[8:03 PM, 6/17/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate .. please can you call me as need to get things done for Mehul ASAP. Also can you advise when you are back in the uk and what time you have the daily mail and Ann brocklehutst meetings so can stucture other matters around that - I.e. steering committee / Mehul etc. [8:05 PM, 6/17/2018] George Busfield: I hope we can establish a better structure and process at the business to support your / others aspirations and that we can continue to work together as musketeers to attain the aspirations we all have equitably and fairly and efficiently. [8:06 PM, 6/17/2018] George Busfield: Please call my friend. I need your input and assistance to do so for the benefit of all. I believe my hopes and suggestions will be more than agreeable to yourself and assist the business and all the good people involved. [8:07 PM, 6/17/2018] George Busfield: But as say do need your input and support to implement and to satisfy what mr Patel wants. [8:07 PM, 6/17/2018] George Busfield: Thanks [9:54 AM, 6/25/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate - which phone you on ? Are you in London? [9:55 AM, 7/12/2018] George Busfield: Please call urgent mate [11:53 AM, 7/14/2018] George Busfield: Please call I am looking at property [9:13 PM, 7/15/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate just to let you know I am off tomorrow as need to sort some things for my ma .. back Tuesday but making progress. [6:09 PM, 7/30/2018] George Busfield: call me please - re: ensuring funds for salaries and Sales lists re SP - thanking kindly [6:10 PM, 7/30/2018] George Busfield: PLEASE PLEASE AMIGO CAN YOU GET BACK TO ONE PHONE & TELL ME WHICH ONE 😥 [7:29 PM, 7/30/2018] George Busfield: Tried to call please advise which phone and call me back thanks [10:14 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate can you give me a call when you get a mo need your help in something - essentially just to capture the stuff that you already done that now aligning into accounts and future / current possibilities [10:14 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: Need you BM SUMMARY that you did [10:14 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: And the chronology you have done [10:15 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: Also I want to build / define a clear view of harm and damage done by Schneider and Singh in summary spreadsheet so we an pursue via Ran liquidation or otherwise [10:15 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: Call when you can [10:16 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: Aware other matters outstanding for you also but all ties into these accounts which will finally arm us with the information we need on multiple fronts [10:16 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: Ping me the above if you don’t have time to call I am balls deep in accounts [11:50 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: also mate quite a lot of activity thrugh the LLoyds JET account histrically did you know this? [11:51 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: could do with am excel spreadsheet of all the monese and monzo accounts too [11:51 PM, 8/28/2018] George Busfield: will ping you the J E Trading excel version shortly as an example [12:59 AM, 8/29/2018] Jase: Do you want to speak in the morning? Or now (just wary of making a noise and disturbing housemate) BM summary - I presume it's the 10 Jun 2016 one? I'll dig it up but I'm sure you've been given a copy. RAN Legal pack is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WIXgBFrL0jaP-VjxkC1vddlnxuFwqMBHdAV4sgeUJPM/edit - You need to login via your george.busfield@ransquawk.com email (can reset the pass if you need to). I believe it's probably imperative as soon as JET accounts are done that RAN gets wound up. I don't think I was in the email chain but it was dropped informally / verbally to me DOW are back on the case (funny that given RS is also back on the case). What activity are you referring to with JET Lloyds accounts? (and when) - Ever since Wearn bodged up the online access I've never had any transparency / ability to access the account, unless I go to the branch with a passport and spend a good part of 40 minutes entertaining their queues and comp sec clearance. I've sent the Monese statement which covers everything since inception. I'll dig it up. There's some euro expenses of mine from this year on there that aren't company related, but they are effectively offset by some unclaimed expenses elsewhere (this is minimal, ball park of about £300, so nothing that materially changes anything for accounts). Will talk verbally on that. I think I can give you a CSV version for Excel if that is better (presume it is). I'll dig up Mozno details. The amount of cash that's gone through that is very minimal (normally just for end of month meal, printer cartridges, and other cheap sundries) [1:06 AM, 8/29/2018] Jase: I really need to get some resolution at some point over pay. I want pay rise to be effective of from July invoice as that will be exactly 2 years after leaving PAYE so aligns nicely but also because I'm under a lot of pressure to get something long term. The agents have stirred shit with me and the landlord (exaggerating the house has been "trashed", and I know the landlord is pushing to reduce the price and get the place sold and as result had lot of viewing as of late). I know the desk are chasing too, but I have not had a pay rise in just over 7 years now so I don't see why I should continue to hold the short straw when others will have had it and Alex has had a sizeable uplift / sign on bonus. Couple that with the fact we've wasted a lot of cash paying HRMC plenty surcharges (probably £2500 quarterly between RAN / JETS, which is £10K/pa), or on KRIS which has always been a contentious cost [1:33 AM, 8/29/2018] Jase: I've reacquainted myself with RS emails from the rights issue period yesterday - while I've got some idea of it, I've not really digested it fully when looking before and thus tried to mentally reenact / piece together the events from what I can see in the email chain to fully understand the fine details regarding the politics (something I've skirted over in the past). One point I've picked up on is the exact reasons we went down a rights issue as this always eluded me. Even you and SNE that the loan issue was the right route. In fact I think everyone except RS have agreed the loan issue was the way forward, albeit MP said his Dad was unwilling to commit (and I think you / CB had reservations given the RS theft's). So I've come to the logical conclusion that the right issue was pushed really by RS. My deductions were that RS wanted to get over 75% shareholding (ultimately giving him absolute dictatorship, right to special resolutions etc, alongside the ability to exert control over SNE for good). My understanding is SNE defaulted to this cause of action mostly because there of time expiring between you agreeing to purchase MP/CP's shares. Ultimately RS leveraged this to his advantage and SNE blindly was happy to follow this, and thus the collusion with SNE was the fact he was willing to lend RS the cash for this. Arguably SNE should have lent the money to company (especially as he was responsible for the litigation, so SHL / STA / SNE should have picked up the liability along side RS rather than have minority shareholders, i.e. you and MP pick up the bill / liability for SNE's / RS's miscarriage of management. It was a breach of fid duty to provide RS the loan but not provide the same support to others (I happen to notice he was willing to provide this to AV to some extent, I'm guessing because he underestimated AV's ties to you and thus AV played a part in uncovering SNE's motives in Dec 15 / Jan 16) I think a lot of this isn't going to be of huge interest for the FCA, mostly because the rights issue is a very inter company specific political matter with many complex interdependencies, not to mention as you said earlier RAN Ltd picked up RS's loan and thus there's might be little we can do now this has been settled and is in the past, although maybe this is something Rhones might be able to query. The FCA were mostly trying to assert who provided the loan to RS, was it SNE personally or was it a STA / SIA / SHL entity (I found the draft agreement with RS esq and SHL Ltd). It seems intriguing that of all things I've raised they've homed in on the loan (it would be great to shake out of them possible reasons why when I think the Bribery aspect seems a bigger matter). I note in the loan that RS waivers his right for the loan to be governed regulations of the CCA 1974 / FSMA 2000 Acts [1:38 AM, 8/29/2018] Jase: That's the CSV / Excel data [8:19 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: fk me that is a long message - [8:19 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: bear with reading now and will revert [8:20 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: Response as follows [8:21 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: BM -no, not one particular BM - is the full summary that you dod on all bard meetings I am seeking - it was an excellent consolidation - lease send (I know I prob already have it soemwhere !! sorry x [8:32 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: Thank you for leagl pack [9:02 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: re the other poinst you make ... [9:03 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 1).. Yes Dow back on the agenda .. fun fun... and agree RAN windup asap [9:04 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 2) JET lloyds Accounts I will send you the accounts detail I have been able to assimilate... [9:07 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: (but request is is there more?0 [9:08 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 3) thanks for monese statement. Please do transfer to METRo credit card and keep for you your use mate as will hepl with ACs... friendly reminder [9:09 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 4) noted on pay - please just give me this week to get accounts done as will have much more visibility and abilty to sort once done which must be by Monday coming at latest [9:11 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 5) Rights Issue .. yes was Singh bt was win win for SNE also as the office rent plust the interest on loan plus kept an interest in the business and yes SINGH wanted to get 76% and that was his intent as SNE informed me of the same. [9:11 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 5b) SNE NEVER supported the loan route he just played with it to pretend .. [9:12 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 5c) Only reason unwillig to reinvest by CB was because SINGH theft and dishonesty came to light prior to the AGM. [9:13 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 5d) NO - SNE was not blind to anything - he made decision as commercial move as he saw risks of business etc. [9:14 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 5e) RS and SNE agreed that RS would leverage up to the hilt so he had no risk going forward there is an email somewhere where SNE outlines the entire concept to RS [9:15 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: 6) I suggest reply to FCA and say will investigate and find evidence and information of the situation and then you and I can do post accounts hell that I am in at the mo [9:15 AM, 8/29/2018] George Busfield: gt to get back to accounts - apologies for spelling etc flat out. [11:15 PM, 8/30/2018] George Busfield: Call please [11:15 PM, 8/30/2018] George Busfield: Quick one [12:48 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: Call back please re dynex and your comment on sp and ap [12:48 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: Thanks [1:48 AM, 8/31/2018] Jase: My bat is about to die [1:49 AM, 8/31/2018] Jase: Guessing yours has [1:59 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: yes [2:00 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: calling you now - call back if you can for 2 to conclude [2:00 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: ultimately - you / me - all need to do what we say and commit to at the LSC [2:00 AM, 8/31/2018] Jase: Yea, let's call it a day and speak over the weekend [2:00 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: and we need to raise the SP issue and TPS and accounts / legals at the next one [2:01 AM, 8/31/2018] Jase: Yep [2:01 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: if you concur then yes agrede conclude [2:01 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: apeak over the weekend . [2:01 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: spesk [2:01 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: speak [2:03 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: but do not marginalise you are imo perhaps one f the very very few who look and understand the whole picture and this is one of the key reasons our discussions have always been able to provide huge value and direction to the entire community. I am grateful to have it back but we must impose and enforce it on the LSC and be held to account by the same principles. [2:03 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: I am on ACs and legals and pleas TPS mate .. [2:04 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: but as above we must also stand tall to advise and direct input to the LSC re SP ... AUB and AP MUST MUST manage this as t is unfair that I can see is already falling back to you and me again. [2:04 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: night. thanks for help this evening and speak at weekend. [2:20 AM, 8/31/2018] Jase: Yep, agreed, catch you later [2:21 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: thx laters [11:39 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: Please call [11:39 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: Just spoken to SP [11:39 AM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: Need to discuss [1:07 PM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: Please call mate [5:08 PM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: approved your 5200 - but why send that arsey message when I am trying my best to work with you / help you? the GCV SO has been outstanding for over a month and I put 20k in last month AND settled a £8-9k invice with PJM almost two months ago but dont go moaning about AND not chased you on rent etc AND was like all cool re monese etc - I just don't get it mate. Anyway have replied accordingly and with detail in the same manner. Please can you provide the clarity on the questions asked and reply to my other outstanding emails - particuarly re how you filed your resignation at Companies house - have you reset the authentification code as if so I won't be able to file accounts come Monday [5:08 PM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: anyway - hopefully you can reply to those emails and the questions I raised in my email just sent as it will help me do accounts and which in turn will enable me to help you although this shit is not a one way street mate. [5:24 PM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: Can I also ask what exactly you are so busy on at the moment that you had to drop off the sp call? [5:24 PM, 8/31/2018] George Busfield: And don’t forget your weekly update [9:58 PM, 9/10/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate .. I haven’t fully read your messages or emails but will inntime and respond but ultimately no interest in fighting - very bored of it as sure you can imagine .. but can chat on phone etc as prob better... but not calling about any of that ... just a catch up on a couple of things including properties etc for you .. call me back when u get a mo please ... prob up for another couple of hours if you are about ... [11:05 PM, 9/10/2018] Jase: Will give you a call in a sec. Sorry, did see your missed call but was about to hit the underground [11:05 PM, 9/10/2018] George Busfield: Can u give me a bell Jase [11:05 PM, 9/10/2018] George Busfield: No worries [11:06 PM, 9/10/2018] George Busfield: And to be clear I will explain my views re historic recent emails [11:06 PM, 9/10/2018] George Busfield: But no wish in confrontation [11:08 PM, 9/10/2018] George Busfield: As said bored of it and in truth I feel Aubrey’s contribution escalated the matter ... but I will nonetheless explain verbally why I took offence to your mail but briefly so we can move on positively as ipposs d to wasting time on frankly what I imagine we both agree is bollocks [11:08 PM, 9/10/2018] George Busfield: Sound good? [12:04 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: Gathered your phone died. My position is simple, I took offense to the fact a load of payments got raised to you while you saying "deal with it next week" meant PJM weren't going to raise even the money due irrespective of pay rise and I needed it as some was a month late. It didn't help the email replies I got had a sarky but distinctly threatening undertone to them tone to them which just made me very angry and whilst I'm tolerant to a point, I do have a line that I will draw to make it clear I'm not going to be taken advantage of. [12:05 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: In fairness I'm raised this up in early July. My plan was to have about 4 months on a decent pay raise so I could get a deposit in 3-4 months (i.e. by end of Sept-Oct if it was effective from July) and it would allow me to to put to rest a massive on going frustration over long term living arrangements and let me move on as it's becoming a distraction. Obviously it's now Sept so almost near the end of that time and I feel I've not progressed because thing have been pushed back. I know you've had the accounts but the accounts have been the elephant in the room for a number of months so it has frustrated the rest of us a bit over the last couple of months, whether it's SP not getting legal insurance, senior pay, etc. For me personally, having a massively suppressed pay of £24K has had serve impact on my mortgage application as I won't be able to go over £100K (I'd have been able to get nearer £160K if I was on a £40-50K because they use the average of the accounts submitted of £24K. I've not been able to fully pay of outstanding tax due either. This is not even going into the fact potential issues I'll face if they see if company accounts are overdue / late, or corporate credit rating not being good because debt collectors have been used to chase VAT on occasions. Then add that if I was being paid £50K which is still a reasonable pay, I'd have been able to save a fair deposit over the years. I just find it frustrating that we've burnt a lot of cash on KRIS, VAT fines, 1080 (i.e. not used), RS because we didn't go criminal etc, or waited good will because SP and AP aren't working together like we hoped due to past blowback. Now we're at a point where the lack of funds or overdue accounts are now marginalizing my chances / personal aspirations and this simply never would have happened if I just got a PAYE job where I had been paid market rates. [12:05 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: as do I jason [12:05 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: a line to a point [12:05 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: As it stands I'm looking at doing other bits of work because one way or another I need to supplement my income as it can't stick at £2k/pcm, so have been helping out friends in the last month. [12:05 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: Obviously I'm not oblivious to the bigger picture; I'm worried about the medium term picture. We need to cough up to fight Singh, we need to keep the team loyal, accounts need to be filed and tax matters need to addressed off the back of that, and having SP / AP isn't cheap when they've not been the synergy we hoped for. Don't get me wrong, SP and AP individually are doing the best in a bad situation, but them not working together due to blowback and things not being enacted has been been a cost burden when it shouldn't have been. I think the cost implications for many of these things are much bigger than a short term pay bump to get myself over the mortgage application hurdle, so I'm kinda concerned if they money isn't there to cover my mortgage despoit or whatever, then things like Singh, tax investigations are have little chance of getting addressed, and that's before we even start to talk about shares, be it mine, Lints, MP, whoevers. [12:05 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: Sorry, I pretyped because I presumed your phone was sat on charge somewhere [12:06 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: and I was about to clock off and have a wash and get some Zz's [12:07 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: I am very tired of being challenged on every action i take - for example at that tiem I was almost 4ok out of pocket and had been for two months so I don't think it was unreasonable to raise the standard order and for the record I didnt raise off adam nad I - I also waited on Aubrey to approve for transparecy purposes. [12:09 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and my response toriginally to you was not actually meant in any disrespect or to cause offense - I was simply asking for the weekend - I didn't even think about GCV standing order or the dealy in your payments - honestly no mal intent at all was meant originally and if it offended you it was completely by mistake and if I underestimated your urgency or misready the position withought thinking in the first instance then I apologise [12:09 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: for that part. [12:10 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: It was not meant to cause you offence and it was effectively coincidental that GCV Standing order got approved at that point - it had been outstanding for ages and as I was working through the accounts various tasks / outstanding actins got addressed as they arose. [12:11 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: Thus, in sumary - asking for the weekend was not meant to be discourteous I was simply working through stuff. [12:12 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: so I hope this clears up to that point. [12:12 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: you then obv took offence to my reply (which was ABSOLUTELY NOT MEANT TO CAUSE SUCH AND thus my apology above). [12:13 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: But then YOU sent me a sarcastic message and it pissed me off / made me very angry because I am very tired of being challenged on my actons and integrity and credibility on payments and otherwise and your response hit a nerve [12:14 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and see attached as example you then go on about server bollocks ... what a waste of time .... [12:15 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and in any event I have bent over backward sto ensure compliance because of previous challenges [12:16 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and Adam Voce was on vacation / boat / no PC / wifi etc.... ad the sad reality is Adam and I have already ben recording any verbal approvals to authorise transactions and been forwarding them to Albie for audit / compliance / integrity purposes... [12:16 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: but is sad that we have all come to this ... [12:16 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: in any event I include an example FYI... [12:18 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: I doubt you did the sae for your bonus... and yet I don't care / didn't care ... [12:18 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: because it was due to you and for fks sake we are meant all be on the same team... [12:19 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: in any event that is why I was pissed off. But as said I never meant to disrespect you or advantage GCV or myself in advance of yourself. [12:20 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and then the monologues by me / you entailed .. which I genuinely havent read but wil. But I hope to reply unconfrontationally because ... honestly ... its bollcks mate. [12:20 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and very dad [12:20 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: sad [12:21 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: I dont want to fight you or indeed a number of others for that matter [12:22 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: but yes I do take some offense when I provided an innocent reply and was then inherently criticised for the GCV SO that was weeks outstanding in addition the other 20k and circa 9k to PJM and I was am still am busting a gut to try ad fix this accounts hell. [12:22 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and thus is why and what happened from this perspective. [12:23 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: but Jase, mate, please, this has to stop. [12:23 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: in some ways you and me having a tiff I can live with because you are you / me me and we have shared much journey. [12:25 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: ut this infection and extension across the team is a cancer and it needs to be cut out. You an I should both be helping with that not contributing to it - we are both better than that no? [12:25 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: As an aside, imo, Aubreys 's sticking nose in commentary I feel was disgusting. [12:26 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and ps. this fighting shit is rubbish and no fun - surely for anyone? [12:26 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and I can't help we are all letting ourselves down... including me. and I don't want it mamte [12:26 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: mate [12:28 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: Well lets try and put some of this past us. I get the impression that people are bit nervious atm because of the accounts issues looming and not many have heard much from you so it would be good if there are updates there. My perspective is that the longer term tax issue is a medium term matter if it's going to be addressed via payment plan. Singh I'm not sure on. I know in the past you've said hinted it's something you'd personally do because the over arching picture to ensure justice is served. I think my pay can mostly be offset by cost saving, be it getting rid of 1080, preventing VAT fines, the fact we're not paying Evi or Laura so I don't see that being as hard to address, which I guess is why it's frustrated me as to why that's been kicked down for a couple of months. It would put our minds to rest if we had some update on the accounts side of things. Surely now you have a better idea as to what our choices are? [12:40 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: yes I do [12:40 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: but I will be sharing holistically [12:41 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and mate - if I can be old days honest [12:41 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: dont you think I would like to have been able to talk through things with you? [12:43 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: Think back ... I shared all with you [12:43 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and current scenario greatly saddens me [12:44 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: in fact the whole everything saddens me somewhat at the moment [1:06 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: as for you me ... I will read and reply to your emails but as said not confrontationally because mate we have to move forward together or it is no fun... and I am very VERY bored of fighting