Control Chronology
DateImpactEventProtagonist / CharactersWrongdoingRisks / ConcernsEvidence & NotesEvidence / ReferenceCompaniesSource
This timeline is specifically to prove that assets existed in JET Group Limited. It shows a number of examples where GB and AV are instructing staff and accountants in this regard. Note search "AV / PJM / GB" to drill down results
VariousLowVarious emails of lesser importance showing AV in controlAV---Lesser_examplesVairiousEmail typically
VariousLowVarious emails of lesser importance showing GB in controlGB---Lesser_examplesVairiousEmail typically
6 Jun 2016LowGB gives staff a "vote of confidence" to try and show that staff are behind himGBGB is using this ahead of the board meeting at the end of the week to try give weight to his argumentsStaff are unaware of the shareholder battle or the fact it would be used in the board meeting as part of this battl;eStaff only knew GB for just over a month. Naturally after what RS had done and given GB was uncovering the fraud, staff naively put trust in GB2016_06_09_GB_VOTERAN LtdEmail
8 Jun 2016HighShows Sonny (SNE) - a previous director/shareholder in RAN raising issues over GB/AV's use of expensesSNE, GB, MSGB raising expenses without due authorisationAlso shows GB trying to control MC settlement in such a way that it is favourable to CB's shareholdingEmail was not uncovered till somewhat later by JE2016_06_08_RAN_-_GB_(SNE_and_MS).pdfRAN LtdEmail
10 Jun 2016HighGB, AV, MS have RAN board meeting. MS forced out as is SNEMS, GB, SNE, AV, JEBoth SNE and GB are fighting to be >50% shareholders. Both exhibit contentious behaviour Board meeting issues are just a proxy for shareholders.GB moves business to Wework due to his appearance of being a "white knight"See from main timeline: 2016_06_10_SNE_EVICTIONRAN LtdBoard meeting
(recorded audio)
18 Jun 2016MediumGB send big email to DB over RAN changesGB, DB--Mostly here for illustrative purposes over the RAN battle with SNE to provide colour over the office move etc2016_06_18_DB_GB_EMAILRAN LtdEmail
26 Jul 2016MediumGB shares plan for RAN on scrap of A4. Believe it was shared to AH via Whatsapp. JE also saw it in person arund 2016GB-Shows GB intent to move assets offshore - enabling GB to perform same fraud as RS/SS under the guise of protecting the business from DOW/MNI litigation etcMost of this does not make sense2016_07_26_Ran_Plan_(Shows_Offshore_BVI).pdfRAN Ltd, JETGPaper
30 Aug 2016Very HighGB confirms RAN migration to JETG and JETGS along with transparency to lawyers and accountants. Shows JETG was done with GB's instructionGB, AST, DB, MEDeception.GB aware of divide between JET and JETGS. JE didn't question at the time as many trusted GB and both were in JE's name so didn't make a difference at the time (until Jun 2018 shareholdings were changed)GB explicitly states JET Group. GB instructs accountants over invoice templates2016_08_30_POST_BOARD_MIGRATION.pdfRAN Ltd, JETGEmail
1 Sep 2016HighAV emails over office move to WeworkAV, AST, PJM--There is no ambiguity here, AV has put the company number for JETG here in the Wework email2016_09_01_OFFICE_TRANSFER_TO_JET_-_RAN.pdfJETGEmail
1 Sep 2016Very HighEmail shows GB instructing things have been moved to JET Group with his co-ordinationGB, AV, AST, PJMDeception. (given sales contract was supposed to imply J Earl Trading/JETGS brought assets)GB mentions TradersWorld, which ended up just being a way for him to siphon £20KGB mentioned RAN and TFX/TTN will be owned by JET Group along with staff being move to JET Group2016_09_01_2016_!!_Directors_&_Consultants_Roles_As_Agreed_Going_Forward.pdfRAN Ltd, JETGEmail
