Rones Chronology - Note PJM / AST copied in to most these emails
DateImpactEventProtagonist / CharactersWrongdoingRisks / ConcernsEvidence & NotesEvidence / ReferenceCompaniesSource
Note: Through all of these email chains - AST / PJM / Versa is copied in and AST remains silent over shareholder matters. Same applies to the solcitor, DB. Also note how ID/RW aka the "fake directors" are copied in to all these emails but no replies come from them.
21 Dec 2017Very HighGB pushes AL regarding RAN Ltd wind up with RRGB, RR, AST, PJMShadow directing from GBThis also ties in with 2018_06_26_GB_AL_RAN_TERMINATION where GB is threatening AL following the termination of directorship. AST is copied in and takes no actionGB is clearly sterring the liquidation process for RR and AL. Shows the pre-existing relationship between RR and GB2017_12_21_2017_12_21_Rones_and_Turner_copied_on_proposed_RAN_liquidation_AL_can_add_more_colour_as_was_directorRAN LtdEmail
2 Aug 2018HighEmail with RR copied in showing GB instructing AL as a RAN director. This ties in with threating emails GB sent previously to AL.RR, AL, GB, AST, PJMSee also: 2017_12_21_RAN_LIQUIDATIONBullying from GB/RRShows GB trying to control AL as a director. It should be clear to RR that GB is performing all the actions and should have questioned why he is not a director2018_08_02_-_STRICTLY_CONFIDENTIAL_AUDIT_&_COMPLIANCE_INTEGRITY_VERIFIFICATIONS_RE_Mr_Adam_Linton_&_New_Directors_at_RAN_Ltd.pdfRAN LtdEmail
16 Aug 2018HighCP blocks RAN wind up. Various RAN shareholders RR, DB and AST copied inGB, RR, CP, AST, PJM, DBGB trying to wind up RAN to remove CP as a shareholderGB using old DOW/RS/SNE "threat" as cover to remove a shareholderThis is tied into AH and AL's directorship (GB was using them to be fall guys)2018_08_16__SINGH3_-_PROPOSED_PLAN_OF_ACTION_AUG_2018.pdfRAN LtdEmail
25 Oct 2018Very HighRR replies in this email over RAN Ltd. It demonstrates that RR is taking control from GB and RW is a nothing. RAN Ltd has not been wound up over 2 years later, so clearly no insolvent (Needed for RS settlement)GB, CP, RR, AV, AST, PJM, DBWhy was ID's directorship administered "in error"?Also shows GB acting because RW is not a director other than by nameGB incorrectly asserts RAN is insolvent. It's not traded yet 2 years later it still exists2018_10_25_Real_Time_Analysis_And_News_Limited_Insolvency_and_Liquidation_2.pdfRAN LtdEmail
30 Nov 2018Very HighShows 36.2% shareholding from GB/AV - This is embedded as part of 2019_04_11 - Real Time Analysis And News Limited Insolvency and Liquidation.pdfGB, CP, RRRR not investigating disputesSee also this spreadsheet2018_11_30_Real_Time_Analysis_And_News_Limited_Insolvency_and_Liquidation_-_SPREADSHEET.pdfRAN LtdEmail
11 Apr 2019Very HighRR copied into an email regarding RAN Ltd adminstration. AV's claims about working with the accountants is just a distraction. Paper trails will show that accounts for JET companies were done by PJM in Apr 2018 because GB paid for them illicitly in Sep 2018.GB, CP, RR, AV, AST, DBRR not investigating disputesAV should be able answer questions about GCV's finacial sitation as AV controls GCV's banking and has taken money from JETGS into GCV. GB talks about "slight delay". The accounts are over a year overdue now. AV is talking rubbish. AV knowns nothing about account further more as illustrated from 2018_09_01_PJM_INVOICE the accounts got prepared by PJM/Versa over a year before2019_04_11_-_Real_Time_Analysis_And_News_Limited_Insolvency_and_Liquidation.pdfRAN LtdEmail
18 Jul 2019MediumRR copied into an dispute email between GB/JE over IP that has been siphoned away from JE (JETGS shareholder changes circa Jun 2018). JE attacks GCV knowing money has been siphoned to GCV by GB/AV. Notes GB is purposefully mispelling emails to hide things (like he did with IBM and RS contact email). The reply PDF from AV shows AV talking in 3rd person. It shows GB is writing the letter, not AV. JE point out this is similar to when Patrick signs off an email as "Ranvir" when Ranvir committed fraud. RR, JE, GB, AST, PJM, DBRR not investigating matters from 2018 as per TR's remitSignatures on the letter are mostly copy and pasted and are not wet. ID's sig has been taken from his driving licenseThis IP theft stems from shareholdr changes in June 2018 See 2018_06_26_GB_JE_JET_CH_FRAUD_CS012019_07_18_URGENT_CONFIDENTIAL_GCV_LTD_Response_and_Request_for_ActionGCV Ltd, JE LtdEmail