my own team when we have enough external enemies ... [1:07 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: I have and and am still working through the accounts - it is circa 30,000 lines of TX ... but I am getting ther and I already can tell the data will be invaluable but there will be material outfall ... which we must action for the best of us all and this is good ..... [1:09 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: BUT .... again I would like to be able to talk in confidence and privacy to you prior to sharing wider as I would appreciate your input / views and support in the companies best interest as have historicvally sought in earnest. You are stubborn and opinionated and as I am but we should be uniting that together against others not ourselves mate [1:10 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: so yes all I want is to ut the bullshit behind us but this continuing challenges at every turn just defeats my amition, drive and desire to fight for everyone. And people seem to be missing this ... [1:11 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: but what do you think happens if you give up or I do ... so as you say lets get back to being a team and start enjoying stuff again... [1:11 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: I have much to sahre but am still working through all the TX and so as to enable me to resolve / fix everything for the company effectively... and will... probably ... when have I not? [3:31 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: still up? [3:31 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: comments on above? [3:32 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: i have one in summary [3:32 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: do you not get we have to work together ... consider the progress and progression we made when we did [3:33 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and moreover mate - I miss your counsel - and westarted this together you and me and imo great shame not to continue [3:34 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: and see it through... [3:34 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: anyways that i smy perspective FYI... [3:48 AM, 9/11/2018] George Busfield: Want to chat now or Tom? [11:40 AM, 9/11/2018] Jase: Hi, my battery was dead... I'm been on the phone to HSBC for about 40 mins but will call back once done [10:40 PM, 9/12/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate .. missed you .. can you call back ASAP so can sort payments to stuart and discuss other matters - I will be up for a while so feel free to call now or call tomorrow if helps ... have some updates / thoughts also re your property objectives etc. Speak soon g [10:46 PM, 9/12/2018] Jase: I'm on the train with a load of annoying hyperactive kids and crap reception. I'll be back home in just over an hour. [10:46 PM, 9/12/2018] Jase: Also need to charge my phone up a bit [10:49 PM, 9/12/2018] George Busfield: as suits you mate [10:50 PM, 9/12/2018] George Busfield: as a heads up PJM are on a mission for invoices aside above and other mattters [10:50 PM, 9/12/2018] George Busfield: (good tging as helps with VAT / Accounts) [3:21 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: ? [3:21 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: ? [3:21 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: ? [3:38 AM, 9/13/2018] Jase: Can I catch you in the day, phone has only just charged and do need some sleep! [3:40 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: sure. [3:40 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: but 20 key conversations aside ... [3:41 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: If you and I don't get back to the same table and start kicking arse across the board I will be doing it alone... [3:41 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: and I do NOT want that. [3:42 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: We started as partners and I want us to continue as such. There are ideas and actions evolving that we need and that I deeply want your involvement in. [3:44 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: But I have no idea what you are doing / working on. Or how TPS is evolving etc and moreover I want / am trying to incorporate your personal ambitions / desires / ambitions (i.e. property etc) alongside the business development and progression. But very difficult to do this / many things without your input. 😕 [3:46 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: anyways I guess call when you can then. but I am progressing matters in many aspects and perspectives and as said miss your counsel and support but so be it. Speak when you cna I guess. [4:14 AM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: also please confirm which number you are on and as mentioned above be grateful for a TPS update when we chat [7:59 PM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: Jase are you actually going to call me back at any point? [9:03 PM, 9/13/2018] Jase: Yea, I've been out all day and just got back in [9:03 PM, 9/13/2018] Jase: Will call in 30 mins after food [10:10 PM, 9/13/2018] Jase: Tried calling but you've not picked up [10:29 PM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: Sorry mate [10:29 PM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: Just been on phone to Stu and then John econimou [10:30 PM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: Call when free [10:50 PM, 9/13/2018] Jase: OK, will call in a sec. I've had ECB today + bunch of house viewings today and had IPC yesterday hence the radio silence [10:51 PM, 9/13/2018] George Busfield: No probs [4:59 PM, 9/16/2018] Jase: BTW tried to call you back earlier [4:59 PM, 9/16/2018] Jase: Also where are these rumoured photos? Can you send the postcode for the area too please [5:35 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: Oh sorry yes will do [5:36 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: But having seen I think bit good for you [5:44 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: ;) [5:45 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: Jokes aside they may be too expensive [7:13 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: Will send [7:14 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: Renind me today [7:15 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: Also I need John econ email [7:15 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: Please send urgently [7:15 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: For accounts [7:16 PM, 9/16/2018] George Busfield: His invoice and is quite large [10:11 PM, 9/16/2018] Jase: When you say email? [10:11 PM, 9/16/2018] Jase: The one we setup is john.economou@ransquawk.com [2:50 PM, 9/17/2018] Jase: BTW Please do send the photos and postcode. If I’m rather honest, I’m getting massively frustrated by the situation because I’ve brought up pay rise / property concerns in early July. We’re now in mid Sept and absolutely NOTHING has been done to address this, so I do feel extremely let down by it. Especially when it never has taken this long to address anyone else's pay matters, be desk or contractors like Alex, etc, or to splash out in things like KRIS, 1080 or VAT surcharges because the accounts haven’t been maintained. [2:52 PM, 9/17/2018] Jase: Whilst you downtalk PAYE, but even if I was on that at a fairly modest amount of £50K/year I’d have been far better situation where I’d been able to saved a proper deposit and take out a fair bigger mortgage (i.e. £160-180K rather than £100K), so can’t help but feel I’ve had the short straw. It really shouldn’t come to surprise that my good will is starting to expire as seen from my emails the other week. [2:53 PM, 9/17/2018] Jase: I know accounts are a priority, but given they were supposed to be done 6 months ago it really shouldn’t be an excuse. Again this has left me with the short straw because now I’m getting needlessly dragged into some VAT / tax investigation despite me chasing the matter which is just more unneeded hassle for me that’s jeopardising my goals. [2:57 PM, 9/17/2018] Jase: The property thing is the utmost importance for me. There are two parties who are considering putting offers on house now I’m living in, now that it’s been reduced. If it doesn’t sell I’ve heard while I was away last week that the landlord’s son has given up his London job and is looking to move back up north and vacate the property thus will now need to move out soon regardless. I can’t be strung out any longer and need to have a plan with my living arrangements that needs adhered to - i.e. is more than any sort of lip service and I should have significant influence on the terms because I’ve sacrificed more than enough over the last few years in the name of the company. While I could possibly move into temp rented accommodation, it’s a ball ache and I don’t see why I should incur the cost of renting for any longer, not to mention the hassle it’s been for me in the last year or so with tenants of late. [2:58 PM, 9/17/2018] Jase: On that note I’d like to take some time to look in Bansko in a few weeks and probably could do with the time off and at least see what the viability of it is. I’d like to raise an invoice for Aug and have that paid as I clearly said I’d like pay to be backdated and could do with it if I’m having to move in very soon given I’ll need to budget for white goods / furniture and also have the issue of needing to replace my laptop given that’s now playing up. Given you’ve given Alex a signing on bonus of £5K and getting close to £4K/month, I don’t see why it needs to wait any longer. At least do something so I don’t feel like I’m just having to sit with the bloody short straw indefinitely. Otherwise I’ll have to supplement my income from other places as well. [8:32 PM, 9/17/2018] Jase: ? [12:10 PM, 9/18/2018] George Busfield: I am doing accounts and sick but happy to discuss above just not when deadlines this week [12:11 PM, 9/18/2018] George Busfield: Incl tomorrow .. but I understand points made [12:15 PM, 9/18/2018] George Busfield: Can you let Adam Voce know your thoughts above too please [5:19 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: once done these 10,000 rows of accounts [5:19 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: you and I need to talk [5:19 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: we have lots of business and personal matters to catch up on [5:19 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: agreed? [5:20 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: I think we need to meet [5:20 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: and define / prepare clear agenda to discuss and try and progress to your / companies benefit [5:20 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: sound good? [5:22 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: weekedn / early next week? [5:29 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: once numbers sorted I can sort and discuss rest etc from educated position with you positively [5:30 PM, 9/20/2018] Jase: Next week works [5:31 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: ok good [5:31 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: much to share [5:32 PM, 9/20/2018] Jase: Probably mid week is best [5:33 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: mond / tues / wed is prob options [5:34 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: and will be here / cheshire for a couple of reasons - incl you seeing property etc [5:34 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: but we should prep to make most if can [5:34 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: from both sides [5:36 PM, 9/20/2018] Jase: wed works for me [5:36 PM, 9/20/2018] Jase: Our could do this sun [5:36 PM, 9/20/2018] Jase: I'm heading down to London so can pop back up your way over the weekend [5:37 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: that may be poss [5:37 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: sundy and monday? [5:37 PM, 9/20/2018] George Busfield: stay over? [5:37 PM, 9/20/2018] Jase: I might need to be back down on Mon [5:38 PM, 9/20/2018] Jase: Maybe sat eve and Sun then? [10:03 AM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: come back to you - chase me later today if I havent [2:09 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: looking like Sunday / monday eve [2:09 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: or tues / wed at this point for various reasons [2:09 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: thoughst [2:09 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: ? [2:10 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: I can't really do Mon [2:10 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Tues / Wed might be better [2:10 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: because? [2:10 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: (i dont mind just trying sort [2:10 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: as in mon eve or daytime? [2:11 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Got some property viewings booked on Mon through the whole day [2:11 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: in Newcastle? [2:11 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: same with Tues, but should be about in the eve [2:11 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Yea, and Sunderland and a few places between [2:11 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: Newcastle? [2:11 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: rent or buy viewings [2:12 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Buy. There's no way I will put up renting now. We have a a house viewing for my current place so will need to ensure house is in an OK state too [2:13 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: no worries [2:13 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but I think our discussions will materially affect your thinking and options in many ways [2:14 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: what price range? [2:14 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: where you atw ith mortgages etc [2:14 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: sorry am behind [2:14 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: had tough time last couple of weeks on family front etc [2:15 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: can chat later if you are busy as I have so much still to do [2:16 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: So if I was earning £50K I would have been able to get £180K mortgage fairly easily I think (normally they go up to 4-5 earnings). I've had brokers tell me I can go up to £100K [2:16 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: ok cool ... well stuff I have to share is positively based [2:17 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: FYI [2:17 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: I've seen a few places near me just over 100K that would be suitable [2:17 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and have spoken to adam too about a number of thinsg etc [2:17 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: so we can discuss all aspects as you / I wish and hopefully quote each other happy [2:18 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but cant chat on here mate as lots to share as said and to get your input / views / wants on [2:18 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: say you were free buy at whatever price you wanted [2:19 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: do you want the bigger mortage? [2:19 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: pre brexit [2:19 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: serios question [2:19 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: I was with some very wealthy french friends a couple of days ago and they are converting all pounds to Euro now [2:19 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and even offerred to set up an account fpor me [2:20 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: A bigger mortgage would be helpful... [2:20 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and I am genuinely considering [2:20 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: I think either way for me, it's bit of a temporary downgrade. The house I live in atm is in the best part of town and insanely big (probably same floor area as your place if you inc Ivalyo's flat) and I do have 3 of the 5 rooms to myself. That said I'll be glad to get out of it as needs an owner who can give it some TLC (the chimney fell down over the weekend on the neighbors side) [2:20 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: mate that is standard [2:20 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: like I could have rented in belgravia or bought dulwich [2:20 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: or whatever [2:20 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: you get the idea [2:21 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but obvs you know benefits to buy etc [2:21 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Yea, the landlord does give me a bit of a discount with rent (it's about £100-200 cheaper than comparable other places in the area) [2:22 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: look Adam and have genuinely discussed a number of options and there are some you may genuinely like (or not) - [2:22 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but we have to share all the intel and discuss [2:22 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: so lets think over .... maybe you come next tues eve or wed ... [2:23 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but part of me wants to say dont potentially waste your time on viewings as our chats may dramatically change your outlook. [2:24 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: can I ask any TPS progress ... [2:24 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: not a dig [2:24 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: just asking [2:25 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: I'm open minded. I think regardless of what option I end up doing I'd like to view places that you have to offer and view places near me, it'll give me piece of mind that I've made an informed decision [2:25 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: ok cool [2:25 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: so go do your viewings as planned Monday / Tues... [2:25 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: keep an open mind... [2:25 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: come see us etc [2:25 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and we go from there? [2:26 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: so we meet Wed? [2:26 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: We're getting there ... We're trying to make it flexible so it can aggregate from a number of sources [2:26 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Yea, lets pencil in Wed. [2:26 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: I have input [2:26 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: new [2:26 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: will share wed if not before - maybe sun / mon we should chat on this isolated point [2:26 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: or over the weekend whatevers [2:27 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: good input FYI [2:27 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but ideally I want to give you the big picyure views on stuff [2:27 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: From my looking about up north, if I had a bigger mortgage I would be able to stay in the area of town I'm renting in which is the best part of Newcastle. Flats there normally go for about £160K. Rather than move to a shit part of town I've looked t moving to the nice part of Sunderland where the rent yields are high if I wanted to move out and let the property in years to come [2:27 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and I wont have numbers 100% by Sunday [2:28 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: that doesnt stack up to me [2:28 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: is pretty standard rule [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: higher property cost [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: lower yield [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: i.e. London Versus Newcastle [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: London sucks [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but capital growth better [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: I know [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Sunderland has good yields [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: this end just as an indication [2:29 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: may be options of 1 bed new flat [2:30 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and 4 bedroom house [2:30 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: things like that [2:30 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: generally the rule I understand is north is better for yields because of low price and the presence of uni's [2:30 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: so one is new and shiny [2:30 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and 1 mile down the road [2:30 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: is maybe a less shiny house but its like x4 bigger [2:31 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and you can generate money from renting a room etc ... [2:31 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: but these are discussions between Adam and I at present about what options etc [2:31 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and what about Bansko? [2:31 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Yea, my plan was to get something in Sunderland that is about 100K because ultimately I'm not going to live there long term. So I'll get something nicer later and let out the Sunderland flat [2:32 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and the flat would cost? [2:32 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and you would get in rent? [2:32 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: approx [2:32 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: I will take a stab at £400 [2:32 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: £500 [2:32 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: ? [2:33 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and obv if rented no where to live / stay if you wanted right? [2:34 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: So in Sunderland generally £120K gets you a decent flat [2:34 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-63989710.html for example [2:34 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: go on [2:34 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: rental value? [2:34 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: That would have a rental value of 675pcm I think [2:35 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: for the whole place? [2:36 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Yea, it might be able to go over 700pcm, but I'd rather be conservative [2:36 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: obv [2:36 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: I know if you get slightly crappier properties near the uni the yield is much higher [2:37 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: but I'd rather not have the faff of dealing with students and whatever I pick I'd like to at least feel at home in if I needed to live there for a 2-3 years [2:37 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: I get the various factors etc [2:37 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: so having a nicer property with a tad less yield is a compromise I'm willing to accept. [2:37 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: noted [2:38 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and deposit needed? [2:38 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: assume 5 - 10%? [2:38 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: and you didnt reply re BANSKO [2:38 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: (as an aside [2:39 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: Well yea, I'd like to look at it, but I think it's a more complex affair .... [2:40 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: ok - maybe / maybe not etc - I don't know tbf [2:40 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: So maybe it's better to discount the flat in Stoke by the price of a Bansko flat (i.e. £25-30K) and then I look at Bansko further on and cover that out of my pocket [2:40 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: I have no fixed views at this moment [2:40 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: keeping open mind on all fronts see what can be done etc [2:41 PM, 9/21/2018] Jase: BTW, call, might be easier than typing [2:41 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: yes... [2:41 PM, 9/21/2018] George Busfield: cant now but over weekend? [12:42 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Hows the accounts looking? Are you still up for me popping down later today or will you need to resched if you're still doing accounts? [12:43 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: crrent screen shot [12:43 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [12:43 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Looks like you're having fun [12:43 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: no I am fucking not [12:43 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: grr [12:44 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Don't lie! [12:44 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: reschedule but hopefully for later this week ... [12:44 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: OK cool [12:44 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: albeit you are welcome here anytime [12:44 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: on my todd [12:44 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: mum with Aunt [12:45 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: she is having neuro surger this week at Kings [12:45 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: chat tomorrow as I hope I have clearer view [12:45 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: OK [12:45 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: has brad called you? [12:45 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Best of luck to her and the family! [12:46 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Not yet [12:46 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: thanks mate [12:46 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: ok... [12:46 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: cath up tomorrow [12:46 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: going to cancel 1080 [12:46 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: agree? [12:47 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: even if useful in future is not worth cost to wait until that point [12:47 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Yea... it's only taken you about 12 months to agree to me saying it! [12:47 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: I fking knew you would say that [12:47 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: x [12:47 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: lol [12:47 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: I hope you're refunding all