# Possible Actionables / Thoughts ## General * DB is distraction. RR needs to be taken out as AV is leveraging RR. * If RR is proven to be "bent" or has to settle AV can not easily do a single settlement, has to settle with all of us separately. * DB is arguing about the SPA. The SPA is irrelvant and a distraction. Brought the assets from group. As to how assets got moved from JETGS to JETG is mostly relevant to RR, unless he is acting for AV/GB/CB * MP never knew about JETG until 2018. JE assumed GB told MP (JE didn't speak to MP much until 2018 when MP fellout with GB in Jan and during LS purchase). The realisation of this fraud by GB contributed to the GB/AV fallout (plus HMRC fraud, SP contract, non payment of AP, etc). 19th June 2018 was the first email JE has. Maybe this is why GB changed the shareholdings? * Code IP is in services (JE stateemnts say this) but there is Trademark in JETG and domains. * LSH and SBP Law was used by Kirker, as it was with LS administration where GB/AV bid. ## Non important * Alert HMRC GCV was not VAT registered, but was charging VAT * CB was used to invoice GCV. What is CB's tax liablity? (CB01-CB04 and GKO invoices) ## DB related * DB got £10'800 from JETGS in Mar 2018, when JE was the only director so was instructed by JE * DB did not dislcose any signed agreements with Healys and JE in GDPR DSAR. Odd. Did GB not provide them? * DB did not state who provided the Deed of trust or if it was a wet signature. Seems to only be digital "We confirm we do not hold any original documents containing your wet signature" (12/01/2023, 09:44 email) * DB ignored Jun email not to take instruction from others. I was still a director on 26 June 2018. * Deed of Trust had my sig copy and pasted on Jay Woods contract and Sam Indyks employment offer. Both were sent via GB's email. * IP arguments are unrelated to NS because NS brought contracts. We have invoices and code from Paul/Flussonic. JE's IP was stolen by GB via the share changes and false Deed of Trust. * DB knew JETG owned assets. See DLA email * DB knew TTN was illicitly transferred to Desi (copied in email - "POST BOARD > TTN COMPANY RE-STRUCTURE". MP exlcuded) * ## RR / Accounts Related * Versa did not provide accounts in 2018 when asked by JE. Drafts provided late in 2019 (HMRC were told) * JE hired James Bevis to do accounts. Only filed them to keep HMRC happy. Done based on bank accounts. * GB filed accounts (via Williams) in Aug 2019. These had good will so JE did not want to put them on JETG to avoid arguement * JE did not sign off JETGS accounts as a shareholder, contray to RR and DB's claims. DB and RR were copied on emails stating this therefore RR and DB are making false claims * RR in Nov/Dec 2022 falsely stated JE did not act on known fraud. Again false given RR and DB was copied in numerous emails. JE reached out to HMRC/Action Fraud/Police/Companies House. Libellous statements. * RR tried to claim CB was "assisting" him. Yet disclosed on the phone he needed to threaten court action. More narrative forming * RR knew JE/AV/GB claims were contentious. Took GCV debt on face value despite HMRC wind up order. RR should have aligned with HMRC as suggested by JE, but didn't. * RR knows JE/MP/CP/HMRC have beef with AV/GB * RR disclosed GB and AV was going to flip the company so SIP16 violationn from Kirker is BS * Libellous statements and Tort of NS from RR shows pattern * RR can't argue about s1112 CA2006 when Williams/Dimitrov had numerous violations (see 2019 emails) * JE was director of JETGS and JETG and all Xfers were done with GB/AV approval (they mostly enacted them) * Given GB has Deed of Trust paperwork, paperwork between JETGS and JETG over contracts must be with GB as JE can't find them * “[Mr Dimitrov] provided the expertise and monies to set up Group and what is now Services. 