00 - AV trying to get out of things. JE reminds AV that JE has to AV 01 - Mention of contract attached. Please forward. AV sounding dumb. DB is on holiday and dealing with it 02 - AV admits GCV was his idea. "AV is GCV" near 3 min 03 - Something has been misappropriated. GB and JE names against it. AV says nothing to do with IP. 04 - JE states JE did deal, misappropriated with an illicit deed of trust. Fraudulenent because it doesn't reflect RAN shareholders. GB put a price on it. GB is responsible for it 05 - GB self approves invoices. AV admits "ID is paper director" of JETGS and director of GCV. 06 - Work done is very questionable. Don't agree about period, it has not been agreed. AV has seen bank transfers (JE wants them) 08 - AV going to give documents. JE states the documents need to be provided. AV "I know I've not done anything wrong" 09 - If AV wants to dispute then AV needs to provide documentation. 10 - JE doesn't need to come from DB (conflicted). You have the documents. No need for DB pushing costs. Waste of money for both of us. 11 - AV not seen invoices. 12 - £110K of wages. Need to see bank statements. 14 - AV admits he had to act - Worried about GCV. AV doesn't want fees. 15 - JE "The lawyers always win". 16 - "If George is being paid seven grand, or GCV is being paid it on behalf of George". 17 - Arguing value for money rather than if it got moved. GB has admitted paid from GCV. 18 - JE "It's the worst kept secret has to how GB gets paid" (i.e. via offshore loans) 19 - The process is questionable. JE reminds AV things have not been approved correctly. Phone calls not timestamped. 20 - We're talking about money from JETGS and others on mandate. AV admits not a shareholder or director. JE not seen a invoice. 21 - AV "I will not put my name on fake invoices". AV admits not everything is value for money (KRIS, albeit paid from RAN and JET). Governance issue over GB acting unilaterally. 22 - AV alluding GB done a bad job but quips "you can't sue someone for doing a bad job". You can sue for fraudulent job. If contract exists and it s violated, or doctor fucks up you can sue. AV admits overpriced. 23 - Brought up issues before the shareholder changes (in its self unlawful). GB keeps conflating. 24 - Various claims, HMRC, Mr Patel etc. GB reply trying to bring all other bits. The only way to defence is to conflating. 25 - MP is claiming shares. JE claiming against IP misappropriated. Linked by historic events but want different non-conflicting outcomes. 27 - No disputing I wrote the code. AV knows JETGS has IP and moved this to ID. 29 - again AV states ID directorship is not always valuable. Shareholding is wrong 30 - MP has minimal 26% so how can ID have 76% as this makes this 102% shareholding. 31 - Deed of Trust is wrong. Does not add up as above. JE asks to protect what shareholders (i.e. unfairly advantage). For someone who was a director, AV seems to be unclear on facts. 32 - JE mistake to support GB in 2016. GB is good at tricking people. 34 - AV invoicing done by GCV is mostly valid. As 50% shareholder not oblivious. Who is managing the company? ID? GB? 35 - AV / JE dragged in due to GB. GCV is your company yet not running it? 36 - AV playing "catch up". No one saw these invoices. It's the Schrödinger of invoices 38 - GB and AV provide documents - mutually beneficial. Documents come at the wrong time. GB knows he's wrong. 39 - I know why RS hates GB. AV / JV was involved in the latter part of the transactions. RS was not treated right. 40 - mostly waffle after about instructing lawyers