another week. I have a permanent position that affords me time to develop my own product. I fully appreciate you are spinning lots of plates [28/10/2018, 10:38:34] B: and revert later? [28/10/2018, 10:38:44] B: I understand ‎[28/10/2018, 10:55:07] B: ‎image omitted [28/10/2018, 11:42:50] B: Good chat thx [28/10/2018, 11:43:11] B: Please please keep our counsel and confidentiality [28/10/2018, 11:43:25] B: Today and moving forward [28/10/2018, 11:44:21] B: Imperative that I can talk to you about all matters in confidence ahead of any public announcements etc so we can mutually agree plans of attack [28/10/2018, 11:45:08] B: And a note from your book to is both an the voces ... focus on positive growth not chit chat corridor child playground bullshit [28/10/2018, 11:45:27] B: You always say not interested etc and want you to know neither am I [28/10/2018, 11:45:37] B: Best for business is all it comes down to [28/10/2018, 11:45:51] B: Again thx for counsel truly invaluable [28/10/2018, 11:55:10] SP: Welcome