76% of the shares in each company is stated to beheld by Mr Earl on trust for Mr Dimitrov.” # General Invoice Notes The overall gist is early invoices were to RAN, AV/GB could argue the invigation work through 2016 was legit. However personal legal costs got invoiced to RAN via GCV. Many assets RAN paid for got moved to GCV's balance sheet. No agreements were made and this violated the JETGS SPA as a good chunk was paid for in summer 2016 before the JETGS purchase. This was done with the intent of "loaning" it back to JETGS. CB has double invoced her work to both JETGS and TTN and taken money from both. TTN was moved illicitly to Desi's control with GB's instruction and DB's oversight. GB has overcharged for work (80 hour work weeks) without alerting directors in 2017 (AH/AL). The accomodation fees not only were double charged by CB to TTN and JETGS but rent for NAP was paid separately (so double charges). I assume the same for AP. JE paid rent in cash - it is on J Earl Ltd invoices - it was paid to GB until the point GB evicted JE. GB continued to charge JETGS rent it appears (might been offset by a "credit"/fake loan) GCV3/GCV4/GCV5 are contractors that are unnamed that did not do work for JETGS/JETG. AP, SP and NAP was paid from JETGS. GCV4 might be CB but she never did any real work and the dates span dates when JE was a director. No invoices got presented to JE as JETG/JETGS director pre June 2018 GCV invoiced RAN for many things and then recharged them to JETGS. GCV purposefully held TTN/JETG/JETGS joint and severably libale but GCV has purposefully co-opted the administration by then stating these debts were due from JETGS. It falsely attributed £534K was not suddenly due because of damages coming from MP/AH/JE. These damages are fake and thus it can be argued the the reason for administration was synthesised to move assets to GCV. AV then claimed JETG owed GCV 500K. This can't be valid given the debt was registered with JETGS and has not provideed Kirker with proof. VAT has been charged but there is no VAT number for GCV. It was never VAT registered so charging for VAT appears to be VAT fraud. CB is very involved as GKO1/GKO2 show CB being the money mule for getting cash out of GCV. This should be brought to the attention of HMRC if RR leverages them. ## Sub Notes * GB as sent an email from AV's GCV email at 2:08am and signed off from "George" (you'd think he'd learn something from Brian O'Neil QC!) * GCV has not provided a VAT number in any invoices! * Invoices up to i20i.pdf are consitent and mostly toward RAN * "No VAT due or implicated as Invoice for Disbursement Costs only" - Surely you need to be VAT registered for turnover over £85K, not profits so it's moot. * Later invoices - particularly i24.03.pdf were constructed such that loans were made back to RAN/JET to corece administration. These invoices were never presented to directors timely on purpose. * Desi's real email is oliviq_15@abv.bg however all the replies come from another email that seems to be more recent, desi109190@gmail.com * During the period JE and AH/AL were directors, no invoices were presented. PJM even queried the lack of invoices in 2018 prior to the accounts. * AV claimed in 2022 to Kirker GCV is owed £500'000 with no proof. It can't simituously apply debts to both JETGS and JETG while in administration. * Versa / PJM was not moving in Feb 2019. It was done the year before (further shows invoice is "made up") in invoices after i24.03 and after # GCVcost-CB01.pdf - Charged to GCV from CB * CB never provided services to RAN or JETGS/JETG when JE/AH were directors. No email chains to prove this. CP should claim this money back # GCVcost-GK03.pdf - Charged to GCV from CB * Hasn't CB stolen enough via CB01?? Again did not work in any way before CB for JETGS so what was this for? It's just a way to siphon cash from GCV # GCVcost-GK04.pdf - Charged to GCV from CB For 06/04/19 to 05/04/20 yet the invoice was issued on 6th Aptil 2019? # i11i.