2 Aug 2019Very HighCP highlights ID has undertaken no stock transfer forms with JE. Thus ID's 76% shareholding in JETGS is null and void. GB "illustrates" shareholdings which in turn aknowledge CP should have shares. CP requests accounts, and tries to make various offer in anticipation that shuld the matter appear in court CP has gone above and beyond to resolve matters without esculation/court involvement prior. RR, JE, GB, DB, AST, PJMRR not investigating disputes. CP has directed this email directly to RR and DB. Why ash it been ignored? Both DB and AST can see the spreadsheet GB has compiled over shareholdingsThe question should be asked to DB and RR what evidence against JE was supplied to them? JE has not been questioned by either party of the police to date (April 2021). GB fails to provide the accounts and shares as pointed out in section A & B on page 4. GB's allegations on page 3 point 5 use the same language as other accusations against JE, with no evidence given. 2019_08_02_CONFIDENTIAL_SUMMARY_EMAIL_ALL_GCV_LTD.pdfGCV Ltd, JE LtdEmail
3 Aug 2019HighRR copied into an email where ID requests shares fraudulently from JE in JETG.RR, ID, JE, GB, AV, CB, DBRR not investigating disputes. Why is DB being copied into this, when DB is unable to act due to conflict?ID signature has been stolen from ID's driving license. JE believes DS's signature has been lifted given the artefacts. Email highlights ID has CCTV footage which has not been supplied.No proof of ownership given. 2019_08_03_Rones_and_Turner_copied_on_Ivaylo_demands_to_Jason_for_ownership.pdfGCV Ltd, JE LtdEmail
6 Aug 2019HighAH highlights the fact his shares were nothing but a smokescreen (ID fraud). This is important as GB had plans to wind up RAN under AL and AH's tenture such that they would be holding the blame when CP lost his shares in RAN.AH, RR, GB, AL, DB, CBGB trying to use false directors. RR should have connected dots given RW's appointment for JETGSAH's shares should have been transferred to CPAh highlights he resigned which was different from what CB/GB was alluding to2019_08_06_AH_shares_taken_back_Rones_and_Turner_copied_everything_done_nefariously.pdfRAN LtdEmail
21 Aug 2019MediumRR copied into an email where GB makes a dig at JE over £200 of legit expenses. Yet GCV's expenses which are well over 1000x more are totally unaccountable. RR, GB, JE, AV, CB, AST, PJM, DBRR not investigating GCV creditor claimsJE uses this to highlight GB's unhealthy obsession with porn. Given GB and his family have a history of "wife beating" and kiddy fiddling - it is telling show of character.JE highlights GB wasted JE/SP's time travelling up north. JE attches photos of the building next to AV's workplace (Sexy Superstore). AH and others are aware GB wanted to relocate office functions to the offices next door. 2019_08_21_URGENT_SUMMARY_LEGAL_ACTION_REQUIRED_BY_MR_J_EARL.pdfGCV Ltd, JE LtdEmail
27 Aug 2019HighRR copied into another dispute email.AL, CB, GB, AV, RR, DB, Further shows preexisting relationship and JETGS was been tranding insolvently for a whileWhy is GB copying RR into these emails months before the administration? It shows GB/CB is well aware the company is trading insolvently.RR should see RW and CB is a fake director. CB again parrots on about frauds and defamations yet presents no evidence.2019_08_27_Salary_and_Company_Matters_STRICTLY_CONFIDENTIAL_-_Mr_Linton_Concerns.pdfJETG Ltd, GCV LtdEmail
28 Aug 2019Very HighMuch like 2019_08_28_!_Santander bank details.pdf shows CB and AV have control of JETGS bank accounts.AB, AV, RR, DB, AST, PJMClient contracts belong to JETG and therefore money is due to JETG fro JETGS. RR failed to do duedilAV clearly shows he and CB are controlling these accounts without others involvementIt is clear CB/AV do not wish to involve JE/AH/AB due to the fraud happening. 2019_08_28_AB_highlights_to_AV_no_one_at_Ransquawk_has_access_to_the_banking_(Rones_and_Turner_copied).pdfJETG Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
