Part 1 01:30 Personal housing situation - can kicked down the road 03:30 Bonus tax GB doesn't understand the need to put it on tax return for mortgage 06:15 Say bonus is a loan - can't pay tax and no good mortgage 07:00 Stoke property ( a new one) £120K to £85K. Reduce costs @ 18:00 (agency, CGT) - 20:00 loats of BS about property market dynamics 42:00 RAN £16K fine. Asserting it'll be on JET because RAN not traded 43:30 !! Pulling wool over eyes ("provisions" - Taking about Wolf of Wall Street rat channels) GB invoices JET to offset 44:00 !! Provisions for legals, RS, DOW, MC Debt 46:00 VAT Down - push into next year and offset VAT 47:00 Kicking can with VAT 48:00 Moving offices 50:00 Keep a desk in London 51:00 Need JE buy in 53:00 Talk of revenues down 1:00:00 Alienation of staff since Spring 2018 1:01:00 Trying say brought in money into business 1:03:00 GB business lost money month GB left London (blaming Aub) 1:05:00 Blamiung Aub 1:09:00 SP IPC / BoE 1:10:00 Alex v SP 1:11:00 More Aub blaming 1:13:00 Looking at bank account at end of month - fallen off cliff 1:14:00 Talk of staff 1:15:00 waste of cash - 1080 1:29:00 !! Tax investigation concerns - Not aware of whats happening, what days HMRC are visiting. Been out of the loop. Shows GB in control. 1:30:00 Sept email - arguing over £200 1:34:00 Talk of sellig business (and handover) 1:35:00 Selling assets v rev book 1:44:00 IT handover situation if JE left 1:46:00 Alex engage with SP 1:48:00 Sacking / leaving of staff - side effects 1:50:00 If people go then don't do a Nikki and give people to choose 1:53:00 Ruth pay and pay / dismissals in general Part 2 00:00 Alec v SP (same turf) 01:00 Alex being an issue 02:00 SP needed (anbd Aub also having market experence, so be on desk?) Not using Aub well 02:30 Discussing pay for SP 03:20 GB talk about "put money in" (from GCV?) 03:50 Alex pay upset SP and JE 05:00 What is Alex's game (breakdown in comms) 05:20 Brad US 06:00 ID Resignation - GB Clarified From RAN - no need more than one when wind up 07:15 JE Personal issues + pay 08:45 Talk about targets / bonus pool - 100% pool for now? 09:00 Pushing for payrise for 4 months 09:30 Rent recycled as loan (keep money in company) - Locked from GB - ID calling for 90 mins. GB admits sleeping. Lie about changing locks (ID admitted to me that GB told him not to let JE in) 11:20 JE left with short straw 11:45 GB histroically had 200K divs 12:00 Wish sold back to SNE 13:00 Whats happening with accounts? When do they need filing. Admits needs doing in next few days. 13:45 What happened when the VAT people came over. Understand roles, payments, structure, if VAT included on RAN JET deal. "Audit questions" 14:45 Talk of CH threat letters 16:30 Admits lateness 16:45 Albie done accounts -