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN MP is named but was never involved # i14.pdf / i15.pdf / i14 DBs.pdf / i15 DBs.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN GB charging personal legal costs to RAN via GCV # i18.pdf / i18 DBs.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN RAN Equipment (did this get paid from RAN?) It does not belong to GCV # i20iiA.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN * This is when invoices start to decend into chaos * This is Sep15-Feb16 (so pre i11i.pdf) * What is the £12,505 of equipment purchased for RAN? * Why is VAT being charged, GCV was never VAT registered. * Supposed to cover RS/MC investigations # i21iB.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN * GCV Bonus - £107,230. Who gave approval for this? AH, AL? * "To reimburse GCV fees Mar+Apr16 (per i11i) predominantly - as required to mitigate any risk re: entrapment by prior directors (SNE,RS,other) re:D-Div(s) & per GCV+MP fees in GCV i11i or otherwise; and/or subsequently to credit against cash DBs by GCV on behalf of client(s)*" ???? £20K * "DBs for Admin, Accom, HR" - No HR or Accom as far as I'm aware * £31,260 - For IT equipment, RAN paid for this during the office move? * Other costs seem dubious * £128,676.00 - Mostly fraud as unproven costs to RAN # i21iiC.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN * "Services" section comes to £197,982. Top Covers Nov 16 to Mar 2017 (continues from i20i.pdf which is Oct 2016) but bottom overlaps with past invoices i20i (Did AH and AL approve this as directors?), i19, i17, i13, i11i * "Services" section labels GCV3 (£22770) / GCV4 (£5478) / GCV5 (£13800). Who are these contractors? NAP, AP, CB. SP? * "Services" section - GCV1 (GB?) has charged for 364 hours of work in a month for 5 months. There are only 720 hours in a month. * Contains "TradersWorld" charges. This should be tied in with Mark Milner (co #06837718) * Credits don't correlate to anything (not even past invoices) * IT Asset transactions are moving RAN assets onto GCV balance sheet. No approval from what I'm aware (AV, AL, AH, GB directors at April 2017). These assets purchased in June 2016 so should have been part of the JETGS transfer. * JE rent - was paid to GB in cash. Never needed to be put on GCV balance sheet. No time period given * NAP rent - separate rental contract? No time period given # i21iiC DBs.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN * Jamie Voce and Liaison fake invoices. £96K? * IT Assets listed are RAN's no approval to move from AH/AL # i23ii.pdf - Charged from GCV to RAN * Covers Apr 17 to Jun 17. GB added 191 hours/pcm of extra time. What approval came from AH and AL here? * GCV3, GCV4. Who are they? (Note they could have been AP as he start Apr 2017, but was paid from JETGS) * Rent was paid in cash for JE and NAP so this is being used as leverage later # i24.01.pdf / i24.01-gko2.pdf - Charged from GCV to JETG * £43,470 charged for contractors between 01 Jul 17 - 31 Jan 2018 charged to TTN for 2 contractors * "GINKGO CECB Admin & Consulting Services for THE JET GROUP LIMITED (01/07/17 to 31/12/18 =18@£425 pcm as assigned)" - CB was never a director of JETG and never lodged debt with Kirker. (this got charged to services) in GKO1 * Invoices for sent from GB or AV to JETG in GKO1 # i24.02.pdf / i24.02-gko2.pdf - Charged from (CB to) GCV to TTN * £43,470 is duplicate to i24.01.pdf * 16,656.04 additional in i24.02-gko2.pdf * GKO2 charges £71K to TTN * This is double charging as this is the same as i24.01.pdf but applied to TTN as well as JETG. Not just for work done but accomodation. # i24.03.pdf - Charged from GCV to JETG / JETGS / TTN * 1a - 120K covers Feb 18 to Mar 19. GCV4 (CB?). * 1a - What transactions constitute a loan of £66'240? * 1 - A and B overlap (search "see1b below"). Yet 1all seems to double count them (120180 + 156315 + 34012 = 310507) * 1biii - How does one get a £28K business holiday for AV? * 2f - AH/MP/CP - Tally up "Working