2016-11i - £15K of costs not legit (RAN) - Money goes to Adam Voce's account. - Has MP's name but MP never had any cash from this. - "Satellite Systems Consultancy Services" / "Satellite Systems Infrastructure" was never done by AV, it was done by Adam Dullenty (and a little bit by JE). Simple test, what does AV know about ECB service. 2016-12i (RAN) - Laptops were brought in cash with fake name (John Adams), but legit claim 2016-13i (RAN) - Consulting was done by GB not AV, so why is this going to AV's bank account? 2016-14i / 2016-15i - £3340 not legit (RAN) - This should not have been claimed from the company. This was for the benefit of CB. SNE kicked up a fuss (See: 2016_06_08_RAN_-_GB_(SNE_and_MS).pdf) 2016-17i (RAN) - Why is GB's work being done via AV's bank account 2016-18i (RAN) - Unsure if this is legit 2016-19i / 2016-20i - GB untook this work, not AV 2016-i20ii (RAN) - "PHASE 1 Forensic Investigations" Not due, as already charged in 2016-19i / 2016-20i / 2016-17i so £93,951.68 is not due (i.e. Sept 15 to Feb 16). - None of the charges on this are legit. 2017-i21i (RAN) - None of this makes sense. Maybe the Novatech PC's were legit i21iiokC (Unknown but assumed RAN given TradersWorld) - Invoices to offshore entities are friends of GB. Probably fake. Same Ultra book pic as before - Traderworld was fraud (domain brought 2017-i21ii (RAN) - Consultants makes no sense. The staff are not named. NAP/AP/SP were paid from JETGS not GCV. JE and NAP worked under JET - PC's were brought via RAN Ltd, in past invoices. 2017-i23ii - JE rent was paid in cash to GB via JE invoices. GB was renting his room out to JE, but locked JE out. - NAP paid rent to GB - No idea what "HR & IT Equip 1" FH-GKO1 (JET) - Why is DB charging JETGS via GCV for GB's room £10K/year? 2018-i24.01i (JET)