28 Aug 2019HighRR copied into an email where AB connects the lack of banking transparency to the historic frauds where money was diverted from RAN Ltd into RAN UK Research Ltd.RR, AH, CB, AV, GB, DB, AST, PJMThis is fraud as client contracts are owned by JETG and not JETGS.Shows AV controlling accounts illicitlyWhy are no JETG staff able to see reveune entering the business?2019_08_28_!_Santander_bank_details.pdfJETG Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
2 Sep 2019HighGoes with 2019_09_03_!_Final Attempt to Resolve Shareholder Matters.pdf. the highlighted content from GB are lies and bullshit.RR, GB, JE, CB, DBFalse allegationsNothing has been reported to the police the allegations against JE are bare lies.GB is talking waffle as always2019_09_02_!_FINAL_ATTEMPT_TO_ENGAGE_IN_DIRECT_DISCUSSIONS_WITH_MR_EARL.pdfGCV Ltd, JE Ltd, JETG Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
2 Sep 2019LowGB states he is open to some sort of informal mediation but clearly has no intention. Again RR copied inRR, GB, CP, DB, AST, PJMRR not investigating disputesJE highlights GB cares for nothing but CB's 76% fake shareholdingGB is just pretending to show cooperation. Track records show he will not do it and later blames JE when pulling out2019_09_02_NEW_AUTHORISATION_&_PAYMENT_PROTOCOLS_FOR_COSTS.pdfJETG Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
3 Sep 2019HighEmail with CP and JE putting pressure on AV/GB regarding money being moved to GCV.
RR, CP, JE, DB, AST, PJMRR not investigating disputesJE requests CCTV footage for Deed of trust. It doesn't exist.JE highlights GB/CB/AV are doing nothing to assist the business and their only energy is focusing on silencing JE's anger of illicit Companies House changes from 2018. . JE highlights staff were not given shares under the scheme GB proposed back in 20162019_09_03_!_Final_Attempt_to_Resolve_Shareholder_Matters.pdfJETG Ltd, JETGS Ltd, RAN LtdEmail
11 Sep 2019MediumThis is GB trying to make out that he was willing to mediate, but is blaming JE on the basis JE was (incorrectly) making allegations against GB. GB/CB sends back a email full of waffle/shit. RR is copied inRR, GB, CP, DB, AST, PJMGB failure to surrender sharesJE highlights accountants are unwilling to put their name to the accountsJE highlights GB has never had any intention to mediate.2019_09_11_!_ABSOLUTE_RESCISSION_OF_OFFER.pdfJETG Ltd, JETGS Ltd, RAN LtdEmail
3 Oct 2019HighA long email chain where RR is copied in between CP, GB, RR, JE and othersRR, GB, CP, JERR and PJM/AST/Versa not investigating disputesCP questions PJM/Versa/AST's involvement in facilitating the fraud and the lack of KYC when GB changes Companies House records while dodgy directors are at the helm. CP highlights a number of concerns as a RAN shareholder regarding HMRC, accounts and frauds relating to GCV. 2019_10_03_RAN,_JET,_JETGS_&_TTN.pdfJETG Ltd, JETGS Ltd, RAN Ltd, TTN LtdEmail
8 Oct 2019MediumEmail where RR is copied in just before the administration showing issues about shareholder changes to JETGS and the directors intent to not pay me for a number of months while knowing the company was insolvant. CB is talking shit as usual, trying to make out that JE and others are criminals
RR, GB, CP, JE, AST, PJM, DBRR not investigating disputesJE raises why concerns why directors are ingoring creditors in the face of the business trading insolvantly.JE refutes criminal allegations from CB/GB/AV. It is clear they amount to nothing as the police have not been involved and GB/CB's solcitor, PT of ORJ is now under investigation by the SRA for what could be blackmail.2019_10_08_EMERGENCY_BOARD_MEETING.pdfJETG Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
21 Oct 2019HighCB incorrectly asserts she is a director of JETG. CB, JE, RRFraud by misrepresentationThe Deed of trust is forged and thus this is a bare lie2019_10_21_JEarl-Fiduciary-Duty+IT+Data-RequirementsJETG Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
24 Oct 2019LowAttachments are passworded (can't remember it but do remember there was noting material in there in terms of evidence). JE hands nothing over as this is just CB/GB annexing assetsRR, GB, JEFalse allegations-Contents behind password material is just GB waffle2019_10_24_FURTHER_ATTEMPTS_RESOLVE_UNLAWFUL_MATTERS_WITH_MR_EARLJETG Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
28 Oct 2019MediumJE writes to RR to see if he is engaged in JETGSRR, JE---2019_10_28_George_Busfield_JET_Group_Ltd_JET_Group_Services_LtdJETGS LtdEmail