that wasted money that could have been paid to me 😉 [12:47 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: of course ... [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: you wont be in London tomorrow will you [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: ? [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: assume not [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: On that news .... I've got you a present. (I know you'll like it) [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: just I have Ivo and Anton [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: I dont want [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: 😉 [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: if it is acyually nice [12:48 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: I will pass out [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: and I cant as accounts to dpo [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: do [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: if mean [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: then I dont want either as hel [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: I told you that you'd like it 😉 [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: yeah that is non issue mate [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: is all part of what we are doing [12:49 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: and the visit in october [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: so just a process letter [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Ah OK, have they held us to a date? [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: cant submit VAT returns until have whole picyure [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: Albie arranged iyt [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: it [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: but is in october [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: I cant remeber date [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: I juts want this hell to end asap [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: so just cracking on [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Early Oct I presume? [12:50 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: OK [12:51 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: honestly cant remember mate [12:51 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: he did tell me [12:51 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: but not allowing myself the luxury of the date [12:51 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: just got to get done end of and work arse off until so [12:51 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: And to answer above, not in London tomorrow... why do you ask? [12:52 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: only as to clear 1080 just need someone mett the gys with a van so I can use another bedroom for storgae [12:52 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: I might be at the start of next week. Think I'll pop to your when I'm in London... I think it's cheaper and quicker from London than NCL [12:52 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: I hr 15 from me [12:52 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: well fro stafford [12:53 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: which my nearest station [12:53 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: confidential latest heads up for you? [12:53 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: OK, yea, it's a little cheaper if I got from London. Only by 20 quid but much quicker [12:54 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: not sure what you mean? [12:54 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: For some reason going from west to east is so slow unless you're on the London to Bristol train [12:54 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: yes I noticed that few years back [12:54 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: ^ Comparing going to yours from London & NCL [12:55 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: west to east in england holistically is shite [12:55 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: quick chat ... [12:55 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: ? [12:55 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: I have 2 points fyi [12:55 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: On the phone? [12:55 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: OK [12:55 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: er or by walkie talkie [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: albeit I would be assuming they have improved range [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: my point 1) = share update re call with SP and Aub and Alex this week [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: point 2) is update as above [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: shall I call? [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: give e 2 [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: give me 2 [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Yea if you want [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: ? [12:56 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: ok ... obvs 2 = 5 [12:57 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: call you shortly [1:26 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: tell me when free for call... [1:26 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: infact call me when you are ready [1:47 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: ? [1:47 AM, 9/26/2018] George Busfield: ? [2:20 AM, 9/26/2018] Jase: Sorry, phone was sat on charge [1:32 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Heya - Gonna need to have a word about PJM costs. I’ve asked them to do personal & service company accounts because I need to have them done at some point and wanted them ready in case I needed to secure a mortgage AIP. Anyway have got a £2K bill (think it’s actually a bit more). Whilst they need to be paid for work done etc, was not expecting it to be that much and given I only used the LTD company from June and the tax year is end of July for J Earl Ltd, it’s a bit steep to be paying circa £1100 for such few transactions. [1:33 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Just so you’re aware, I understand they’ve booked my expenses from the Monese card in J Earl Ltd as opposed to JET Services (they argue it’s cleaner but wondering if it just makes their life easier keeping it off JET Service’s books and justifies them charging me what they have). Regardless how it’s spun, I’m in a far worse off at than if I was on PAYE, and not happy about the fact I’m still waiting on a pay rise from 3 months ago. [1:33 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Secondly, I know I keep harping on about pay rise, but it’s for a reason. As it currently stands my situation is untenable [1:33 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: So is mine [1:34 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Because I’ve taken my bonus via J Earl Ltd, it means I’ve managed to push that income into my 2017-18 tax year which I needed to do if I’m going to stand a chance of getting a semi OK amount for a mortgage. However as a side effect it’s pushed my tax up hugely and got £8K of tax due to be paid in Jan. Add the £2K for accounts (which I’d never need to pay on PAYE) I need to pay £10K on accounting / tax matters in the next 3 months. Do the maths, I will earn £6K between now and then. And in case you haven’t realised, I might need to eat and have a roof over my head, or god forbid occasionally use some toilet roll. Hence why I’ve been very frustrated over the matter. Realistically I need to be on at least £4K/month to be viable (10 / 4 months = 2.5K plus just over a grand for living costs). [1:34 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I am bearing the end of this accounting fucking hell mate (this week) [1:34 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: As soon as done I will address all your matters as a top 3 priority [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: There is so much I want to speak to you about [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But no Shit [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: This piece of work has nearly killed me [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Not excuse [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Just fact [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: OK, yea, I know you have things to address [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I am not marginalising you [1:35 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And I am sorry genuinely for delay [1:36 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I want to speak to you about lots and is stuff you will want to hear [1:36 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I completely underestimated [1:36 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: These accounts [1:36 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: OK, as long as I know it can be sorted in due course because obviously while I can tolerate waiting a a few weeks, i can't have it go one another 3 months [1:36 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I understand [1:36 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Yea, the last thing I was going to chase was going up to Stoke [1:37 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: I gather that its been on hold due to accounts [1:37 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I can’t carry on like this either mate [1:37 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Honestly [1:37 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: We need to speak [1:37 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Just let me finish this shit [1:37 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And I will have all the data and intel to input to our discussions as well [1:37 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But as I have said before [1:38 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Pretty simple imo [1:38 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: One of the absolute core fundamentals to the success of this company ... and thus you and me [1:38 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: (And I mean fun / enjoyment as well as financial) [1:38 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Is you and me [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: The only time things have ever progressed is when you and I have worked together [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Look back at what was achieved in that time [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Versus since [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Anyway [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I will finish the accounts [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And then you and I will chat [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Yes, do agree there [1:39 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And we will agre a plan [1:40 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Or we will both quit or wind up our involvement [1:40 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Protecting others etc (ie not being cunts) [1:40 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I said I would do accounts and define a plan [1:41 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: That has always and remains my goal [1:41 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: If you agree with it / or we amend such that we both agree [1:41 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Then we give it 3 years to make the best of it and float or achieve what we set out to do [1:41 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Or we fuck it off [1:42 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: 3 years mate [1:42 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I want my life back [1:42 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: So we do it together or ... [1:42 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And above is shared only with you btw [1:42 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: No, agreed. It needs to change [1:42 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And is not threat [1:42 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But I have had no life [1:43 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: For too long [1:43 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Hopefully it'll be easier now things will have calmed down after the accounts [1:43 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And even now with the accounts I am going to have. To adopt all the liability to myself / adam / GCV [1:43 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And I will get no thanks [1:43 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Etc etc [1:43 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And am past even caring if I do [1:44 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But I have ideas [1:44 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And if you / perhaps 1 or two others want to come on the journey and actually do what we set out and try and make it fun along the way then I will continue to give it my all... [1:45 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: If not then I have to get on with other things in my life that make me laugh and smile [1:45 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I ain’t so young anymore buddy [1:45 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: My aunt will be dead in a few months [1:45 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: What is to say next year not my mum [1:45 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: You get it etc [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And there is no anger here [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: tbh, I think it'll be a lot easier once the accounts are out the way. It seems like threats like SNE / HD are very much in the background now. As long as RS doesn't cause too much hassle for the Cheungs [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Just acceptance [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: No [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: There are some very real but diff threats [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But as I say I have a plan [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: As yes, do agree, time is sacred [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Will share [1:46 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: See what you think [1:47 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: All I can say really [1:47 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But I imagine you can already tell my perspective has changed recently [1:48 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And as part of chats of course we will discuss the above etc. Too [1:49 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I.e. your points [1:49 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But to be honest they are all integrated to the whole [1:50 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But what will Be will Be etc... [1:50 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And yes I still hope we can realise the dreams we had a couple of years ago [1:51 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And I hope we can do it together [1:51 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: OK. Shall I provisionally book in Sun 21st as the time I head your way? That gives a good amount to clear accounts off out of the way (plus I might have a few house viewings booked) [1:51 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But we have to be realistic too [1:51 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Can you just let me get it done and then can we talk? [1:51 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: My mind is fried and completely in numbers [1:52 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But provisionally yes [1:52 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I don’t have to the 21st anyway !!!! [1:52 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And as a point of note ... I miss our friendship [1:53 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And I have been hurt by much over the last 12 months [1:53 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: (Without being a girl) [1:53 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And I just don’t want to engage in an unhappy life mate [1:53 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Yes finances etc [1:54 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: But more important to me was the aspiration / opportunity to be part of something ... [1:54 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: And we (the company) have lost that somewhere along the way ... [1:55 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: So we embark on a strong defined plan together or we do other things [1:55 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I imagine you probably feel / share similar emotions [1:56 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: So let’s just chat and be completely honest and we see where it ends .. sound good? [1:56 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Back to accounts now [1:57 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Ps. Hope you doing ok [1:58 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Yea, agreed. It'll be a lot easier when I know some of these overhanging issues have washed over [1:58 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Which ones?! [1:58 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: There are many [1:58 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Mostly the property one and the pay issue [1:59 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: Can I be frank? [2:02 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Go on? [2:02 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: the conversation I want to have with you is at a higher level... [2:03 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: i.e. is about you / me +1 &2 defining a clear road map for the future [2:03 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: and is a road we are not currently on [2:04 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: and is about building the business and prospect and opportunities that we aspired to back in the day tgether [2:04 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: if we can do that [2:04 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: pay and property will be resolved inherently [2:05 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: but even so - the aspirations have to be more [2:06 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I am not interested in "ticking over" [2:07 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: nor the "stats quo" [2:09 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Yep, long term it has to be that [2:10 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: not long term [2:10 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: nearly 3 years mate [2:10 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: now or not [2:10 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: Well yea, that's what I mean [2:10 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: for me anyways [2:10 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: though my issues are things I need to sort in the next 3 months tops [2:10 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: anyways let me get accounts done [2:11 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: it will all be before then [2:11 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: and actually. [2:11 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: We're getting a lot of house viewings atm, and as a result I've been looking because it won't be long before the place gets dropped in price again [2:11 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I should say this. [2:11 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: thank you for your patience [2:11 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: I know it has been outstanding and am sorry [2:11 PM, 10/9/2018] Jase: I've been a few decent places to be fair up here [2:12 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: butr I am not sitting on my arse i romise [2:12 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: as I say [2:12 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: let me do accounts [2:12 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: (this week effectively) [2:12 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: then we chat [2:12 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: simle as that really [2:12 PM, 10/9/2018] George Busfield: for both of us [12:32 AM, 10/10/2018] George Busfield: can you join a call with Brad and I tomorrow with a US chap - important ... part of the new plans potentially but as above and pretty much as fpor anything as I / we said ... needs you and I to engage for progress ... [12:33 AM, 10/10/2018] George Busfield: on that front dare I ask TPS ? [6:39 PM, 10/10/2018] Jase: God bless! [6:40 PM, 10/10/2018] Jase: Hiya, sorry been on the train back up earlier this morning so was asleep early [6:40 PM, 10/10/2018] Jase: If you're catching Brad shortly then yea, I can be about [6:40 PM, 10/10/2018] Jase: Let me know a time [6:40 PM, 10/10/2018] George Busfield: sad mate x [6:40 PM, 10/10/2018] George Busfield: but will do [9:23 PM, 10/10/2018] George Busfield: https://youtu.be/dK_XEGrzHUo [9:23 PM, 10/10/2018] George Busfield: as per chat our other day - not saying I am jobs .. but is a good illustration of the reality for us ... [3:02 AM, 10/11/2018] George Busfield: you up? [6:43 AM, 10/11/2018] George Busfield: Cryptocurrencies Just Plummeted $13 Billion in Value Over the Course of a Few Hours .... hope you not been dabbling [9:37 AM, 10/11/2018] Jase: Yea, I saw. I've not got much in crypto and it'll probably go back to normally levels again in day or two knowing what is like! [9:19 PM, 10/15/2018] Jase: Happy birthday BTW! Hope you managed to make something of it! [9:19 PM, 10/15/2018] Jase: As opposed to sitting in front of a spreadsheet [9:52 PM, 10/15/2018] George Busfield: no [10:21 PM, 10/16/2018] Jase: I presume that was no to sitting in front of a spreadsheet. I'm gathering from FB you spent some time with the family with the new arrival? [10:21 PM, 10/16/2018] Jase: Also, did accounts go in yesterday and how did it go today? I presume the inspection was today? [1:34 AM, 10/18/2018] Jase: Also, while I remember are you still OK for me visiting on Sun? [2:26 AM, 10/18/2018] George Busfield: Give you. Bell Tom. X [4:15 PM, 10/20/2018] Jase: Still on for tomorrow? [5:11 PM, 10/20/2018] George Busfield: Yes [6:21 PM, 10/20/2018] Jase: Good good [6:21 PM, 10/20/2018] Jase: I'll ping you as I'm hopping on the train [6:22 PM, 10/20/2018] Jase: What station am I heading towards? [9:10 AM, 10/21/2018] George Busfield: If you can come up tomorrow (Monday) it would be best [3:00 PM, 10/21/2018] Jase: Yea, that might work better for me as I was out last night so need a bit of recovery time [9:08 AM, 10/22/2018] George Busfield: Catch you early afternoon mate [9:09 AM, 10/22/2018] Jase: Ok, yea, that should work for me... It'll take me few hours. What station do I need to head towards? [9:10 AM, 10/22/2018] George Busfield: Call you around 1 / 2 and sort as Adam not free until post work anyways [9:10 AM, 10/22/2018] Jase: Ok [2:45 PM, 10/22/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate does it matter if you come up this afternoon / or tomorrow am to you and will you be coming from the office ? .... just trying to sort logistics ... station will Be Stafford / stoke / Crewe ... [2:48 PM, 10/22/2018] Jase: I can do either [2:51 PM, 10/22/2018] George Busfield: Ok perfect [2:51 PM, 10/22/2018] George Busfield: Come back to you shortly :) [4:11 PM, 10/22/2018] George Busfield: Ok cool if u can get the fast train to Stafford in the morning that be ideal :) . Looking fwd to seeing you!!!! [5:04 PM, 10/22/2018] Jase: Perfect. I'll do that. [5:05 PM, 10/22/2018] Jase: It's been almost a year now! [7:51 PM, 10/22/2018] George Busfield: Great .. chat am [8:23 AM, 10/23/2018] Jase: Let me know which station... Still need that vital bit of info! [8:24 AM, 10/23/2018] Jase: I'll be heading that way shortly so will probably be up your way late morning [10:57 AM, 10/23/2018] Jase: You awake? [10:58 AM, 10/23/2018] Jase: I'm on the train to Stoke [1:33 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate tried to call please give me a bell back as soon as you are free [1:33 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Important [1:33 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Re: Mehul / shares / Ranvir claims and you / house [1:34 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Apologies for Tuesday btw... I have also spoken to stuart since and would like to discuss that / get your counsel too [1:50 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Please call me back as I need your counsel on some important matters that affect you [1:50 PM, 10/25/2018] Jase: Hang on as we have ECB right now [1:51 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Ok sorry [1:51 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Call when u can [1:52 PM, 10/25/2018] Jase: Yea that's why I had to cut you off, because they thought the video feed had cut off just before the broadcast (thankfully it came back just in time) [1:53 PM, 10/25/2018] Jase: Will give you a shout round 3ish [4:17 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Sent u copy of the Ran windup email action process [4:18 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Also need to discuss alex p as stuart p with you [7:11 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Hello? [7:20 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: Are you calling back? [8:18 PM, 10/25/2018] Jase: OK, should be about all eve. Ended up running a few errands in the eve as I've only just got back into toon so needed to pick up food / post etc [8:21 PM, 10/25/2018] George Busfield: ok cool [1:55 AM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: You about / still up mate ? [3:21 AM, 10/26/2018] Jase: Catch up in the morning, as I need the sleep [3:22 AM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: k [3:22 AM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: I have been looking at the house opportunity in earnest FYI [3:22 AM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: but I also need your counsel as per days f old on numerous other matters ... [3:22 AM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: catch you tomorrow [3:24 AM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: and again ... my sincerest apologies for Tuesday - I am stuggling with some serious family matters /trying support my mother etc etc - but you don't need to hear that but please except my reiterated and sincere apologies as I if I could done anything to not let you down I would so.. sorry. no excuses just sorry mate. [3:24 AM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: chat tomorrow [1:18 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: Mate what are you doing posting that reply in an open forum [1:18 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: We have been down that road no? [1:19 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: And with respect you will note my reply and that you don’t even have all the facts [1:20 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: Moreover I have called you a few times this week to talk and also spent a number of hours looking at how to help you with the property stuff. [1:21 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: Not to mention that we have lost far far more than 16k due to TPS not having been implemented. [1:41 PM, 10/26/2018] Jase: OK, sorry. Whilst it might not have been the right thing to do, you can see how frustrating it is for me to see all this money get pissed into so many fruitless causes, be it tax fines, RS, etc. I'm frustrated with waiting when it's increasingly looking like I'm left with the short straw as in no better situation than I was months ago. Anyway, we can talk about this on the phone later this eve [1:42 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: Yes I suggest better to verbal [1:42 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: You have replied having spoken to Albie and you can call him if you want more detail. [1:43 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: But don’t be too quick to feel hard done by until we talk later [1:44 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: Unless you want to work for free too for the next 3 months along with mr Voce and myself ;) [1:44 PM, 10/26/2018] George Busfield: Explain when we chat [1:59 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4425064/ [1:59 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: watch this and remind yourself what we set out out to do ... [2:00 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: and then call me (if you ever intend to) [2:00 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: and then help me / help me help you and the others coming with us or say youdon't want to and help me find someone who does [2:01 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: I can't help you mate unless you help me / us and if you don't call me how can I / we get back to the best of ourselves .... ? [2:01 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: please call me [4:16 AM, 10/28/2018] Jase: Ok, will give you a shout tomorrow. Just got in. Did see the movie a few years ago BTW [4:16 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: you gte the idea... [4:16 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: innovate [4:17 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: believe in what doing [4:17 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: you need to fking spk to me mate [4:18 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: and BTW [4:18 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: ws thinking...... [4:18 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: re what you laid at my door the other day [4:18 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: if we were to incur a 16k fine [4:19 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: and I save us 400k in VAT and corp tax PLUS the £180 we already secured from the VAT at RAN.... [4:19 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: do you think that is really a fair criticism [4:19 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: ? [4:19 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: also when we talk will explain what been looking at for house stuff etc [4:20 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: but there are also a myriad of other things need to discuss [4:20 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: but I need you on board or not mate ... I will share all openly and as said I miss your counsel but please be fair to me and moreover to many others that ultimately rely on you too... [4:20 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: explain when chat [8:49 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: but we have to get back to creating our vision and driving it with energy [11:55 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: mate are you calling? [11:56 AM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: have many calls today so be good to touch base earlier rather than later [4:42 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: I'm out atm but will try and speak 7 or 8ish [4:44 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: We need to mate [4:44 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: Not sure why been so hard to get you but some material things to address [4:45 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: And as said before I honestly don’t mind what Vere you say or want but let’s just crack on one way or other [4:46 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: I will share what I have been looking at on the house front for you and also other matters s we need to address but can’t if we don’t speak ... [4:46 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: Anyways call if you want etc and will leave with you [4:47 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: But bored chasing now with respect esp when trying to help you! [4:48 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: But if you are avoiding for a reason or need to say things then let’s just get done and get sorted etc [5:38 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: can you speak in 19? [5:38 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: 10? [5:39 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: Hang on [5:39 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: Yea, should be able speak a bit sooner [5:39 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: K [6:16 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: I'll be back in about 10-15 mins so call you then [7:22 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: callin 5 sorry [7:23 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: bloody aunt been sent back to hospital collapsed today [7:23 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: and now sayinghas to go to hospice hich basically means she is dying [7:24 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: just finishing up so call v shortly [7:24 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: Oh no :( [7:24 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: its awful mate ... her eyes are like going all over the shop its just shit [7:24 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: Last thing you and your mum need right now [7:25 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: anyways life shit etc [7:25 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: my entire family 20+ all rented a house for my aunt and big get together ths weekend [7:26 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: I ddnt go as doing accounts (geuinely!) and said would try go next week or two see her at her place but I kinda had a feeling was all going to be too much [7:26 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: so she in now in hospital on south coast I think [7:26 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: anywaus as say give me 5 [7:26 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: and sorry ... personal baggage blah ... speak shortly [7:27 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: You should go down as see her as soon as you can [7:27 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: I know [7:27 PM, 10/28/2018] Jase: I'm sure the accounts can wait a day or two if they've waited 6 months. [7:27 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: I thin day dawning [7:27 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: I am not sure they can!! [7:28 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: still stuff to do and have exhausted all time options I think plus I am literally losing will to live - explain when chat [7:28 PM, 10/28/2018] George Busfield: but yes you are right [7:26 AM, 10/30/2018] George Busfield: quickie - Stu may touch base with you about future and our recent chat - i.e. core team backing each other and work ethic and energy to give this a proper shot ... obvs confidential pending announcements [7:26 AM, 10/30/2018] George Busfield: thanks for your time other day mate [2:35 PM, 10/30/2018] Jase: No worries, when you thinking? I'll be out later this eve but about late tonight 10-11ish [2:40 PM, 10/30/2018] George Busfield: Whenever [2:41 PM, 10/30/2018] George Busfield: Just time start getting the new core team talking to share adoption of proactive action ... if you / we can remember what that is [10:31 PM, 11/7/2018] Jase: Whats going on with accounts? I seem to have had radio silence. [10:31 PM, 11/7/2018] Jase: It's not all that reassuring ... [10:33 PM, 11/7/2018] Jase: ... Especially when I'm the one getting stuff like this ... [10:35 PM, 11/7/2018] Jase: Can we at least get JET group cleared up [10:36 PM, 11/7/2018] Jase: Also, this property you speak about, given if a different one, do you have any photos? I'm hoping you might be able to send tghem quicker than 2 months lol 😉 [7:23 AM, 11/8/2018] Jase: ??? [7:23 AM, 11/8/2018] Jase: Just had a message saying "message deleted" [2:17 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: Jse - thank you for the attached document - please forward to albie ... but may I suggest that you rehighlight in 12 days if accounts have not been filed (which I foind very unlikely FYI) but also PLEASE PLEASE refain from sharing your grievances with people who can do nothing about it / open forum [2:18 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: everyone is busting ther nuts on the financials to resolve this and other matters and it is not easy to resolve a 400k liability that ultimately is no one's fault but the fall ut from the RAN -JET transaction. [2:19 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: All you do sharing this with others in cause more harm and harm everyone's ability to protect the company and your own interests acccordingly. [2:20 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: Please cahse adam for the pictures of the house you mention - and rremember that we are doing all we can to assist / reward you and provide a positive roadmap forward but we need you too. [2:21 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: FYI I / Ivo has received the same letters and we have spoken to them and they have provided us an extension until the end of this month (noting my "ill health" factor and thus asked for an extenson which they have kindly provided. [2:22 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: If you speak to me / Adam / Albie we can ensure we assist you with any concenrs and moreover we protect the company [2:23 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: but mate as discussed we need your help not your attacks and is in your interest significantly in any event. [2:23 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: please speakto adam if you need anything further as I am on Accounts so that all matters are resolved. [2:23 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: thx [5:17 PM, 11/8/2018] Jase: Ok, as long I have some idea of what's happening because recently I've been somewhat in the dark [5:17 PM, 11/8/2018] Jase: Least I have an idea what's happening now [5:18 PM, 11/8/2018] Jase: Whys the JET Group got the £16k VAT bill when it's not really traded? [5:18 PM, 11/8/2018] Jase: Just seems a bit odd if PJM say they've given HMRC draft accounts [5:19 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: please just let teh accountants do their jobs [5:20 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: and please do yours ... TP etc [5:20 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: TPS etc [5:20 PM, 11/8/2018] George Busfield: if I asked you to explain at every turn - would you appreciate? or would it just sloe you down - imagine the later. [12:11 PM, 11/9/2018] George Busfield: mate - this came up today [12:11 PM, 11/9/2018] George Busfield: do we know her? [12:12 PM, 11/9/2018] George Busfield: lets research together and see what comes up [12:12 PM, 11/9/2018] Jase: Don't think so unless it's Nicola Duke by another name (i.e. James Wool / Trouble) [12:12 PM, 11/9/2018] George Busfield: i wondered the same [12:13 PM, 11/9/2018] George Busfield: fucking pricks [12:13 PM, 11/9/2018] Jase: Cheungy would know [12:14 PM, 11/9/2018] George Busfield: on with stu [12:14 PM, 11/9/2018] George Busfield: dial in [1:12 PM, 11/13/2018] George Busfield: Thanks Jase [1:14 PM, 11/13/2018] Jase: No worries [1:21 PM, 11/13/2018] George Busfield: CONFIDENTIAL [8:08 PM, 11/13/2018] George Busfield: 7 minutes we get on a call and define US action plan [8:11 PM, 11/13/2018] George Busfield: ok ready now - please stand by phone [10:04 AM, 11/14/2018] George Busfield: Jase - lease follow up with Brad and Ypgesh today so as to keep positive momentu from the calls yesterday... would appreciate xx [4:13 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: You have house pics yet? [4:14 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Please also see email re US squawk today [4:14 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: If not chase me today and say and Sunday and I will get to you [4:15 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Also please send me summary of your calculations for the Sunderland flat so I can share comparatives for your consideration [4:15 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Also remind me to share my thoughts on LNDM [6:34 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Sending you some pics as best I can find mate on my pc [6:35 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Bear in mind the room sizes are all good doubles [6:35 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Except for the box room over the stairs which can be still made cool but I don’t have illustrative pics to hand [6:36 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Will try get you a floor plan if I can also [6:37 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: From memory this house as a particularly large garden and large deck out the back [6:38 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: Assume this enough for now if not please chase Adam but hopefully this surfaced to give you an idea [7:02 PM, 11/16/2018] George Busfield: yu got the images? [2:59 AM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: you on vacation? [9:04 AM, 11/17/2018] Jase: Yea, been away for a few days, think I did get the email, so will look shortly. Thanks [9:10 AM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: Will try get you a floor plan too if I can please remind me [9:11 AM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: Hopefully pics give you an idea of what Adam and I have done over the years [9:11 AM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: In terms of both adding value to capital of the houses and also enabling attain high rental incomes [9:11 AM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: I can’t be 100% [10:33 AM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: But I think from memory 39 Longview is a semi detached (as opposed to terrace) and largest garden [11:47 AM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: fyi bro [3:58 PM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: mate are you in uk or abroad at the m? [3:58 PM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: mo? [3:59 PM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: dont forget send me some summary financials so I can send you a comparison [4:06 PM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: think can create an pportunity via this to make you some decent capital and ensure you also have flexibility do what you want etc .... [4:07 PM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: call me when you get a mo to discuss as don't want waste time trying to put efforts into something that isnt the direction or plan you would like to follow. [6:04 PM, 11/17/2018] George Busfield: also mate when you back as we have a very big week next week and coupld do with your support / being around etc ? [9:38 AM, 11/19/2018] George Busfield: ? [6:06 PM, 11/19/2018] George Busfield: jase - where are you matey - please call [10:01 PM, 11/19/2018] George Busfield: jase ffs mate - I am trying to help you here! [3:11 PM, 11/20/2018] George Busfield: ok mate beyond a joke now. [3:11 PM, 11/20/2018] George Busfield: Aubrey has no idea where you are [3:11 PM, 11/20/2018] George Busfield: no idea if you are on holiday or not [3:37 PM, 11/20/2018] George Busfield: please at least advise where you are and when you will be available to talk as just come off call with Yogesh, Brad, Lints Greg in the US and was very positive [5:47 PM, 11/20/2018] George Busfield: tried to call - please just give me a bell when you can to tpuch base [6:13 AM, 11/21/2018] George Busfield: please call when you can Jase - I was grumping / bantering with Aub yesterday that you will only show up when you dont get paid (Joke btw obvs) - but can you please call buddy when you get a mo as the US chat was roductive yesterday and the proposal for slack was brought up... I hear good things etc - thoughts on that too needed? [6:14 AM, 11/21/2018] George Busfield: aside trying to catch up re Proerty options as thin you / we can generate you 20 - 40k off the bat on the proposition I made but not sure where your own thoughts are as haven't been able to reach you [6:16 AM, 11/21/2018] George Busfield: anyways the option and potential is there so please revert when you can as need your input on above before spend more time on it [6:17 AM, 11/21/2018] George Busfield: as well to catch up on other matters / what you need and progress with IT stuff etc (e.g. Slack) [6:19 AM, 11/21/2018] George Busfield: please revert as I have been trying to reach you for couple of days now and lots to discuss share / touch base on etc. both for you and the company. That aid Aub advised me you been off now and was your Mum's birthday etc - best wishes and all etc . [2:30 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: Don't you just fucking hate it when people ignore you? It must be so fucking annoying. I’ve waited 5 months for my pay matters. Nothing has happened, and can’t help but feel like I'd been taken on a ride. I notice how you’ve been more than happy to pay Stuart to come back, and likewise Alex back in July. [2:30 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: My pay and housing situation was brought up in July, and since I’ve had nothing more than a bunch of photos, and to be honest, it’s been a struggle to get those. I might as well be given me a nicely wrapped box back then clearly labelled “EMPTY PROMISES”. Least then I would have known where I stood over the situation, instead of dragged through this dishonourably. [2:31 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: This is getting farcical - You’ve not even bothered to return what you stole from me. I’ve kept my cool, tried to be diplomatic and restore goodwill, but now it just seems you have little intent but to stitch me up. [2:31 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: Can I ask a straight question? Are you deliberately delaying sorting my property matters and pay rise until after the tax investigations because something smells horribly like a rat to me. Not only do I have my head above the door for your failure to file accounts, but I’m not even getting paid properly, and I can’t address my own housing situation because I stupidly took on this role in good faith that it’ll help everyone, when the only person who’s gained from this is you? [2:32 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: I’ve heard feedback from others too that you seem to be confused as to where I am, so let me shed some light. Firstly, as you’re aware I need to pay just over £8900 in tax in 2 months (If you need refreshing look back to the 10th Sept). The only way I’ll be able to come close to paying any of this is if I find other sources of work, because there seems no intent to pay me. [2:32 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: Lastly, I booked just over a week holiday last week because it was mum’s birthday. Now that’s been cut short, not only because of cancelled flights last week but now my house I’m living in is under offer. Now I probably need to find a move in the next 4-6 weeks, so had to return back to start packing. Hence why I passed through the office the other day on my way back. [2:32 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: These two things are the only thing that I’m concerned with for now. I’ve been more than patient and time has run out. I won’t be addressing anything else until these matters are resolved. I’ve waited long enough and won’t wait any longer. I took no holiday in 2016 and hardly anything this year, so I’ll be on indefinite “holiday” leave until above matters are dealt with. If you are serious about having my continued support, then get it paid to HMRC early next week, address my pay rise and ensure it’s backdated to July. [2:32 AM, 11/22/2018] Jase: Otherwise, I’ll need to pull the plug in Dec because I’m sick of being ignored, and I’m sick of the excuses. [3:13 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Jase - I have been / am unwell mate - and I have not ignored you and have been trying sort stuff with you as to what you want and so the abve is unfair and not true- what is it you want me to exactly do to help you or you think needs ssorting? [3:15 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: And stole from you? what are you talkin about? [3:21 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Hard to understand the situation / what you are tryoing to say etc when can't speak to you? [3:40 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: tried to call you again. call me back please and let me know what it is you are asking me to support / do for you? [3:56 PM, 11/22/2018] Jase: I’ve told you the situation above and didn’t want to repeat myself. * I’m not paid properly. There should be no reason why an IT worker of my knowledge should: A) be struggling to pay bills B) should be on anything below £50K when others getting paid silly money like David Bailey, Ranvir, Alex Piper, etc * I have a £8900 tax bill due. It needs to be paid. * I need to move house imminently now * There is a company tax audit/investigation (call it whatever you want. I’m not stupid as to why HMRC are fishing about thanks to non-filing on company accounts). My neck is on the line, not yours [3:56 PM, 11/22/2018] Jase: I’m not here to have a debate. I just want to get out of this mess, and I am not in a position to delay this any longer. I need it sorted out systematically so let’s start by having my Jan 2019 tax bill paid in full by Monday, so then I can focus on my property matter after. I want the tax issues addressed as a priority then we can deal with anything else after that. You know what you’ve pilfered. You know why RAN Ltd can’t be wound up. We could have taken SNE down for the £1-2m he was paid, and as 10% shareholder I would have got a £100K from that. But it’s not happened because you know very well of what you’ve done wrong in RAN Ltd. [3:56 PM, 11/22/2018] Jase: Quite frankly I just want my tax bill sorted (Just pay it directly into HMRC with my UTR) along with addressing any other HMRC matters. Then, I want my property issue sorted, along with being paid proper rates to hand this over so I can walk away from this fucking mess for good. And whilst I’m angry with you, our interests are still aligned. What’s in my best interest will very much be in your best interest. [4:05 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: All I have done mate is not be well and not able to move things forward or help as much as I had hoped as a result. As far a piflering mate - that is just untrue but the accounts will be done next week all being well and if any discrepencies or monies owed they can and should be addressed accordingly. As for Schneider how - ? And all I did was work with you to save the company wasn't it? [4:06 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: And why can't RAN ltd be wound up? [4:12 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: And I don't understand the anger - do you not realise I have not been well mate? I have never wanted to fall out with you and don't now. [4:16 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Anyway I will try and help as best I can and we also need to get the shareholdings sorted and correctly allocated again so I would appreciate your help in doing this also. So please answer if we need to speak so can get things sorted correctly as overdue. [4:18 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Anything else? [4:19 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: And as said what do you mean re RAN Ltd? [4:20 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Also I really am sruglling to do al this with my health mate so please try and help me sort etc. That is why I asked James Voce to help because my health is bad and I am not able to do things as I would want. [8:39 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Jase - given quite a long chat so will respond further by email. [8:40 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Would also be grateful for your input on best courses of actions on few other matters and what you think best / what you think correct with Mehul etc. [8:41 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: We started this journey together and I am so very upset by where we find ourselves but as I have said before I will do what I believe to be right and I will also back you as I always have. [8:41 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: And no in answer to the above - I am not trying or wanting to delay anything - I just haven't been very well. [8:41 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: I am sorry this impacted you [8:43 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: But also we need to respond to Mehul next week and just do what we believe to be right. Some of the things he states / infers are just not true and moreover put you at huge risk. I don't want nmore fights or more authorities but if that is the way it has to go then so be it. [8:44 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: But personall I am just sad for us to find ourselves where we are - and if he wants independent audits and such - again I have nothing to hide etc and transparency will be avail next week anyway. [8:45 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: as say will revert further by email and try and help you with the above. [8:48 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: But case in point / and your opinion would be grateful on various points - e.g. Bonuses (as thought proposed best solution but don't think Adam is happy so perhaps need revisit ask him what he thinks could work? and also Singh and RAN limited - Do you think should pay him so as to protect Matt and enable winding up?) I still don't get what you mean though on the RAN Ltd windup - can you explain? - but even so best I think any liquidation / wind up controlled by RAN shareholders not by Singh? [8:49 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: And again - genuinely Jase - the only reason things haven't progressed has been because of my health but I do need / want to be able to speak to you. [10:14 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: ps. [10:16 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: you want me to help you with the house? - both in terms of finding something for you immediate and also helping on the purchase front? Can even perhaps provide you the 4 bedroom place that can help you buy? But again I need to talk to you mate to action / help with the things you are asking. [10:17 PM, 11/22/2018] George Busfield: Anyway rambled enough but as said I will do what I can to help. As an aside mate - why do you even have an HMRC bill? [1:05 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: George, after seeing 2 years of you