2 Sep 2016MediumGB sends out email to staff over empoyment changesGB--Again shows GB being behind/supposing JETG purchase2016_09_02_FW_RAN-JET_ACQUISITION.pdfRAN Ltd, JETGEmail
13 Sep 2016MediumGB requests invoices are in JET's nameGB, PJM, JE---2016_09_13_PAYMENT_PROCESSING.pdfRAN Ltd, JETGEmail
14 Sep 2016MediumGB requesting payment via JETGB, PJM, JE---2016_09_14_Payment pending on Lloyds Link.pdfRAN Ltd, JETGEmail
15 Sep 2016Very HighGB in control of TTN and giving it to DS.GB, PJM, JE, DSShows DS is a stooge director with £400/pcm "fee"GB admits TTN should be indebted to to RAN Ltd at bottomHas DS's Bulgarian address. 2016_09_15_POST_BOARD_>_TTN_COMPANY_RE-STRUCTURETTN Ltd, JETG LtdEmail
19 Sep 2016Very HighGB talks about assign SNE shares to AH and AVGB, AH, AV, AST, PJMDiversion of assets from CPGB uses RS/SS theft and SNE threat as cover-2016_09_19_Share_purchase.pdfRAN LtdEmail
20 Sep 2016HighAH gets shares in RANGB, AH, AST, PJMDepception. An email from 2019 from AH to GB is included with AST CC'ed inThe guise of SNE/RS legal battles was used as cover here. Later in 2018/2019 CP talks to AH stating these these shares are due to himGB tried to make out this was an incentive for AH but it was later reveled that this was not the case as GB takes them back.2016_09_20_GB_AH_SHARES_RANRAN LtdEmail
26 Sep 2016MediumGB confirms payments to suppliers need to be paid from J Earl Trading Ltd (on behalf of JETG)--Accountants mention JET Group. Note payment would have gone from JETGS (J Earl Trading Ltd)2016_09_26_FACEBOOK_ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN.pdfRAN Ltd, JETGEmail
26 Sep 2016HighGB approves client contract with JETG name on itGB, AB--Futher shows GB being aware of contractural arrangements between respective businesses2016_10_26_Please_sign_Financial_Media_Corp-_The_Jet_Group_Limited.pdfJETGEmail
12 Oct 2016LowGB wanting bank details in JETGGB, PJM, JE---2016_10_12_JET_NEW_LLOYDS_ACCOUNT_APPLICATION.pdfJETGEmail
2 Nov 2016MediumGB CC'ed from accountants over "the JET Group Ltd" trading addressGB, PJM, JE---2016_11_02_Lloyds_Letter_-_The_JET_Group_LtdJETGEmail
3 Nov 2016MediumAgain, GB CC'ed into banking changesGB, PJM, JE---2016_11_03_The_JET_Group_Ltd_-_Trading_address_confirmation.pdfJETGEmail
27 Nov 2016Very HighGB sends out email to staff over empoyment changesGB, PJM, JE, AVGB fails to deliver shares after 3 years (AL highlights this post May 2019 meeting)-GB talking waffle but highlights to staff about share scheme2016_11_27_Employment_Contracts_&_Related.pdfRAN Ltd, JETGEmail
1 Dec 2016Very HighGB has circulated employment paperwork to Sam Indyk with JE's signature.GB, SIMisrepresentationIt's clear this has been copy and pasted and is forged.The same signature is on Jay Woods Empyment contract and the fake Deed of Trust2016_12_01_JET_&_Ransquawk_-_Offer_of_EmploymentJETGEmail
1 Dec 2016Very HighGB explcitly states The JET Group.GB, AV, JE--This was when Services was still J Earl Trading Ltd2016_12_01_COST_MANAGEMENT_-_OFFICE_COSTS.pdfJETGEmail
19 Dec 2016HighAccountants talk about salariesGB, PJM, JE, AV--GB signs off on which are in JETG2016_12_19_JET_Salaries.pdfJETGEmail
27 Jan 2017MediumPAYE documents where GB is actively involved where the JETG Ltd is documentedGB, PJM, JE, AV---2017_01_27_Jet_Payroll_ME_Jan_17.pdfJETGEmail