14 Nov 2019HighHMRC had petitioned the court for a wind up order before this date. RRThis administrastion was anulledGB and AV would have been aware of the HMRC's intentions. RR explains to JE in Dec 2019 call the technical matters of HMRC and the wind up petition anulling the administration2019_11_14_Court_stamped__Notice_of_appointment_of_an_Administrator.pdfJETGS LtdEmail
19 Nov 2019Very LowShows RR is confused over the matter. RR is aware that his actions were unjustRR, AHRR is probably not playing "dumb"--2019_11_19_Rones_thanks_AH_for_his_assistance_and_in_complete_contrast_to_theratening_legal_letter.pdfJETGS LtdEmail
20 Nov 2019LowAH raises contact details were not shared. AH has no contract with JETGS, and his personal email was usedRC, AHThis was not a company emailGDPR violation-2019_11_20_Response_to_using_AH_personal_email_by_Rones_lawyer.pdfJETGS LtdEmail
20 Nov 2019MediumShows RR's appointment from PW/RPWRW, RRBotched administration needed to be redone because of pending HMRC wind up petition on 18th Dec 2019RW was happy to put name to fraudulently attempted wind up knowing HMRC has plans to put in a wind up orderRW probably unaware of what was happening. Just doing with GB has told him. Afterall RW was willing to go to jail for GB2019_11_20_RR_Appointment_Email_To_AllJETGS LtdEmail
20 Nov 2019Very HighAH denied entry because none of the staff work for JETG, not JETGS.AH, RR, RCLack of duedil by TR/RRFuther it should be noted the related court document is not valid because the admistration was borked from the start due to HMRC's prior wind up pertitionIt clearly shows either RR failed to do duedil upon prior to entry regarding company assets, or purposefully play dumb to threaten staff. RR solicitors are clearly lying when it states "JETG has never traded including raising any sales invoices, paying staff".2019_11_20_COLE_LETTERJETGS LtdEmail
20 Nov 2019Very HighJE replies to RR's solicitor stating the contracts are in JETGRC, RR, JE, AHLack of Duedil by RR and RR's solcitorRC incorrectly claims JETG does not own client contracts etc2019_11_26_THE_JET_GROUP_SERVICES_LIMITED_(In_Administration).pdfJETGS LtdEmail
Early Dec 2019HighJE calls RRRR, JE--See notes here2019_12_RR_JE_callJETGS LtdPhone call
9 Oct 2020HighJE queries RR over why as a creditor he has not been formally recognised. States from a previous call with RR that CB/AV/GB rejected the claim.JE, RRPast directors controlling liquidation instead of IPIt should not be down to past directors (especially given the GCV conflict of interest to arbitrate). JE also points out illicit legal action undertake from ORJ which amount to extortion.2020_10_09_The_JET_Group_Services_Ltd.pdfJETGS LtdEmail
22 Oct 2020HighJE emails RR creditor claim. Various phone recordings are supplied with CB admitting train expenses should be paid.JE, RRRR has not registered JE as a creditor2020_10_22_The_JET_Group_Services_LtdJETGS LtdEmail, Phone call clips
18 Dec 2020Very HighRR offers assets of JETGS to intersted parties.RR, JE, CP, MP, GB, AV, AH, etcNo duedil. Selling assets that don't beling to JETGS or don't exist.A sale was done to GCV Ltd before this - Its was a phoney sale (tied with with RR saying to JE on call "we have to be seen to do the right thing")It should be noted that any IP has been annexed via shareholder theft in June 2018. It incorrectly asserts NSV Ltd has taken money. The domain names and clients are owned JETG not JETGS, and the "RANsquawk" likewise was tradmarked by JE / JETG. RR is selling these assets unlawfully. Further to this on Companies House Report one should note these got sold to GCV Ltd prior.2020_12_18_The_JET_Group_Services_Limited_(In_Liquidation)JETGS LtdJETGS Ltd
2 Mar 2021Very HighRR posts update on JETGS administration on Companies HouseRR, TRIllicit asset sale1.2. Did RW instruct RR, or did GB do it with RW's idenity?
3.7. This is income that belongs to JETG
3.9. GB has asserted the assets are in JETG not JETGS. Deed of Trust is forged
3.11 GCV would have brought these. For how much?
3.15 Shows RR is trying to get money from GB
3.17 Illicitly sold assets before appointment. WHY?
3.18 Bullshit
3.24 What has been sumbitted for CDDA given its clear GB/AV/CB have undertaken fraud
4.1 £801 claim is fake

RR's report conflicts with the 18 Dec 2020 asset sale2021_03_RONES_REPORTJETGSCompanies House