sending "I'm out the office / I'm not well" emails to people like SNE, etc, I'm really not buying into excuses like these. You've had 5 months to agree a pay rise with me. You seemed to be perfectly well enough to put Alex on a significantly higher pay to me, which happened mostly as as result of your failings that led to him leaving. Likewise more recently you were very quick to make a snap decision to re-hire Stuart two weeks ago. Sorry, your duplicity doesn't fool me. I've given more than enough goodwill here. Maybe you should offer me something for each time you say "accounts will be done next week" because I'm loosing count as to how many times this has been said too. Again, I'm not fooled by this. [1:06 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: "And why can't RAN ltd be wound up?". Now this is a very dumb rhetorical question. You know the wrong doings in RAN that you've done that prevent it being wound up. Are you that dumb that you need me to spell out your mistakes because you can't remember them? Those same reasons are the same reasons you are too cowardly to bring forward a criminal prosecution against Singh. [1:06 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: You know why I'm angry. Do I have to repeat myself like you constantly do? You've stole from me, you won't approve my pay rise, which in turn is leaving me in a position where I can't pay my tax bill and now can't deal my housing situation. Are you trying to imply I should be fucking happy about this? [1:07 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: The company has been so devalued by infighting between you and the staff over the last 6 months I'm honestly not sure correcting the shareholdings will be of any value now. I think everyone has given up because even if the shareholding is addressed it looks like no one is going to get dividends and staff won't have voting shares. You might as well do us all a favour and give us a roll of bog paper. Least that has some intrinsic value, i.e. you can use it to wipe ones arse. Maybe you can put it in a fancy box labelled "EMPTY PROMISES" and give it to us as a secret Santa gift (especially as I'm still waiting for my secret Santa from 2 years ago). I warned you back in June that not resolving shareholding in a fair and equitable way would be a quick way to run the company to the ground, but you ignored me, you have done many times before. [1:07 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: Yes we started this journey together because I honestly believed that it was for the right reasons. However this year has been an embarrassing shit-show and I've come to realise that I need to pull out of a bad trade. Which is why I'm seriously wanting to get my tax bill paid, figure out the property situation and agree some sort of deal regarding hand over and walk away for good because the grass is greener on the other side. Not to mention, this is damaging to my reputation - I do not not want to associate with someone who mistreats staff, nor do I feel comfortable by the fact you continue to fail to file accounts. [1:08 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: Re bonuses, given you've been at the centre of more-less all the internal disputes you need to do something to compensate for that. I can't speak for others but I know that giving nothing will be a quick way to loose key staff. As for Singh. Yes, you need to pay Singh, because the other options will end up costing more. The £25K should come out of your personal pocket because we would never have to had paid this if you wound RAN Ltd up at the end of last year. However this never happened because I think you were too scared that it would uproot some unpleasant home truths. [1:09 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: Please, stop asking stupid questions. I have a tax bill because like just about every other person living in the UK, I have to pay tax and file accounts. I'm actually puzzled as to how you seem to to think you are exempt from these rules? My confusion here is further compounded by the fact you're supposed to be a charted accountant. [1:09 AM, 11/24/2018] Jase: The tax bill can be paid by COB Monday. You have the UTR, you just shove it on the reference when you pay HMRC. Then we can talk about fixing other things. If you can't do this, then I'll warn you that you're be doing yourself no favours, and things will escalate very quickly because my patience has expired. I've made myself clear [2:01 AM, 11/25/2018] Jase: Funny how you get so grumpy when I don't reply to you, but isn't it strange now the tables have turned you seem to think it's acceptable to not reply? I'm going to reiterate this. I want to see action next week in regards to resolving these matters. I have no more time for words that are just going to translate into delay tactics and empty promises. [8:50 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: Jase I haven’t read all the above in detail - all I know is you asked me to help you and to do what is right and this is what I will do. [8:53 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I repeat - albeit you don’t seem capable of empathy or understanding - the only reason things haven’t moved forward as I hoped is Because I have genuinely been unwell [8:54 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: Nonetheless and with all reserves I have left I will try and adress and do right by you and all. [8:54 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: You are wrong to have lost faith and to have undermined me [8:55 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: But I do understand things have taken to long because of my health [8:55 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: But I will see you and all right regardless as to your opinions today - I have never done otherwise [8:56 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I will do all I can to support your pay rise [8:56 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: Settlement of your tax liabilities as you wish / need [8:56 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I will support whatever bonuses I can [8:57 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I will provide alongside the accounts a fully transparent breakdown of costs incurred etc [8:57 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: And if there are any funds due back or due out then they will be evident and clear [8:58 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: And any audit by p j marks or by an independent party can be done freely and willing to establish the correct positions for all [8:59 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I have always done what I believe right and I will continue to do so. [8:59 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: For you and all [9:00 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: If the company needs money following the above audits - independent or otherwise then I shall do all I can to input or raise funds to support such. [9:01 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I am doing all I can proactively to address the specific points you have raised and remunerate / compensate you for all the points you have raised [9:02 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: And friend to friend as I believe is to be - I will do all I can and also try and help you with property stuff you aspire to [9:03 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: But as a final point mate - you completely misjudge me and if I try to understand it is because things have taken too long in your opinion [9:03 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: But I have genuinely not been well and as said previously I am very sorry if the delay in actions has impacted you [9:04 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I never meant that Jase and I am sorry that you have inferred my inability to action as my undermining your friendship [9:04 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: On my father’s grave this was never the intent [9:05 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I will as said do all I can to demonstrate this to you this week. [9:05 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: You asked me if I hadn’t done XyZ awaiting XyZ ... NO. [9:06 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I just haven’t been very well - why can you not understand that this has impacted my ability to support everything? [9:07 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: Sunny days I fear I will not be hear tomorrow mate . And yet I am still trying to do my best [9:07 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I need your help not your attack - please. [9:30 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: As a pragmatic action - please can you confirm the amount you need paying to HMRC tomorrow on your behalf [9:31 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: and also confirm that you want your pay backdating to July at a higher rate and that you perceive this to be in the region of %),000 per annum [9:31 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: sorry 50,000 per annum [9:32 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: Moreover -please advise on your thoughts re the house situation... [9:33 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: I understand that you want security and a place to live and Adam has agreed to kick a tenant out of either one of the new flts of the 4 / 5 bedroom places such that you can move in asap and have security whilst evaluating exactly what you want. [9:33 PM, 11/25/2018] George Busfield: so please advise so Adam / I etc can support what you want. [5:25 AM, 11/26/2018] Jase: The amount is in the screenshot I sent a few days ago. It’s £3865.02 + £5068.73 so £8933.75 due in Jan 2019. Details on how to pay are here https://www.gov.uk/pay-self-assessment-tax-bill/bank-details - Basically payable to HMRC / 08-32-10 / 12001039 as stated in that link, with the account reference set to my UTR which is: 8775744662K. If this is done by the end of the day then it demonstrates some goodwill in moving things forward and hopefully we can address other matters this week too, ie. accounts, shareholdings, desk bonuses as these are critical for the business to function. [6:00 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: I will sort [6:00 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: I will email you [6:00 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: But I will ensure above gets done [6:01 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Have also transferred 20k (max can do in one go) to jet to loan funds to Ran to pay Ranvir costs claim so we retain control of any liquidation and Singh can’t go after matt. [6:02 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Will transfer additional funds tomorrow to cover you above [6:02 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Also working to finalise the accounts for full audit transparency [6:04 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: As above mate - you have judged me wrong - I have never wanted anything h but the best for you - the delay has never been to be ‘shady’ or manipulate any position I just genuinely have not been very well and as a result I have probably over promised and under delivered on what I wanted to do [6:05 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: But on my mothers life it has never been wanting to be to the detriment of you. [6:06 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Not much else I can say. You can either believe me or not. But I will do right by you (and linton for that matter) as I said I would. [6:06 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: I just miss my fucking friend to be honest. [6:07 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Anyway I will sort above as you have asked. [6:07 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Will also sort the Ranvir matter as above. [6:09 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: And Jase if you even give a shit anymore - I really have not been well. And all I do is literally every cell of productivity I have had. It may have not been enough but all this thinking I did it in malice is absolute bullshit. And to be honest I am gutted after everything .. opening my house / my life / my friendship to you that you can think that [6:10 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: But flip side ... things have taken too long and for you personally this has caused you difficulties and insecurity and worry - and I also accept that is not ok either. [6:12 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: So again I am sorry for that but truth is I have been struggling but nonetheless as said before I am genuinely sorry it has impacted you [6:12 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: As for above I will email you to confirm details and make sure I understand what you want / what you need. [6:13 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: If I get anything wrong or interpret or outline stuff that isn’t aligned to your views then please for love of god just tell me and don’t bloody assume any negatives !!! [6:13 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: End [6:15 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Ps. Don’t you get it mate - from day 1 I have sought your counsel and said that is only you and me together that makes this work. You have thought literally the worst of me but it is absolutely not the truth. [6:15 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Anyways will action above and other points you raised as best I can [6:17 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: And if you need a place for security and secure tenure on the housing front I can sort you something ASAP - I.e. can kick a tenant out if you ask - at least buy you some time and security while considering options .... [6:18 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: If needs be can give you a lease for x period of time at zero cost if we can bloody start talking properly again! [6:18 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Anyways as ever I ramble [6:18 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Will sort above as you have asked [6:34 AM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: pps. will make payments to you and then you can sort with HMRC if ok to ensure you achieve what you want [12:10 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Sending you a comprehensive email from Adam and I now. [12:11 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: I hope it addresses your points and I hope you will respect and reciprocate the manner in which it is sent. [12:17 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: "Yes we started this journey together because I honestly believed that it was for the right reasons" [12:18 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: it was and it is - don't you f get that I need your bloody help mate - not for you to lay every single thing that has ever gone wrong at my door?? [12:19 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: And be cynical if you like - but put a camera in my office up here and watch how many hours I work and to call me a coward? really? [12:19 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: The only reason we havent pursued Singh criminally is because of the comercial viability. [12:19 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: The only reason I am behind with plans is because I have been unwell. [12:20 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Do you not think I want more than anything to be in Lndon driving this with you? [12:21 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: I understand that certain things have taken too long - but that has never been with any malintent [12:21 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: ffs - I genuinely haven't been well jase and I have still done all I can and read the email - I still do now. [12:23 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: and yet most of all it is the criticisms and blame that you lay all at my door when I genuinely have always considered you a friend - I welcolmed you into my home - gave you keys - all the shit above is just bullshit mate. I understand you are angry and that you feel I may have let you down. [12:24 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: and you have a point - as said some things are long overdue - but I have done my best and whatever you think - my heart is solid and good. I only hope that in the propositions and actions proposed in the email you will perhaps be able to remember that. [12:25 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: and maybe why I am stuck in stoke in the first place.... because I gave and lost all to support what we set out to do. [12:26 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: ps. [12:26 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: and listen to you? [12:27 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: all I have ever said is how much I value and have missed your counsel. [12:27 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: But I don't have all the answers - if you do then where the fuck are you ? [12:30 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: seems you genuinely have no idea what I have put into all this or how much I want us to suceed. I am sorry I have been unwell. I am sorry that praagmatic actions relating to you are overdue - and I concur they are - but never my friend to "stitch you up" - NEVER. [12:30 PM, 11/26/2018] George Busfield: Anyway email on its way now [6:42 PM, 11/28/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate .... Adam tells me first transfer / action done as you asked. Hope helps and is step in right direction. [6:44 PM, 11/28/2018] Jase: Hi yes, thanks. I've emailed earlier a breakdown of the call from my perspective. Hopefully all the other pieces will follow in regards to shareholding for the others [6:45 PM, 11/28/2018] George Busfield: We are focused and doing all we can [6:45 PM, 11/28/2018] George Busfield: Hope can help you with house etc too. [6:46 PM, 11/28/2018] George Busfield: I am not the c**t I fear you think I am mate. Never have been. But I have taken too long to do things and again I am sorry for that. [7:14 PM, 11/30/2018] George Busfield: tried to call - please call back [7:14 PM, 11/30/2018] George Busfield: Replied to Mehul as you advised to resolve all shareholding matters [7:15 PM, 11/30/2018] George Busfield: and also agreed to audits etc as he my . / has asked. [7:16 PM, 11/30/2018] George Busfield: please call me back when you get this and advise if anything else you think needs to be done to enable us to move forward and get back on track. [7:16 PM, 11/30/2018] George Busfield: And FYI the intent to help you with property / your mortgage still remains. [7:16 PM, 11/30/2018] George Busfield: Hope speak soon. [2:46 PM, 12/1/2018] Jase: OK, was out last night and got a bit of a hangover atm. Will probably call in the eve after I've run to the shop and done some errands [9:35 PM, 12/2/2018] George Busfield: Sadly no call received mate. [9:40 PM, 12/2/2018] Jase: Hang on will try in a sec. Did try but it seemed like you phone was off or not connecting. [9:41 PM, 12/2/2018] Jase: I'll grab a cup of tea and call shortly [11:46 PM, 12/2/2018] George Busfield: thank you for your call. [11:46 PM, 12/2/2018] George Busfield: means more than you propably know, [11:46 PM, 12/2/2018] George Busfield: speak soon. [11:55 PM, 12/2/2018] Jase: Ok no owrries [11:30 AM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: Ignore those calls - pocket dial sorry [1:54 PM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate that was actually a call [1:54 PM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: Can you do me a favour and take a look at Danny cousins [1:55 PM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: Just appointed ceo at global news services [1:55 PM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: I have something in my mind that he is a Schneider affiliate back in the day [1:55 PM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: Will look myself as soon as I can too [1:55 PM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: Let me know you find anything [2:48 PM, 12/3/2018] Jase: K, will do [2:48 PM, 12/3/2018] George Busfield: Thanks [3:29 PM, 12/5/2018] Jase: Did you find anything?... I tried to dig about but didn't find anything [6:37 AM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: No but I haven’t had chance to look [6:37 AM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: I know in my belly affiliated [6:37 AM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: Not sure how and no time to look but as say I know [7:40 PM, 12/6/2018] Jase: What is happening with accounts? [7:40 PM, 12/6/2018] Jase: They should have been done last week [7:40 PM, 12/6/2018] Jase: Now we have worldpay on our arse. [7:40 PM, 12/6/2018] Jase: And now this.... [7:40 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: being done now / this week [7:40 PM, 12/6/2018] Jase: This does not say "audit" to me. [7:41 PM, 12/6/2018] Jase: Have you had a copy? [7:41 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: cant talk now mate [7:41 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: on the ACs as we speak [7:41 PM, 12/6/2018] Jase: Well just acknowledge if you've had it [7:41 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: I havent [7:41 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: but I know critical [7:41 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: talk tom [7:42 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: I need carack on [7:42 PM, 12/6/2018] George Busfield: crack [3:34 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: jase ... will email [3:34 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: but accounts should be done for monay [3:34 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: monay [3:34 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: and no "radio silence" just been working on them [3:35 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: will provide update in full with Albie Monday as finalising over weekend [3:35 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: unfair comments in that email mate .... [3:35 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: ypu asked me do someting last week to sort .... I did [3:35 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: and all this work is to try and save the company a bunh of money [3:36 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: anyway you will get is I think when accounts and summary avail monday [3:36 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: will try call you later / tom too [3:37 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: anything else yu want on my immediate radar this weekend as hoping to address many things and Aubrey sent some good ideas in an email too... [3:37 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: ? [3:37 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: chat later? [3:38 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: mate? [3:39 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: or you got 5 now? [3:45 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: Also [3:45 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: Not sure if you saw but spoke to worldpay and they have no record of what alex referred to so asked him to try and get details [3:46 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: Relatedly didn’t you want to change worldpay to another merchant provider? [3:46 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: And have you had any feedback on Greg ehlers ? [3:52 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: Also not sure FYI what d Bailey is going on about in his email [4:02 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: did you see Aub email - any thoughts? [4:04 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: also you have not reverted re property stuff - either if you want a place asap (as said we will need to serve notice for you) and / or investment opportunity [4:05 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: will assume / not action anything for you unless you direct / advise otherwise [4:06 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: are yu alive? [5:41 PM, 12/7/2018] George Busfield: All good mate - just be good if your phone nearby over the weekend just in case thx [6:42 AM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: can you send me an invoice for 1080 please just prior to its cancellation s I can include the reimbursement promised in the accounts - thanks - asked you both (aub & jase) as not sure who has the latest invoices but need to include reimbursement in the accounts sobe grateful if you have the actual numbers so GCV can reimburse as promised. Thanks [6:43 AM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: or just the number gross [6:43 AM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: thanks [6:44 AM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: if I assume 850 for now is that about right? [8:34 AM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: jase - please call when you get this thx [4:02 PM, 12/10/2018] Jase: Just tried to look for these.... I don't have invoices for 1080 - but it came off my Monese card towards the end was can see the Nov 2017 was £1278, Dec 2017 was 1014 Jan was £920.10, April was £908.10, Feb, Mar, May, June & July payment was £896.10, Aug was £950.10. We were talking about ditching 1080 back in July 2017 but you backtracked on it (Email subject: "Re: WeWork - June Invoice - Confirm Paid & 1080 / Rates discussion"). Before Nov last year it was paid on the Lloyds card ending in 5313 albeit in RAN's name so it's probably cash that should come back to JET from RAN technically speaking [5:22 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: All food spoke to sub and got estimate [5:22 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Gcv refunding x3 months as promised [5:23 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Also mate. An you send me (just me) what you want and realistically think is fair to compensate you for our endeavours and aspirations as we set out upon 3 years ago [5:24 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Know share pools / Ant and Matt taking non voting shares and / or a non voting / part voting share pool allocations all been discussed and considered [5:25 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: But as trying to sort all the accounts and shareholding’s and you / Mehul / mum etc be useful to know what you summarily would want and thus how best I can / we / the company can help you [5:26 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: As you have communicated time to get this stuff sorted [5:29 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: And hopefully with the accounts etc being done can start to look at pragmatic actions for you particularly and others considering all the potential ideas and suggestions been discussed along the way over last couple of years but hopefully can pin stuff down and reward you (not blowing sun up your bottom - but particularly as as always said we embarked together and I want to do what is right so please ping me your ideals / if you have a magic wand thoughts so can try and assist / enable as best I can) [5:29 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Thanks [5:30 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Also news on Schneider / Daniels stuff etc and we need to stop this rubbish infighting and focus on the people that we actually set out to stand up against [5:30 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Anyways let me know thoughts on above [5:31 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Also admin stuff