Capital Support Loan" against RAN please! * 3d - "Eaton House (Dble Front Room) - AP" - I understand AP was paid from JETGS and he paid rent to GB in cash * 3d - "Eaton House (Mezz Room)J Earl / StorageJul-18Mar-19" - JE never used the room during this time, as I was kicked out * 4c - "Spleavin Admin Fee (AV to INV)" * 4c - Not sure what equpiment is but it is probably mentioned in past invoices? * 7h - Numerous "credits" from past invoices. These are being used to that GCV can leverage JETGS in the event of administration. Most of these are fictional (ie. CB accomodation costs, S Pleavin theft?) * 5.1. - "20 = COSTS & DBs ALL GCV ACCOM" - This was probably accod paid in cash by JE * 5.1 - "22 = COSTS & DBs ALL GCV EQUIP (IT)" - This came out of RAN in the case of Novatech (see invoice - Note **** 1600 card was in GB's name while at RAN) (Search "Re: FW: JET Bank - EBUYER(UK) Ltd - £2148.32"). No agreement was made with RAN to trasfer it to GCV and lease it back * 5.1 - "23 - HR entertainment" - paid by RAN or JETGS and double charged? * 5.1 - "24 = COSTS & DBs ALL GCV HR PROF FEES - RAN 1 PJM" Surely this came out of RAN? * 5.1 - "25 = COSTS & DBs ALL GCV HR PROF FEES - RAN 2 OTHERS" - Is this GB/AV or other contractors? (ie. NAP/AP who was on JETGS pay) * 5.1 - "26 = COSTS & DBs HR MaFam -RAN -BULG(x5)" - What agreement was made with RAN to hire 5 Bulgarian spies? * 5.1. - "27 = COSTS & DB+T39:U42s HR MaFam -RAN -PRW+TAF" - No idea what this is? * 5.1 - "28 = COSTS & DBs HR MaFam -RAN -Simon+Steve" - Simon Plevalin (was paid by SP) * 5.1 - "29 = COSTS & DBs HR MaFam -RAN -Olivia" - Voce's relative??? Wheres the agreement * 5.1 - "30 = COSTS & DBs GCV HR MaFam - RAN -TEMPS+OTHERS" Whats this £3K for? * 5.1 - "50 = COSTs & DBs @AMAZON GCV to RAN Disburse CONFIRMED" - I understand this all was paid from JETGS * 5.2 - This seems to be past invoices which are partly paid (i20ii, i21i, i21ii, i23ii, i24.01, i24.02) * 5.3 - 5.2 offset against 5.1 * 6 - AH was there an agreement got GCV to buy your laptop in 2017? Probably not. "The Jet Group Limited ("JET")* & The JET Group Services Limited ("JETS")* trading as "RANsquawk" or otherwise; & Trade The News Limited ("TTN")* trading as "Talking-Forex" or otherwise. Where all are noted as connected parties, and as detailed below or otherwise, are all agreed as are jointly & severally the client entities liable to all debts as herein invoiced.^^" It seems this is referencing past invoices, many are targeted to RAN ltd and then recharging the costs into JETGS (or JETG/TTN. Things are purposefully ambigous) Page 2 seems to imply £252,525 outstanding this factors all past invoices (this sums up above columns # i25.pdf * "DBs for Amazon & IT & Office Equipment Costs" - Again purchased by JETGS for use at JETGS. Why is TTN being invoiced? when JETGS is mentioned in notes * "DBs for "KIRIS" Forensic Investigation Security Services" - KIRIS? They were paid from RAN. What is this for? * "DBs for HR 3rd Party Resource & Accom Costs" What is this for, it doesn't correlate with anything labelled accom related "* You will further note that the payment of £8,598.79 is a direct payment to satisfy GCV invoice 'i25' which contains confidential information - actually as is related to disbursements incurred by GCV on behalf of JET / JETS for security investigation and corporate forensic intelligence in light of Mr Earl and others feared actions." - So GB is invoicing JETGS to unfairly pred JE / CP (depending how you look at it). Or more likely the KRIS invoice is fake (as are other supplier invoices) # i27.pdf Mostly takes figures (including loans) from i24.03.pdf and adds some extra on from i25. # i28.pdf Mostly seems to revise i27.pdf # i29.pdf * £534,546.49 - This was suddenly charge because of "damages incurred by actions of Mr Earl, Mr Hayward, Mr M Patel"? This is trying to create a fake pretext for the administration as the damages are unproven.