17 Feb 2017Very HighNumerous bank documents for JETGGB, JE, PJMCopy and paste signatures (GB). Note the rectangular perfect white background where it has been pastedNote for avoidance of doubt GB filled these in as there is GB's handwriting and was sent from GB. (i.e. couldn't be JE or any other 3rd party forging it)JE had filled these in but GB added a digital copy of his signature at the end and then sent them to the accountants.2017_02_17_Documents_for_signing_-_JET_Group_LtdJETGEmail
14 Mar 2017Very HighEmail from GB where "The JET Group" is stated numerous timesGB, PJM, JE, AV, AST-GB signs off as a mere consultantAgain before JETGS name change. GB cites the The JET Group bank details as well2017_03_14_THE_JET_GROUP_&_LLOYDS_BANKING_SERVICES.pdfJETGEmail
20 Mar 2017HighMore confirmation of migration to the JET Group from GB. GB, JE, AV-Again, GB states he is only a consultant.-2017_03_20_IMPORTANT - MIGRATION TO JET..pdfJETGEmail
22 Mar 2017Very HighGB again stressing the JET Group on bank matters regarding RAN migrationGB, JE, AV-Again, GB states he is only a consultant.-2017_03_22_The Jet Group Ltd - Commercial Banking Online.pdfJETGEmail
28 Mar 2017MediumGB instructing Reuters that contract is to be in the name of JET GroupGB, JE, AH--Example of GB explciitly requesting supplier contracts to be in JETG2017_03_28_TR-JET_Partnership_&_ContractJETGEmail
29 Mar 2017MediumAnother email with GB stating the JET Group before the JETGS name changeGB, PJM, JE, AV, ASTMentions Traders World. This project ended up being a cover for siphoning £20K out of RAN Ltd--2017_03_29_RAN & JET GOVERNANCE & TRANSPARENCY.pdfJETGEmail
4 Apr 2017HighGB was active in an email chain during the billing migration process where contracts moved to JETGGB, AB, AH--Shows GB again being aware of JETG contract rather than JETGS2017_03_04_AJG_Futures_ContractJETGEmail
4 Apr 2017MediumGB asserting he is not supposed to be anything more than a consultant yet trying to steer everythingGB, PJM, JE, AV, AST---2017_04_03_JET FINANCIAL CONTROLS.pdfJETGEmail
6 Apr 2017Very HighGB gets in a strop over RAN Ltd being on WW contract and requests it be JETGGB, AV, JE--Good example of contracts being in JETG under GB instruction2017_04_06_WW_CONTRACTJETGEmail
7 Apr 2017MediumAccountants asking GB about payment for Wework offices which are now in JETGGB, PJM, JE, AV, AST--PJM raise this because JETGS collected revenue so money would be in JETGS or RAN2017_04_07_We_Work_Invoice_-_April.pdfJETGEmail
12 Apr 2017Very HighGB sending an employment contract where it clearly states JETGGB, JE, SI--Good example of GB instructing employment contracts being in JETG2017_04_12_Yogesh_ContractJETGEmail
24 Apr 2017Very HighGB instructs future client contracts to use JET Group going forwardGB, PJM, JE, AST--2017_04_24_MIGRATION_-_New_Invoice_Proforma_For_THE_JET_GROUPJETGEmail
24 Apr 2017Very HighGB approves contractor/staff invoiceGB, PJM, JE, AST--This is important because GB highlights that JETGS bank is used to cover JETG liablities/expenses2017_04_24_RAISING_JET_PAYMENTS.pdfJETGEmail
25 Apr 2017Very HighAV highlights the payment process with JETG and JETGS and RAN LtdGB, AV, JE, PJM, ASTAV and GB explicitly state J Earl Trading and JET Group so there is no ambiguity 2017_04_25_JET_PAYMENT_APPROVAL_PROCESS.pdfJETGEmail
12 May 2017HighAV instructs others to setup a bank accountAV, GB, PJM, ASTIt is nbow clear in hindsight (i.e. after 2018 battles) that this was done because GB and AV had a longer term plan to annex the business from stakeholders. This is evident by the fact in 2019 AV gives access to JETG staff despite the fact money being owned to JETGAgain, in hindsight it is clear as soon as GB and AV get involved the HSBC application runs into complictionsDid the company need 3 bank accoutns (Metro, Lloyds, HSBC). Again with hindsight this is clear2017_05_12_HSBC_(BACKUP)_ACCOUNT_APPLICATION_ISSUE_(AV_and_GB_control).pdfJETGEmail