I need to address with you for Hmrc and also to sort Mehul situation but will share / talk in due course [5:31 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Finishing accounts at present [5:31 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Laters [5:31 PM, 12/10/2018] George Busfield: Thx [2:16 PM, 12/12/2018] Jase: Sorry, was meant to pick this up yesterday but got distracted. I think in my past email I've made it fairly clear. Nothing has materially changed, back dated pay settled, pay adjusted going forward and then let talk property matters for myself. I think MP's shares should be sorted before mine or other staff ones are sorted, I've always been consistent on that. I think something thought will need to go into addressing staff shares because as stated if people aren't able to vote and there is no dividend then people will question their worth because a lot of good will has dried over up over latter course of the year. Separate to all this, accounts need to be done. If they are not, because without them nothing can progress, and we'll have no revenue next year. I think on the Daniel's / ANE front I think not having RAN wound up and having a proper investigation has let SNE walk away £1.5 million quid better off and not held to account. Likewise, not following up on LS matters has left Daniels to remain at large. That should have been criminal from day one. I think I even raised it before / when we saw Brian O'Neil that surely it should be tackled from this angle because otherwise we'd find ourselves in the same stupid position as we did with RS (i.e. Brian said "you can't start a criminal case to leverage a civil case") [2:17 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: ok thank you will digest and revert [2:18 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: thank you for input - will all nce had chance t digest and define pragmatic actions [2:18 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: soz.... will revert once [2:19 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: couple of other things but will share when revert. [2:19 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: think may need to see you also face to face [2:19 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: for you / your benefit [2:20 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: for understanding / sharing of information [2:20 PM, 12/12/2018] Jase: I think accounts has to be sorted, but also keeping the desk happy. Lint's seems to be getting increasingly frustrated [2:20 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: but as said will revert [2:20 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: I am doing my best mate honestly [2:20 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: and I am trying to save the company a lot of money [2:21 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: but to be honest very hard / demoralising when criticism at every turn [2:21 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: like with VAT reclaim [2:21 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: everyone criticising / moaning and then when delivered no thanks [2:21 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: same with the LS decision whether the ill-informed realise it or not [2:23 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: re the matters you raise I will digest and revert as said once considered and ideally post accounts strategy and plan and savings identified. [2:23 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: (which again assume will be no thanks as "took too long" statements will no doubt follow) [6:21 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: ACs coming together and as planned / anticipated looks very likely will be able to save the company a lot of money [6:21 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: (as in reduced / mitigating costs with HMRC and otherwise) [6:22 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: cashflow wise looks likely will need infuse funds to satisfy bonuses either / both now or in Q1 [6:23 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: out of interest what are you working o at the moment? [6:24 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: Adam Vce has been speaking to Worldpay and with Accounts imminently to be filed hopeful this issue goes away but if not and as a back up can you remind me of the alteranate merchants you wanted to implement and start to get them ready? [6:24 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: anyways back to acccounts [7:23 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: above I hope / think will also address your concerns raised. [7:24 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: be grateful if you can spare 10 mins this evening to chat later as need also to sort bonuses and would appreciate your views and input please [7:24 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: let me know [11:50 PM, 12/12/2018] George Busfield: hi mate - you free fr quick chat? [1:11 AM, 12/13/2018] Jase: Yea, if you're still up [1:11 AM, 12/13/2018] Jase: Soz, was out earlier this eve [1:38 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: can do in ten if you are about [7:04 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: we need to talk / you need to come see me [7:07 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: thinkI may have found a way to enhance your life / meet your best aspirations (or almost (and I need circa 72 hours finish up the whole plan) but if I can structure as I hope and is looking - just may be able to satisfy that property materially mortage free... but as said 72 hours and do not share ths opportunity wider as relates to you and also a need to address bonuses etc in parralllel but call me so I can at least give you a heads up and we can provisionally plan to meet. [7:07 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: caveat no promiss just yet but think the whole plan may just be coming together as hoped [7:08 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: nyways assuming you are sleeping so call me later [7:08 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: oh and ps. [7:09 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: if I get it right / can structure as hope - you won't need to rely on potentials or possibles either it can be pinned down in absolution. [7:09 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: imperative you keep this confidential for now or you risk losing the opportunity mate [7:09 AM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: laters [12:37 PM, 12/13/2018] Jase: OK, cool. I'll I've had ECB to deal with today but will be about a later early eve [12:38 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: Call me later and we can chat [12:38 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: But in reality I want you come see / sit with me and go through all the numbers and details in full review [12:39 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: And then share what I think the best plan is and can be done for the company for you and the galaxy [12:50 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: Also way I see it [12:50 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: If so that then you can either tell Patel to get every accountant under the sun in or tell him not waste his money [12:51 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: And to be fair having now gone through and almost getting to see the full view on the numbers entirely up to him [12:51 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: If I was a spiteful person I would tell him to spend millions [12:51 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: But I am not [12:51 PM, 12/13/2018] George Busfield: Anyways chat later [10:54 PM, 12/13/2018] Jase: Gimme a shout if you're about [10:54 PM, 12/13/2018] Jase: Porbably not up all hours as I'll be grabbing the train in the morning [5:09 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: hi mate [5:09 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: can we chat [5:09 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: just on call with aub and need to talk to you [5:09 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: when come off [7:51 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: Call me when free mate [8:22 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: ? [9:03 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: Just eating - try catch up later [9:04 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: Like to talk to you / share idea(s) with you of material importance [9:05 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: Believe good for the business [9:05 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: Good for you [9:05 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: Significantly [9:05 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: And hopefully support positive 2019 [10:52 PM, 12/17/2018] Jase: Ok, I'm on the late train atm so will catch up tomorrow [10:52 PM, 12/17/2018] George Busfield: Ok [5:27 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: explain details whn more time [5:28 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: ut ultimately trying to catch up with you ashoping you will agree to proposal I have - essentially would like you to come down sit with me and go through all the accounst in detail so at least you will have full transparnecy and understanding regardless of anything else. [5:30 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: An dthen at the same time to share ideas / "equitability"re yoursefl and assistance / action to address you from tjat perspective and also to sort share issues - discuss and agree a plan etc across the board so can move on. [5:31 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: 3) Discuss / share thoughts on current legal and LS landscape and agree what (if any) worth pursuing / consideartion of legal criminal actions on various matters. [5:31 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: 4) Agree as time allows and best we can 2019 plans & input to the 2019 strategic plan [5:32 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: 5) AOB matters [5:33 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: But I think if you and I can try and action / progress / agree above as best we can then we can majorly support the business and hopefully enable both it and us and others to move forward. [5:34 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: cant chat now today ut would appreciaate if can talk tomorrow and try and progress the above and the other matters I have that would like to share and discuss when we talk. [5:34 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: simple as that really [5:49 PM, 12/18/2018] Jase: Will call shortly. Had some drama in the house today [5:55 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: Kk [10:54 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: still up? [10:54 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: quick chat? [10:54 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: and in any even so I dont forget can you send me a list of all legals you think may be potential options to progress in your opinion. [10:55 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: call if u can otherwise chat tom - but be grateful of the above list [11:51 PM, 12/18/2018] Jase: Sorry was on the phone [11:51 PM, 12/18/2018] Jase: Call now? [11:52 PM, 12/18/2018] George Busfield: sure [2:46 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: Good to chat [2:46 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: As in like old days [2:46 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: Thanks [2:46 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: Laters [2:46 AM, 12/19/2018] Jase: No worries [2:47 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: Please try and touch base with yog and lints re Ehlers [2:48 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: No point paying him if they don’t rate him or think worth the cost [2:48 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: Thx [2:48 AM, 12/19/2018] Jase: OK, will try and have a word [2:48 AM, 12/19/2018] George Busfield: Ya [3:02 PM, 12/22/2018] George Busfield: following chat - perhaps you can come see me / look at ACs / help plan way forward for you / all on your way back from your mum's ost Xmas? or alternatively first day back in Jan. [3:03 PM, 12/22/2018] George Busfield: I will be alone on both occassions as my Aunt had another bleed on her brain this week meaning she can now no longer speak or see out of one eye (and unbelievably it only gets worse from here). [3:04 PM, 12/22/2018] George Busfield: In any event so my mother will be heading back down to the hospice [3:04 PM, 12/22/2018] George Busfield: Anyways - suggestion(s) as above - let me know / or call me so we can sort and hopefully move things forward positively. [3:04 PM, 12/22/2018] George Busfield: thank you [3:40 PM, 12/22/2018] George Busfield: FYI - GCV put 5k in over last week and just loanded another 10k today to assist with cashflow and P J Marks bills as outstanding. P J Marks up for approval now. [3:08 AM, 12/24/2018] Jase: I think it'll be towards first week of Jan. I'm just trying to work out what I'm doing between Xmas / NYE but probably will be caught up with stuff down south for a bit [4:13 PM, 12/24/2018] George Busfield: Ok [7:08 PM, 12/25/2018] George Busfield: Merry Xmas mate - hope we can get things sorted and bus back on track early new year. [11:05 PM, 12/29/2018] Jase: Heya, hope you had a good Xmas too. Hopefully you've had a bt of a break. As you can imagine we've had one of these for not submission of VAT... It will be good if we can draw a line under this accounting stuff in early Jan. [1:15 AM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: Agreed - Why on earth is that being sent to your residential home address? [12:48 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: ? [12:55 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: This is concern as in line with imminent Accounts submission(s) there are lots of questions and actions that Hmrc has asked that need to be completed relatedly and asap by or with the accountants etc. So why these letters going to your home address and not the accountants? [5:37 PM, 12/30/2018] Jase: Yea I was a little miffed they sent it to me, but that said I've often had stuff sent to my home address given I did put down my actual home address for something when both companies got registered back in 2016. I don't see it as a big issue though and I'm guessing it's probably as a result of the company address on Companies House being incorrect and thus bouncing and then being sent to me (I notice the date was 14th but it didn't get to me until nearer Xmas). It's still 115b Drysdale Street, N1 6ND. I'm guessing you'll need to correct it with a AD01. [5:43 PM, 12/30/2018] Jase: I'm guessing you set Ivo and William's correspondence address to Drysdale as well? [8:26 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: I am a bit baffled to be honest – as it doesn’t make any sense you receiving JET(S) correspondence to your home address. Anyways, to try and positively address etc – and I semi-recall Pierce did email re addresses in December (noting PJ Marks office move) – there are various outstanding governance and admin actions that need to be completed asap – in part because some are long overdue in any case but also because hmrc is wanting / asking for clarity as part of the current VAT and corp tax discussions & decisions – so sensible / prudent that all outstanding corporate governance and admin actions are addressed asap to concur with the facts and responses to them. [8:35 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: I will speak to the accountants / Pierce & albie as soon as we get back in the new year to ensure all points are captured and addressed appropriately as they have been the primary contact dealing with the hmrc on the company / everyone’s behalf and to be fair the companies’ pay them to do so – so we should let the do their jobs etc. [8:36 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: Will follow up with PJMarks in new year as a priority and also try and capture / revert as to you / all (with PJM) as to whatever (hmrc & PJM) advise as needs be / should be done. Be grateful of your assistance to implement and support any related actions so that all outstanding admin and governance and accounting matters are correctly dealt with and actioned for the hmrc pursuant to their requests and queries. [8:36 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: Aside the above that number seems very low for a months VAT – any idea why so low – albeit I note they don’t seem to be chasing VAT as they are wanting all the above referred to points and queries to be addressed first so that they can be sure an accurate value is attributed (at least so far as I can best assume / deduce from what PJ Maraks have told me and pending follow up / due conversations with them in the in the new year). [8:38 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: as above will try and pull / advise full list of actions needed in co-ordination with you and PJmarks and the hmrc so we can ensure all the correct actions / admin taken and hmrc requests satisfied and addressed correctly. [8:38 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: Sound like correct plan / approach? [8:44 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: Hi mate - noting you have just read can you kidly respond asap as need I / yu / we / the company I feel best to ensure we do all and comply with all matters as the hmrc asks for / requests etc... assume you agree? [8:45 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: (thanks on advance - but please do revert asap as would like to be in a position to support the accountants and file accounts and revert to the hmrc asap on return in new year). [8:45 PM, 12/30/2018] George Busfield: thanks mate. [3:34 AM, 12/31/2018] Jase: Hi - soz was on the go earlier so wasn't able to actually read the content. Yea, that seems sound to me. Catch you in the New Year! [5:15 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: ok great - will be in touch as needs be - where are you at the mo as I do think est for you /e / the cmpany if we meet and discuss various points asap. [5:15 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: *best [5:16 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: *you / me / the company [5:16 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: sorry was fast typng! [5:16 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: jesus ! [5:16 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: *typing! [10:07 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: trying to address the cashflow email - please can you raise request for transfer of $6500 via usual FX brokers asap to assist [10:07 AM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: and rovide clarity / docs on the questions raised for you directly - thanks [1:07 PM, 12/31/2018] Jase: I'm in London for the New Year [1:08 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: So? [1:08 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: What you doing? [1:09 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Party? [1:19 PM, 12/31/2018] Jase: Yea seeing some friends. I've not caught up with some for a while as they live out in the US now [1:20 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Have a good night [1:20 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Assume you saw Mehul email? [1:22 PM, 12/31/2018] Jase: Yea, about 15 mins ago [1:22 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Thoughts? [1:24 PM, 12/31/2018] Jase: Dunno really, just seems to be fairly standard frustrated email of his [1:24 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Did you share my idea to share full accounts detail with you? [1:25 PM, 12/31/2018] Jase: Nope [1:25 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Why [1:25 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: I thought that might portray something positive [1:27 PM, 12/31/2018] Jase: I do think one way or another you're gonna need to appease him. I'd rather not be sat there in the middle mediating between both of you though. It didn't do me any favours back in June so I'd rather it be handled directly without me being in the middle [1:28 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Actually mate that is kind of a fair point potentially [1:28 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: And to be honest in truth I respect you for it [1:28 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: If so and you mean the above then do you want me to take and accept that as your position? [1:29 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: I think knowing you are involved or not one way or another will help me plan / address accordingly [1:30 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: And as a friend, albeit I think there are areas you could help, staying out of it is prob best [1:31 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: And I think / truly hope in congruence with your message above that it will help protect our friendship [1:31 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: And also I think enable the best outcome for you [1:31 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: But regardless I do need to see you and sit down an make plans - [1:32 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Albeit you weee angry at the time [1:32 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: I do think the only way you and I and to be honey ultimately the team / business win is if you and I are agreed on the plan of action [1:33 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: But you are still a bit Missing in action mate [1:33 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: I KNOW how to make the business a success for you / me shareholders [1:33 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: But I do need your help / support? [1:37 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: And given I think / 94.8% know / believe the best plan and that it will make you a significant amount of money and offer you a great lifestyle opportunity [1:37 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: I am struggling understand why it feels like I am trying to get blood out of stone!? [1:37 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Advice? [1:44 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Call me [1:45 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: If you will work with me like we used to for 2-4 months I can make you a significant amount of money as you hoped for and enable all : everyone to benefit ... [1:46 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: But I need you and me partnership to fastrack and achieve [1:52 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: I am even willing to guarantee in part if you need that [1:52 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Contractually etc [4:20 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: can you please just come and see me so we can talk properly and I hinestly believe will be to everyone's advantage but definitely yours. And as inferred above subject to the chat and agreed plans together I am willing to potentially guarantee a material part of the benefits I believe can ensue. thx and of course a happy new year mate [5:41 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: I have also found share solution pla that will benefit and incentivise all hgely - or at least should do if people are rational - min tax / max benefit and I think addresses all issues (bar Mehul matter). [9:40 PM, 12/31/2018] Jase: Can I give you a shout tomorrow, I've been on the move most the day as I gather you'll wanna bit of time [9:41 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Mate go enjoy your new year. [9:42 PM, 12/31/2018] George Busfield: Just come see me ASAP after and I think we can find a resolution that works for everyone and advantageous to you. [1:55 AM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: Happy New Year. xx [2:46 AM, 1/1/2019] Jase: Happy New Year too! [2:48 AM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: 🙂 thanks mate [6:43 AM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: if you are in any state to chat I am around mate [6:43 AM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: hope you had a good night [6:45 AM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: but essentially I need you to come see me face to face asap to talk - I honestly think doing so will give the business and the majority of stakeholders the very best results possible and as said specifically your good self - all will be clear when we talk I envisage so just let me know and if you disagree with my ideas / theoretical proposals then nothing lost anyway. [6:45 AM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: cheers mate [3:42 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: Jase. I am afraid I am now going to have to be very direct. [5:50 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: I and others associates are trying so so hard to rdirect postivite growth at the business and to try and ensure te correct incentives / opportunities and actions are undertaken 0 worked all new years eve and all day to day onclude probab 8 / 9 hours on te phone on various matters. But I am now just continually repeating mysefl aou which to be fair mate just seems farsical when I am trying to either implement/ propose actions and define strategies to try and enahnce and protect the companies' value and / orundertake tasks / enter into discussions thatto e hnet represent a potentially once in a life time opportunity for rare significant fnancial reward and security. [5:50 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: To be honest it is getting to the point where I literally feel embarrassed and self demeaned in trying to chase you. [5:56 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: And if no nterest / you are ding something else / working for another cmany or something then lease let me kow so that I can at least e nformed and thus try and take appropriate decisions to progress and deliver plas without expectation on yourself. All I ask s for clarty and honesty - told you I would love you to be on board etc because of my view that you and I were the ones that sttod tall & brave at Hrn Twer to stand up for what we believed was the correct way to behalve and I still genunely hope and believe we can see it through and realise the opportunity and dreams and aspirations we had then. But again, as now repeatedly said I wat us and think the result and benefts will be significantly improved if we work together and share thoughts / ideas and plans as we used to. [6:01 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: So for one more time please just let me know if you .are on board or not - ok if you have your reaons etc, /don't wantto assits in efforts to move forward and realise the opportunity / opportunities at hand - such that we canstill do our best to realise the aspirtions to benefit ur families and the future potential prosecs of thos at and or connected to the business. [6:02 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: Sorry to bother on New Years day but you know how youand I are random tmes of chat always! [6:05 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: Anyways, again, please just let me know if you are going to work and endeavour with Stuart and myself / others to trya n be all we / the business can - or NT -such that we can start trying t fnd some additional IT supoort to deliver projects for the business - particuarly and immediatly such as to support the opportunities Start is in the process of realising for the company and