These show emails JE has sent to KP on numerous occasions. JE has highlighted the linked nature of the two JET companies and how this impacts not being able to do JETG accounts (given amounts have been cross charged) JE has informed HMRC of assets GB/AV share (properties) and highlights GCV accounts not tallying up with money that has been siphoned from RAN Ltd on 3rd Jul 2017 JE has raised up PAYE concerns and VAT returns JE has provided admissions from GB stating directors are willing to "go to jail". JE has made it clear this was why JE resigned from JE has shown that AV has wrongful been dealing with PAYE matters for JETG (staff are employeed by JETG, while JETGS pays suppliers/HMRC, etc) JE has provided independent draft accounts to HMRC because JE does not trust PJM