5 Jun 2017Very HighGB instructing changes about for the JET Group to be on invoicesGB, PJM, JE, AV, AST-Furthermore, it states "The JET Group (via J Earl Trading Ltd). This highlights the relationship between the to companies and the treasuray function assigned to JETGS on behalf of JETGGB explicitly directs PJM to use JET GROUP on the invoices2017_06_05_BILLINGS_EMAIL_-_PLEASE_AMEND_FOR_FUTURE_BILLING.pdfJETGEmail
14 Aug 2017LowGB and AV onboarding APGB, JE, AVAP was illicitly used without consent as being a director in Feb 2018During AP's tenure at the business AP has been increasingly disappointed in AV and GB. JE had to lend AP £300 while on holiday due to AV/GB not paying staff. Again this paints a picture of AV and GBAP is a friend of AV's (their wives are best friends). 2017_08_14_Mr_Alex_Piper_Forthcoming_on_Boarding.pdfJETGEmail
22 Aug 2017MediumMigration from RAN to JET matters. AV, PJMRetrospectively in 2021 AH has pointed out Mortons is a private club that is not used by members of the business. -AV makes distinction between "JET Services" for the gym and JET for empoyment matters (as contracts are in JETG)2017_08_22__OUSTANDING_TRANSACTIONS_&_CLIENTS_-_STILL_NEED_MIGRATING_TO_JET_GROUP_&_METROBANK.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
26 Aug 2017Very HighGB seeks legal advice over possible LS take over. -Dan Sejas (solcitor) ask GB over clarification over which legal entity is overseeing this.GB states JE is the shareholder2017_08_26_URGENT:_INJUNCTIVE_ACTION_UNFAIR_PREJUDICE_AT_"LIVESQUAWKJETGEmail
30 Aug 2017HighAV sends out TTN Worldpay documents with GB's name on. GB, AVWhy has this been annexed from RAN/JET?-Shows TTN annexed by GB2017_08_30_WorldPay_Transfer_Report.pdfJETGEmail
3 Sep 2017MediumGB send email to Dan Sejas but this time with RR CC'ed inGB, AV--This shows GB and RR have a pre-existing relationship.2017_09_03_-_QUERIES_PRE_LEGAL_STRATEGY_MEETING_&_RAN_CLAIMS.pdfJETGEmail
7 Sep 2017Very HighAccountants talk to GB about tax matters (shows GB pulling strings).GB, PJM, JE, AV, ASTGB controlling accounts - tax evasion-Accountants are concerned over lack of non filing that is caused from GB actions2017_09_07_Jet_Group_Services_Ltd.pdfJETGEmail
11 Sep 2017HighGB instructing JE to move servers "offshore".GB, JEShows intent form GB to move assets into jurisdictions that concel assetsGB is paranoid and thinks this indemnifies the company. (Note SNE stated in a past email DOW would need to prove new owners were complicit for them to be joint and sev. liable)Shows GB wanting servers moved "off shore" because of past DOW litigation from RS actions.2017_09_11_URGENT_PRIORITY_-_SERVER_MOVE_-_NOW_URGENT.pdfJETGEmail
11 Sep 2017HighAV instrcts over moving of Direct DebitsAV, PJM-Note AV/JE hadn't fallen out here, so JE had no issue with this (i.e. before Jun 2018). AV makes distinction between "JET Services" for the gym and JET for empoyment matters (as contracts are in JETG)2017_09_11_Direct_Debits.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
26 Sep 2017Very HighGB resigns and tries to appoint RPWGB, DB, AST, PJM, AH, RPWRW's flat was this built with siphoned GCV money?

Is the intention for GB to resign and leave the company with scapegoat directors when CP's shares wound up?