himself forthwith. [6:06 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: anyway now VERY bored of typing you messges amigo.Just let us know at some point today please thx. [7:54 PM, 1/1/2019] George Busfield: Soz meant to say apologies for the awful typing was trying to walk and type on parallel which appears not to ha e been best plan! [11:07 AM, 1/2/2019] George Busfield: Oh dear .. I guess I don’t really know what Else I or anyone can say at this point - when obv now clearly and repeatedly many times tried to reach you if only in the first instance so as to be able to try and explain / discuss / share idea as to how the company could significantly reward its team and repair losses, verify the costs and accounts with transparency as to give you comfort and understanding whilst communicating plan of actions to see a prompt return back to growth whilst concurrently enabling you I hoped and believed could realise you a material sum asap at a very minimal tax rate. [11:33 AM, 1/2/2019] George Busfield: But with respect when I have put a huge amount of effort in over the vacation period incl working New Years night etc - to support the above solutions and finish the accounts and identify a shares solution - as agreed to discuss when Albie is back tomorrow so they can be filed ASAP - but moreover / prevalently whilst trying to manage my aunt dying with a brain tumour and my mother sobbing last night over and over because of the reated stress and upon having seen another of Mehul’s emails that are quite simply almost entirely comprised of lies, falsehoods and inaccurate factS, not to mention the blantant and relentless illegal offences therein his arrays I’d threats, and or otherwise: [11:34 AM, 1/2/2019] George Busfield: Safe to say I would have to be in a comma at this point not to get the hint. Don’t understand it but tried my best. [10:09 AM, 1/3/2019] George Busfield: I hear you are sick ? Why couldn’t you just drop me a note let me know? [10:10 AM, 1/3/2019] George Busfield: Ironically FYI - I am in bed with man flu myself (see email) [10:10 AM, 1/3/2019] George Busfield: Let me know when you are back up and around so we can talk thanks (not today as I am in a bad way) [1:52 PM, 1/4/2019] George Busfield: Jase trying to get your pay sorted - can you call me please [2:10 PM, 1/4/2019] George Busfield: Asked Adam and aub to pay it but no one can get hold of you - hope you are ok [1:32 PM, 1/5/2019] George Busfield: Hi Jase .. are you feeling better ? Please give me a call as soon as you are - thanks [1:21 PM, 1/9/2019] Jase: Hi will give you a shout later, seem to be on the mend now [7:59 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Hi mate can you give me a bell when you are up - not 100% but this IT chap poss can pop in say hello / at least have a chat with you today [7:59 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: But obvs just want be sure at time you will be around ... [8:00 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Know you meeting Stu circa 5pm? So maybe 4pm or something? [8:01 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Also on separate point [8:02 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Please please try and help stuart close his deals as I fear / believe he needs the commission to pay legal bills to protect him and Heather. [8:03 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: I ask from a personal perspective more than anything and particularly as I just think is wrong Harry attacking heather and I am pretty sure you will concur .. [8:03 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: There is also more to share but will do so when see you at the weekend [9:55 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Hi mate now circa 10am so assumed you be heading for train as per you advised last night ? [9:55 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Can you give me a quick bell when you get a mo as trying arrange time for you to meet this guy etc [9:55 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Thx [10:16 AM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Yea, was trying to board / change. On the quiet coach, so best keep it on here [10:16 AM, 1/17/2019] Jase: I'll be in town from 1:30pm I think [10:31 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Ok great [10:32 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: He said could pop in 3 or 4pm so will sort and let you know [10:32 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Assume you can do either at we work? [11:00 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Jase? [11:00 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Also some good news [11:00 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Stuart says has closed the intertrader deal [11:01 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: and has another white label of significance longer uo [11:01 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Up [11:01 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: How hard to train / empower someone else to be able to start implementing these white labels ? [11:02 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Think is huge opportunity [11:02 AM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: And I hope to be able to help too now the accounts out the way (all be done this week) [12:01 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: OK, I'll touch base with Stuart later over this [12:37 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Ok. [12:38 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Spoken to stuart dants - this possible IT chap option - he says he is in meetings in city but can join for 3 / 4 pm to meet you. [12:39 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: So will book a room for you and him and Aubrey (I think he has a junior with him also) for 4pm .. sound good ? [12:39 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Will check with aub too [2:55 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Yea, might be better to do nearer 5pm [2:57 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Ok [2:57 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: I have text him and he says they will do their best to come meet you. [2:57 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Where best ? Wework or bar nearby etc? [2:58 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Mentioned to aub as think Poss worthwhile him meeting them too? [2:58 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Not fussed, probably ww [2:58 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: And maybe even pettman if you guys all together? [2:58 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Thoughts? [5:06 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: What time is he popping in? [5:16 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Aubs is also wondering [5:16 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: soz mate - just texting Aub now... [5:16 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: [17:15, 1/17/2019] Aubrey: Is he coming as wanna head off? [17:16, 1/17/2019] George Eaton-Busfield: he hasn't text back mate so assuming he is still in meetings in town.... [17:16, 1/17/2019] Aubrey: AND Jase is wearing a VERY weird coat! [5:17 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: he said he will likely be back up next week [5:17 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: and he hasnt replied and Aub wants to leave so will just rearrange [5:17 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: agree? [5:19 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: cool? [5:20 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Ok [5:20 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Lol [5:20 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: chat laters / tom [5:20 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: you staying in office for a bit? or shooting? Aub said meeting with stu was good? [5:59 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Yea, it was [6:00 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Will be darting shortly [6:04 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: no worries [6:04 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: thanks for helping Stuart [6:04 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: out of interest btw - where the hell do you stay these days when down in London ...? [6:04 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: still at your mates way out? [6:06 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: and chat tomorrow re tps and life / weekend plans? [6:11 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: I'm out in West London normally [6:11 PM, 1/17/2019] Jase: Yea, touch base tomorrow [6:11 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: remind me to talk legals too please [6:12 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: catch you tom and thanks again for stu - I guess he told you he was a corker binning today [6:12 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: he / heather need all help they can get. [6:13 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: Heather actually emailed me today but explain over weekend etc when we talk properly [6:13 PM, 1/17/2019] George Busfield: enjoy your eve [1:14 AM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: ignore this for now but is a reminder for me / us to discuss ... R&D tax credts [1:14 AM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: and how can avoid all penalties re HMRC VAT and tax [1:14 AM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: for wekend chat whilst I remeer [1:14 AM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: remember [7:06 PM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: Jase just also sent similar to yog .... my apologies I missed call I understand as was planned for today. Was my admin mistake as misinterpreted messages with stuart that we had moved it to Monday. Now spoken and he is rearranging. I would not have missed on purpose so apologies again and I have shared with yog. [8:28 PM, 1/18/2019] Jase: Okay [8:28 PM, 1/18/2019] Jase: Still OK for tomorrow? [9:09 PM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: Talk yomorrrow but as said think will have to be Sunday [9:09 PM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: Are you heading to Newcastle after? [9:09 PM, 1/18/2019] George Busfield: In bed so catch you Tom am [9:56 PM, 1/18/2019] Jase: Yea, tomorrow would be a lot easier tbh [10:20 PM, 1/19/2019] George Busfield: Sorry mate I am still sick - been hoping would be better so could meet but might neeed to be mid / later this week but what are your plans this week from today / tomorrow / and then later in the week etc ? [10:20 PM, 1/19/2019] George Busfield: Let me know [5:38 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: will try call you now Jase... apologies unwell. Dr has signed me off but hoping can do / ad value as best I can. I have an update of materiality but will call you to discuss - but hopeful it is of material benefit. [5:39 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: trying call now. [5:39 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: But need to try and capture your plans this week so as soon as I am well enough can go through matters with you as discussed. [5:46 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: I think from what I / Adam Voce and the Accountants and the lawyers as have suported / been supporting RANsquawk entities as to best of their abilities there are some potentially very significant actions / gains that can be made so as to the advantage of the busines and all. Albeit there are some worrying concurrent actions that need to be (and have / are) being addressed concurrently. I can't discuss certain points but I can share I think the potential "huge" value that the above parties can provde for the business when we meet re HMRC costs / fees / and any fines. [5:47 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: So as above be good to now your movements / plans this week so as can try and get together as soon as you are able and I am well enough. Apologies - really hoped to meet this weekend but I am still strugging with flu / health matters. My pulse was like 110 when I was at the GP this last week (no joke). [5:48 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: will try call you now. [5:51 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Tried just now to call you x3 times on both numbers I have for you but both are just resulting in getting "it has not been possible to connect your call please try later" [5:51 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: So please call me back as soon as you get this thanks. [6:28 PM, 1/20/2019] Jase: Will call when I'm not on the tube [6:29 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: ok [6:29 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: thanks [10:10 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Haven’t had a call or reply Jase, and as said still genuinely unwell so will try and catch you tomorrow - please call tomorrow when you are free also as you are not very easy to get hold of at the moment - thanks. [10:12 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Ps. [10:13 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Ps. [10:15 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Let me know re plans and availability this week so as soon as I am feeling better enough to meet we can try and arrange - apologies this flu has been awful but having spoken to dr he has advised that as soon as it clears (hopefully with the antibiotics he gave me last week I should definitely get the flu jab ASAP - I even asked him about what you said that it only covers a few strains but he said still worthwhile Nd everyone that been hit with it recently are apparently in the majority hit by a strain that would have been mitigated by the flu jab they offer) [10:16 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Anyways just let me know re above so I can update you and we can try and maximise the opportunities at hand [10:17 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Think I / we / the company have a very valid and value adding opportunity that will share when we get chance to properly catch up... [10:17 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Thanks [10:17 PM, 1/20/2019] George Busfield: Night for now and hopefully catch you tomorrow ASAP [2:31 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: Need your input later / tomorrow also on HMRC R&D Tax Credits [2:31 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: Be useful if yu could have a read up on how they work before we speak also [3:04 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: still crook but hopefully just starting turn corner from antibiotocs [3:06 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: can you let me know where you are and plans later this week as need to meet as soon as I can as have value add solutions to VAT, corp tax and all financials and accounts but need your input and would like your input / agreement such as I / we / the company can take a substantive proposal(s) back to all - incl you / albie / mehul / the team etc as a whole. [3:07 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: so let me know please plans / locatios this week and as soon as I am "not dying" we can sort to review and go through it all? [3:09 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: also some financial admin stuff need to do for HMRC and likely expediate with your input etc [3:10 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: anyways going try rest up / sleep for today in hope that finally actually materially better tomorrow .... [3:11 PM, 1/21/2019] George Busfield: call maybe easiest if you get a mo - will leave phone on beside me [12:23 PM, 1/22/2019] Jase: I'll try and catch up this eve. Got a few things I need to sort this afternoon. It'll probably need to be the weekend as there's ECB this week [2:08 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: FYI ... going to try and fix things with Mehul [2:09 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Have been thinking about it all a lot and on reflection it’s just all ridic and sad. [2:09 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: We are better than that and we should all be pulling in same direction not infighting. [2:10 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Makes us as bad as Singh and Schneider etc. [2:10 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Anyways sorting stuff to enable and hopefully support ability to do so and will get something over to him at the weekend I hope. [2:11 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: If you do have any interaction please pass him the intention and then can only do best. Not exactly sure solution but will try nonetheless. [2:11 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Will message matt accordingly too. [2:14 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Hopefully he won’t take as a sign of weakness but as a want and hope that we catch do better etc. I we should both professionally and individuals etc as above. And I want to know I have tried in any event. I hope he is willing to do so similarly but I think you would agree at least worth trying if (as I do) think that the best and most decent solution for all.. agree? [2:14 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: (Plus have more details on numbers etc etc now) [2:15 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Let me know your thoughts. Only sharing thinking with you / Voce .. and I guess matt in due course ... [4:18 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Not sure why you don’t read my messages these days? [4:19 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Anyway I will perhaps process and speak to matt as indicated [4:19 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Let me know if you do have any thoughts. [4:19 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Thanks [11:53 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: helllo?? Earth to Jason? [11:53 PM, 1/24/2019] George Busfield: Any input? [9:45 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: quick call? [9:45 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: Well as you're aware I don't want to be mediating between you and MP. It's a scenario that I was never involved in creating and thus keeping out of it. That said, the reason we're in the shit now is partly because of that. It reflects badly on other seniors, especially when none of us have got proper shares (given mine on JETGS are quasi, and same for others like AH in RAN Ltd), thus morale and motivation has reflected this. So yes, it's a shitshow that needs to be addressed, but it extends to all those who were under the impression they'd get a stake. (i.e. myself, Lints etc) albeit I think we're well aware the MP matter should be addressed first given his history of being a shareholder [9:45 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: I have spoken to MAzars about shares for you etc [9:46 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: they have offerred to come in and explain teh best way to do t ... and its ideal [9:46 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: hugely tax efficient [9:46 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: spoke for hours last week about it [9:46 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: and creates right stuctre [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: but yes Mehul needs addressing [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: and I will try again [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: as I have done [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: but every time communication he attacks [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: whilst I am trying to e sensible [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: be [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: As I said to AV, the final outcome doesn't need to happen immediately, but progress needs to be seen to be made, i.e. give people some of their stake hold, even if there's a certain amount under dispute because of MC settlement / MP whatever, that last bit can be dished out later [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: tried to call him [9:47 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: asked him call me etc [9:48 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: IMazars have already offerred to come in [9:48 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: to present [9:48 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: I follow up today / next week [9:48 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: And al of were wrong [9:48 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: as in how best to do it by the way [9:49 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: Well I'm guessing MP is just impatient, after all he's a trader, but I think most others in the same situation would have lost their patience given it's been 7 months since the CH changes and even longer since he first addressed it [9:49 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: all very well [9:50 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: but hard to resolve if he wont discuss and just keeps throwing threats around [9:50 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: I do NOT want to fight him [9:50 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: I actually just want shae hands get sorted and crack on [9:51 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: yes we dont agress on hoim having a 7-8 times multiple against my mother 3 / 4 or whatever the maths is [9:51 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: agree [9:52 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: when he has not once taken any risk, stood up to be counted or helped the company in anyway and that the company bought Matt's shares etc in the end. And now his emails are just causing harm. [9:53 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But as said I will try again to sort as amicably as possible. [9:53 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: I thought we were better than that etc. [9:53 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Anyways. [9:53 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Can move the Mazars thing forward as that will be positive. [9:55 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But other things suh as the R&D Tax incentive to look at ... FINALLY (I accept) being able sort accounts and share transparency in an appropriate forum - you / auditors et whatevers. [9:55 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But if threatend you with this and that and refused to talk - how would you reqact [9:56 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: And in any case I have been as ill as a dog and to be hnest still feel like rubbish adn am VERY bored of it and coughing etc. [9:57 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: ah well good to chat to myself anyway. laters [10:04 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: ps. I actually do need your input on some admin to sort the above but more imperatively to sort everything for the HMRC ... [10:04 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: I think MP's beef is the fact he sees the situation and as far as he sees, he has effectively zero shares if RAN Ltd goes. I think he would have been a little less pedantic about the splitting if there was at least something to his name back at the start of last year, given most of this stems from supposedly from his Dad's pension [10:05 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: which I also believe I can hep with materially but would rather share / discuss than text etc/ [10:05 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Which was bullshit btw [10:05 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: him saying je needed for a SIPP by this date or whatevr [10:06 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: then couldnt name the SIPP or explain any details etc - and didnt expect that I would know SIPP pretty well and what can and ant be done by various providers. [10:06 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: I'm down in London next week so can head to yours round then. It makes more sense going from Euston because leaving from NCL takes about 3.5 hours for some reason (and is equally, if not more expensive) [10:06 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: BUT as I say all of it should have just been a conversation. [10:07 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: and if we agreed to disagree then so be it have to find compromise [10:07 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: is how normal people behave s I believe. [10:07 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: so [10:08 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: It needed a round table conversation last year - I know at one point Aub even considered the idea of getting a mediator involved [10:08 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: One minute it is being discussed ... and the next ... after adam and him were talking it was full scle armaggedon as far as Mehul pereived. [10:08 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: I will ffer this [10:08 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: offer [10:08 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: as may be needed [10:08 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But genuinely sad about the whole thing [10:08 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: didnt want this [10:09 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: and we should / the company needs us all pull same direction [10:09 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But when he starts trying to do the whole blackmailing thing [10:09 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: because I wont agree 100% with hi demands [10:10 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: his demands [10:10 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: well... sure you can finish the sentence [10:10 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: I can't speak for MP, because I dunno what his mindset / rationale is, but my guess is that he's wanting to see actions rather than words from the tone of the emails he gives. It's one thing to promise on something, but delivering on it is another [10:10 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Yeah - I imagine he is exhausted by his four line emails [10:10 AM, 1/25/2019] Jase: Yea, but I don't think those demands would have been demands if something was reached last year [10:10 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: I have been kinda busy [10:11 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: They were always demands [10:11 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Anyway I am not going to justfy myself [10:11 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: safe to say I thinkwe are all aware of the WHOLE situation [10:12 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: and as said I will try my best to find a compromise / solution and get us back on track and enable forward momentum as best I can. [10:12 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But I will not be bullied. [10:14 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: and just for the record. He moved the goal posts not me but as say not worth going into on text as things get mistrued and it won't help when as say actually my favourite option is to get back to aspirations and objectives we had. [10:14 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: And try realise the opportunites etc. [10:15 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Like Accounts - when you see the detail and work that has gone into them and that can now I hope reate value and opprortunity I think you will see efforts been made again only as I have ALWAYS said in the interests of the business etc. [10:16 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But like a cauldron of conspiracy and negatvity down there where people just assume the worst or a negative when in fact the efforts are still as ever the almost exact oposite. [10:16 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But as say perhaps you will see for yourself. [10:33 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Sent you an Instagram I think [10:34 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: Would also like to discuss legal actions with you .. [10:37 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: But to honest I will likely have to seek counsel elsewhere as I can never get hold of you these days. And looks like you don’t even read my messages either ...so trust you understand as little point wasting my time etc😕. [10:38 AM, 1/25/2019] George Busfield: BJust give me call of you are to chat at any point. [9:09 PM, 1/27/2019] George Busfield: Give me a call if you can [9:10 PM, 1/27/2019] George Busfield: Just had a call from Anthony cheung and mr Singh still not going away [9:10 PM, 1/27/2019] George Busfield: Just wanted to let you know [10:11 PM, 1/27/2019] George Busfield: Chat tomorrow [10:11 PM, 1/27/2019] George Busfield: Thanks for asking after the four legged dude :) [10:30 PM, 1/27/2019] Jase: Hahaha :) [10:30 PM, 1/27/2019] Jase: Catch you tomorrow [10:31 PM, 1/27/2019] George Busfield: :) [10:42 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Are you wanting me over on Thurs? Otherwise can do next week but will need to be later in the week [10:43 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: next week better [10:43 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: aund died yesterday [10:43 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: aunt [10:43 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Oh no. sorry to hear that [10:43 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: awful [10:43 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: mum broken [10:44 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: just feels like relentless at the moment [10:44 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: #lif [10:44 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: #life [10:44 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Yea, lets make it next week given you should spend some time with rest of the family [10:44 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: please please help me [10:44 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: get things sorted [10:44 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: Singh going after Matt and Anthony I hear also [10:45 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: all thissht with Mehul. [10:45 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: just want to get things sorted fairly and correctly and enable me / my family / everyone move forward positvely and properly. [10:46 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: If ever asked for your help - then you can take I am asking for it now [10:46 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Yea, it's insane someone can just demand 16K out of someone like that [10:47 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: I don't think he can [10:48 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: but I am so exhausted / burnt out with everything at home and work hard for me to find the resource to help [10:48 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: but I will try [10:49 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: Can't bear to see my mum in so much pain [10:51 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Is mum back with you then or down south? [10:51 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: still south [10:52 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Get some time off where possible I guess and try and sort the Ant thing if poss. I guess other stuff can be kicked into next week [10:52 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: I don't know how you do it... [10:53 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: the lonliness - if wasnt for pepper I would be .... [10:53 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: and at some point will be mum who is ill .... [10:53 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: and then ? [10:53 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: life too short for all this fighting ... [10:54 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Well I've been living with housemate for some years and do get out probably more than you dare I say [10:54 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: I don't even get to spend time wth my family [10:54 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: I do need to try and spend some more time with family this year though [10:54 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: good for you [10:55 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: I think I have taken one week off since all this kicked off in 2015 when the MNI thing happened and first uncovered Cheungy and Singh's frauds [10:55 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: and I spent it sleeping [10:55 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: it's no life mate [10:55 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: and like I say - this could have happened to my mum [10:56 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: could happen this year / next year [10:56 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: I need to find a way to be able to spend time with her [10:56 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: and my family. not always be working and working on negative stuff... [10:57 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: it wasnt meant to be like this [10:58 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: and cleary Singh isnt going away.... [10:58 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: what next on his agenda itting at home as unemployable but without need for finance as he his? [10:58 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: Mum's 4 acre house in country... Snia back at work on £x000 per month [10:58 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: No, he always seems to find the worst moments [10:59 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: now Anthony, then Matt, then you, then me / Vocey? [11:00 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: anyways will try be pragmatic and find way forward [11:01 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: would be grateful as said if I can share thoughts and agree some sort of positive plan together. [11:01 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: would that be ok.? [11:01 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: OK, lets try and pencil in next week say Wed / Thurs? [11:01 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: pencilled in [11:01 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: thanks [11:02 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: will call / message thoughts / ideas as evolve in meantime? [11:22 PM, 1/29/2019] Jase: Sure [11:29 PM, 1/29/2019] George Busfield: thank you [12:04 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Jase please can you give me a quick call when you get this re Singh [12:04 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Just want to share a thought and ask you to mull it over and revert [12:04 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Thx [12:41 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Want a chip? [12:41 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Thanks for chat mate [12:42 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: I think you know I really do find it hard to pull the trigger on someone I was at school with [12:43 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: But just seems he is never going to stop [12:43 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Anyway so be it [12:43 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Had enough now [12:44 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: I guess more to follow [12:46 PM, 1/30/2019] George Busfield: Let me know if you have any further thoughts [9:07 AM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: If you have 5 I would be grateful just to touch base on the above [12:36 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: I really am struggling with anyone of us paying another £1 to sibgh [12:36 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: singh [12:36 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: I really have had enough mate [12:57 PM, 2/6/2019] Jase: Agreed [12:57 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: i mean it [12:57 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: and not off the cuff [12:58 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: been thinking about such and similar a lot [12:59 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: I feel, and I hope you are at least open mindedto potentially agreeing, but I also note you have had your concerns and reservations, and I also accept I have not got everything right; but I can tell you and say this regardless that I can look myself in the mirror and know I have done my best. [1:01 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: and yet "today" ... metaphorically or literally as you wish ... I can'y help but feel I have been too kind and received almost no thanks or acknowledgment for such. [1:01 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: HENCE [1:03 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: I feel pushed, and/or perhaps just enlightened, (dependant upon perspectives I guess), that the "1,2" softly approach just doesn't work in this industry and/or in the square mile. [1:03 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: and I only have one other gear "9,10" [1:05 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: but is a gear I have increasingly tried to avoid as got older - because being kind and trying to be decent and fair with people is the preferred way that I wish to live my life. [1:06 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: But the reality I fear and to be honest feel is that very few people respect or appreciate the intent as is behind such and so "perhaps" the alternate option is the onl road available to do what O believe is right. [1:07 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: O = I [1:07 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: and "perhaps" is now I fear / "know?" is a huge understatement. [1:07 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: anyway. what will be will be. [1:10 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: my offer to openly share and discuss all material matters remains open to you nonetheless - and aside all complexities of late - because as I have always said - deep dpwn and inherently I believe it was you and I that started a / this journey off the back of the right principles, and I do and have always, and still hope it will be you and I that can see it right. But as say ... whatever will be will be - but their is still a little hope, dreams and aspiration left in me. [1:11 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: I hope in yourself a litle too. [1:11 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: G [1:14 PM, 2/6/2019] Jase: I think irrespective of differences we, MP, or others have had, Ant should be protected, he's never stepped on anyone's toes and ultimately if we can nip this in the bud it protects others further on. It looks like his shares are going to need to be brought anyway at some point if they get transposed, so to me it makes sense this gets done to protect him while there is time to do this [1:15 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: let me guess who should pay for them? [1:17 PM, 2/6/2019] Jase: Well the company is buying them back I guess. How that happens is another thing, but it can't drag out [1:17 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: the company has no money [1:18 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: you are aware that funds have had to be repeatedly input in recent months ... [1:18 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: you will also I believe be far more informed once you come see the accounts details [1:19 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: you / all have no idea how much has been spent / incurred etc etc [1:19 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: and to be fair neither did I [1:20 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: but in a way, as above, I did have made mistakes, such as not invoicing for extended periods of time .... [1:21 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: as oppossed to say Aubrey / all who invice without fail every month ... [1:23 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: as an example ... didn't even realise myself such things as GCV did not invoice at all from June 2016 to some point in 2017 [1:23 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: why? [1:24 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: because my focus was, whatever anyone thinks or wishes to incorreclty assume, on protecting the business and the individuals that I believed their was a moral and ethical duty to [1:25 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: anyway ... a conversation best had in person and with detailed spreadsheets in front of us. [1:25 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: But let's ve honest between you and I at least on one point .... [1:27 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: losing 30% revenue has really not helped. but somehow this seems tp have also been ;aid at my door despite the fact that such decline almostr without exception aligned and correlated from the period I left the office and London ... [1:27 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: but as said ... is a conversation best had as suggested above. [1:31 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: aside- and as a heads up - likely going to need to call and urgent JET Board meeting soon to sign off / approve accounts and related governance and assurance administration. [1:31 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: can be by telephony as need however i imagine. [1:35 PM, 2/6/2019] Jase: I'm guessing this is for more popping over towards your neck of the woods, as per the other week. This is a separate matter though from the Ant situation I guess, though? [1:36 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: yes / sort of [1:37 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: all inter related in reality I think / guess to some degree ... [1:37 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: BUT [1:37 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: yes Ant focus is paramount I concur right now [1:39 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: Just let me know your thoughts / ideas on the Ant matter as similar / progressive to the above etc :) [1:39 PM, 2/6/2019] George Busfield: Thanks [8:41 AM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: Hi mate any further thoughts re ant? [8:42 AM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: He reiterated his likely intent / wish to just pay Singh is all he said yesterday [10:10 AM, 2/7/2019] Jase: It needs to be contested, but I think he just wants his shares brought so he's out the equation [10:11 AM, 2/7/2019] Jase: Then I think it's a case of just pulling trigger on criminal [10:21 AM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: hzve asked him such you describe [10:21 AM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: and o await his response I guess [10:23 AM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: can you give me a quick belll back mate [4:11 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: good chat. [4:12 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: ave ttried to outline Ant's position and my own accordingly in the other relevant forum just now. [4:15 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: but I note a point you made - i.e. can lead horse to water etc, then their choice etc. And thus have done; no time to repeat. topic cosed and offlist as far as I am concerned. save only to Ant's response on any desire (or nt) to sell shares) and in any event I dont really mind wither way; and / but unlikely (but not 100%) ( personally or my family and friends will have ny interest in aquiring anyways. [4:16 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: all good I guess; such all can move forward to other matters as they deem appropriate. [4:18 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: NEXT TOPIC [4:18 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: SPEAK IN DUE COURSE [8:58 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: Jase please send me and Alie Turner the login codes for THE JET GROUP at Companies house and the associated web filing service(s) as agreed on call earlier and as are needed to file the Companies' accounts as is hoped to occur tomorrow and for which such codes are required in order to be able to do so. [8:58 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: much appreciated [9:02 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: This is now hugely urgent in order to mitigate any financial damages as likely to be incurred in not doing so and if ‘the knock on effects l’ to worldpay functionality or otherwise. [9:03 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: Please send me by return ASAP thanks [9:03 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: Albie awaiting the same ASAP too [9:05 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: Also need such online access to comply with Hmrc matters. [9:05 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: Thanks mate and apologies if already provided via email. [9:06 PM, 2/7/2019] George Busfield: Please advise and provide ASAP thanks [3:24 PM, 2/10/2019] George Busfield: Jase - urgently need the login for the jet group limited at companies house so can submit accounts as now urgently required and to ensure can prevent loss of worldpay services and / or mitigate any fines - please send to me and Albie today as a matter of urgency thanks [3:40 PM, 2/10/2019] George Busfield: above URGENT for today / by 10am tomorrow at latest [4:10 PM, 2/10/2019] George Busfield: also - would appreciate your input on the latest re Anthony Shares at RAN Ltd as had messages from Anthony and from Matt on the subject - and think matter is closed but would as say be grateful of your input just to be sure everyne thinks correct actiosn or if alternate views what they might be... as a heads up seems to be mixed messages so I am somewhat persoally confused but perhaps you can shed some light or opinion on the matter etc - call me when you get a moment if you can.. thanks. G [4:11 PM, 2/10/2019] George Busfield: On all the aove topics ideally raised today aboev for your input / opinion / action etc. thanks. [9:02 AM, 2/11/2019] Jase: I can't seem to find the USB stick with it and other related stuff, I have a feeling its packed with stuff for storage. Can you not deal with Services in the meantime as that's the Co that's tied to World pay? [5:52 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: No can’t mate [5:52 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: As the worldpay matter is just one aspect [5:53 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: Need the authorisation code to submit accounts online and also to action other Hmrc / companies house matters get everything back on track as best I can support. [5:53 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: If you don’t have then please confirm either way today and will have to think / consider / action accordingly [5:54 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: That said imagine will be an admin nightmare if you don’t have [5:54 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: Also reminder will need to have an urgent board meeting shortly so accounts can be signed off [5:54 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: As required prior to submission so Albie tells me [5:55 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: On other matters .... [5:55 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: Please call when you can [5:55 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: As be grateful to discuss the Anthony situation and share the latest [5:56 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: But so far as I can informally tell .... he did revert saying would sell his shares but in a very formal / demanding way and in a very short time frame which simply couldn’t accommodate ... [5:57 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: But have AGAIN reverting saying want to help / will try if can but heard nothing back ... I am perplexed over and over as to why you / he / people don’t actively try and progress offers to their advantage!!! [5:58 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: Anyways as said .. asked him to revert so can discuss and as ever try do what is right [5:58 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: But as above would be grateful of your views and input ... [5:58 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: Thanks g [5:59 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: Please let me know if you have found code for companies house today ... if don’t hear from you will assume you don’t have / is lost and try think best way forward- which as said I imagine will be a nightmare ... but is what is I guess [5:59 PM, 2/12/2019] George Busfield: Cheers g [2:50 AM, 2/13/2019] Jase: I'll need to have another look when I'm back in Newcastle. In the meantime surely can stuff be signed and sent in the post. Either way, surely I'll need to sign off JET Group stuff first? Surely JET Group Services stuff can be done with out me in the meantime and that's where the WorldPay issue lies so surely lets get that addressed in the interim? Anyhow, I think WorldPay haven't dropped us despite the threat. Surely it makes sense to catch up in person like was planned a while back, until other distractions got in the way? [2:50 AM, 2/13/2019] Jase: As for Ant, my understanding is Ant just wanted to be clear on thinhgs because otherwise he was worried it would get to the 11th hour and Sighn would make him bankrupt. I'm sure you'd feel the same way if you were in his shoes. He just needs to feel in control. [3:12 AM, 2/13/2019] George Busfield: Re last point yes [3:13 AM, 2/13/2019] George Busfield: But all he needed to do was call me and say such [3:13 AM, 2/13/2019] George Busfield: Anyways as indicated still hope can help him if possible .. [3:14 AM, 2/13/2019] George Busfield: But be good to discuss with you see if any entity buying his shares makes sense morally / ethically / commercially etc etc in your opinion [3:14 AM, 2/13/2019] George Busfield: Revert on first point later [1:05 PM, 2/13/2019] Jase: Re shares, yes I do think it does [12:26 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Please call when you are free today [12:26 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Spoken to accountants and definitely need the authorisation code to submit accounts [12:26 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Will email you details etc [12:31 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: And yes of course your input is always helpful but company needs to get accounts done and also complete governance actions as are outstanding and so as to get all matters correctly progressed and accounted for so can both file accounts and address governance admin outstanding and then hopefully also resolve ASAP all matters with Patels and Singh and Dow ... all ties into accounts etc also but code and these other matters important so please revert ASAP so they can be addressed - important for yoursel, the companies’ involved and accounts as a matter of priority now. Please call and respond to email accordingly as I will try and sort today / over the weekend. [12:58 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Also as an important point of note to yourself - following legal advice on the matter - if you once again state or accuse me or adam Voce or other relevant parties hereto of "pilfering" or "stealing" money again we will engage legal proceedigs in full earnest given this is an absolute falsehood and clearly evidenced by the the accounts and transactions as have been consistently shared with the accountants and now with legal advisors with full transparency and together with the supporting governance documents. [1:12 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: This said, we and the directors and majority shareholders of the related entities as have approved all such actions will for now at least assume that this was due to mistaken asssumption(s) on your part, as oppossed to your participation in any unlawful conspiracy to defraud the company or shareholders thereto. As you previously said and as the above parties hope to be true and valid, hopefully you and the above stated partes objectives are aligned and all will act in good faith and with integrity and compliance to any fiduciary duties accordingly - i.e. primarily so as to try and assist the companies' of relveance herein and hereto. [1:15 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Ultimately, the intent by all such parties stated above I believe is to do what is right for the companies', for the persons that have worked hard to protect and progress such companies, and resolve all shareholder and financial and accounting matters as is fair, equitable, truthful and correct. Such parties hope that your representation as you have indicated is to support the same and similarly honour and help ensure the same. [1:19 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Accordingly, and supportively, as you are aware the offer to share and discuss all matters openly and transparently has been offerred to you. Hopefully this will also help you understand and appreciate the full relaties, facts and just and true and fair actions that have been undertaken by yourself and by others as inclusive of the parties above and such that similar such correct, hnourable, equitable and just actiosn can now be taken forth with to try and support these relevant companies' and enable them and yourself and others to prosper. [1:20 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Loo forward to hearing from you accordingly and hopefully so you, myself and the aforementioned majority shareholders and directors and accountants and lawyers can progress matters in order for all to prosper as best they can. [1:20 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Please call when you can. Thanks George [1:25 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: ps. for the record my intent, and the intent of Mr Voce, and the majority shareholders and directors of RAN Ltd, The JET Group, The JET Group Services, Trade the News and any and all other entitie I belief and am assurred by the relevant parties to do "The right thing". [1:25 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: All such would be grateful of your input and assistnace to do so. [2:09 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: Again please call when free. thanks [5:30 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: thanks for call - enjoy your evening [5:40 PM, 2/15/2019] George Busfield: lets get together as agreed next week and try get this all sorted for everyone concerned.