Search 2018_08_16_AH_GB_WHATSAPP/IMG-20180816-WA0010.jpg - GB goes on record to state RW is a criminal yet here is trying to convey RW as "trusted"
Its interesting GB addresses "all shareholders" but purposefully excludes CP. This seems to show subtle intentStates RPW address as Flat 1, 3 Cross Street, Alsager ST7 2PE2017_09_26_GB_RESIGNATION_&_PROPOSED_NEW_NON_EXEC.pdfRAN LtdEmail
20 Oct 2017Very HighAV resigns from RANGB, AST, PJM, AVAV endorses AP and RPW as directors. AP was never asked to be a director. Shows pattern of appointing fake directors before administrationWho is Alex Petrov, or Dimitri? No one knows who they are. They sound incompetent2017_10_20_Resignation_Adam_Voce_&_Resolution_to_appoint_a_new_Non_Executive_Director_at_RAN_Limited.pdfRAN LtdEmail
26 Oct 2017HighPJM chase GB over TTN Corp taxGB, AST, PJM, AVAccountants show they are complicit in handing over bank tokens to GB for TTN. This ties in with the fact they surrendered CH codes for JETGS back in 2018-Note how accountants address GB and not DS2017_10_30_IMPORTANT_Trade_The_News_Corp_Tax.pdfTTN LtdEmail
29 Nov 2017MediumGB copied in an email where clients need to pay JETGGB, AB, JE, PJM, AST----JETGEmail
18 Dec 2017MediumEmail chain between AH and RR and GBAH, GB, RR--Again email chain shows existing relationship with RR from attempted RAN Ltd wind up2017_12_18_Real_Time_Analysis_and_News.pdfRAN LtdEmail
7 Feb 2018HighPJM chase over Ginkgo/GCV paymentGB, AST, PJM, AVShows track record of GB taking money and not providing invoicesInvoices not provided as tax evasion?GB admits to money transfer. This was for £70K in TTN and £60K in JETGS. JE and GB had not fallen out and JE was mislead to believe it would be to help with LS takeover (SP legals)2018_02_18_Finances_and_Minimal_Availability_This_Week.pdfTTN Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
28 Feb 2018HighGB getting involved in preventing strike off actionGB, AV, AH, ALDid GB take liablity for this fine (or any others?). No.GB is using RS/SS legal fight as cover for not submitting accounts. Clearly shows GB controlling RAN affairs and to blame for lack of accounts2018_02_28_URGENT_Request_to_Suspend_Strike_Off_Action_for_28_days.pdfRAN LtdEmail
6 Mar 2018Very HighClient quieries the legal entity for paymentGB, PJM, JE, AV, ASTTax evasionGB again using SNE/RS/SS threat as a cover for not disclosing information as a distractionGB clearly stating back to accounts that after a month client should be told "the JET GROUP is now the beneficiary"2018_03_06_RANsquawk_Invoice_-_Query_on_RAN_-_JET_Deal_by_Emma_Castle_of_Moore_Capital_Management_LLP.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
14 Mar 2018MediumGB talking about employment of SP under JET GroupGB, AVNote GB later funds SP's legals. This is done by securing SP's assets and then GB reverses the transaction by siphoning money from the company See also: 2018_06_24_SP_CONTRACT and 2018_07_03_KT_PRE_ACTION-2018_03_14_RAN_Limited_-_Can_RAN_Make_an_Offer_of_Employment_or_enter_a_Joint_Venture_with_S_Pettman.pdfJETGSEmail
17 Mar 2018MediumGB gloats about using James Talbot (BOE staff) as an "investor"GB, AV, ASTSee: 2017_12_20_BOE_MISREPRESENTATIONBOE staff can't have investments as this is a conflict-2018_03_17_Authorisation_For,_And_Procurement.pdfJETGSEmail
26 Mar 2018Very HighMore GB and DLA showing JETG/JETGS connectionGB--GB explicitly states that JETGS acts as a tresurary for JETG2018_03_26_Affidavit_-_Getting_it_Sworn_tonight.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
27 Mar 2018MediumPJM ask GB about £100K transaction that was not formally approvedPJM, GBNot approving invoices--2018_03_27_DLA.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
28 Mar 2018HighVery odd email where a client requests the JET Group be added to the invoice. JE agreed but GB doesn't agree. PJM, GB-Shows GB desire not to adhere to legal requirements -2018_03_28_32889-_THE_JET_GROUP_LIMITED.pdfJETGEmail
26 Jun 2018Very HighGB changes shareholdings in JETGS on Companies House following JE's refusal to sign a contract with SP that unfairly leverages SPGBSee main timeline-GB got CH codes without JE authorisation by getting new codes sent to accountants address. PJM complicit in handing over the codes (AST admitted they were "taken" from him)See from main time line:
JETGS, JETGEmail / Phonecall
3 Jul 2018HighEmail chain with GB controlling SP's legal matters and LiveSquawk take overGB, SP, AV, KTSee also 2018_07_03_KT_PRE_ACTIONGB is controling all aspects of SP's legal case and also controlling LS administration via AA who like RR is a mate of ASTAgain email shows a history between RR and GB. Why is RR being copied in as this has nothing to do with him?!2018_07_03_Stuart_Pettman_v_Realtime_Analysis_and_News_Limited_and_George_Busfield.pdfJETGS LtdEmail
31 Aug 2018HighGB sends long waffle emailGB, PJM, AST, AVGB admits control of the accounts. They are 4 months overdue. JE resigns from JETGS knowing GB is trying to do tax fraud in that company and does not want to go to jail with RPW/ID for GB's actions-GB is pushing RAN Ltd liquation agian2018_08_31_WEEKLY_UPDATE.pdfRAN LtdEmail
3 Sep 2018HighGB is chasing invoices for accountsGBGB is just rearranging deck chairs on the titantic. Two days before GB sends an invoice for PJM's work doing accounts for 2017 from back in Apr 2018. So it begs the question, why is GB redoing the accounts and delaying it? The delays to accounts is having a huge impact on the business as clients start to do duedil on Companies House. It is clear from emails in 2019 this affects the banking for JETGSGB trying to assign blame on others to provide invoices. It is ironic given the accountants are normally the ones chasing him over large transactions (DLA - £100K and GCV £70K and £60K back in Feb and Apr 2018). GCV Ltd has not provided the businesses with any invoices so this is just another GB smokescreen2018_09_03_INVOICES_FOR_ACCOUNTS_-_URGENT.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
15 Jan 2019MediumAV admits Worldpay has cut services due to non filing of accounts. An action AV and GB are directly to blame forAV, AH, PJM, ASTAV states accounts will be filed but accounts never get filed for another 7 months for JETGS-Also note that AV andf GB have asked AH to lie about AP's time off as being "sick". This is a show of character (i.e. deception/dishonesty to staff)2019_01_15_Outstanding_Matters.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
31 Jan 2019HighWorldpay cancel services with JETGS due to non filing of accountsAV, AB, PJM, AST, AHNon filing of accounts. Note GB circulated an invoice for accounting from PJM/Versa in Sep 2018. So nearly 6 months later accounts have not been filed and this causes material damage to the businessAB raises a number of concerns that impact cashflow due to the extra manual work involvedAV clearly admits the issue is tied to non filing of accounts and interacts with Companies House2019_01_31_FLU_and_WorldPay's_notice_to_withdraw_services.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
27 Mar 2019MediumEmail showing Metro freezing the bank. This becomes a theme for the rest of the yearAV, AHAV aknowledges the MB freeze is due to incorrect payee. Despite this later in the year AV/CB/GB push for clients to be invoiced to JETGS when the contract is in JETGThis also shows how MB freezing has caused a number of knock on effects, namely paying staff. JE recalls that money had to be held with PJM/Versa in case the account was frozen and then staff were paid from Versa that monthAlso shows AV instructing matters on invoices when he has no authority2019_03_27_URGENT_-_immediate_procedures_to_cover_payroll_etcJETGS, JETGEmail
3 Apr 2019Very HighDue to Worldpay and Metrobank issues, clients are having to pay into PaypalAV, ABThis squarely makes AV culpable for the invoice fraud and theftAV is requesting clients are pay into his personal paypal account. Note that email footers also state The JET Group with the company number. AV is acting for the JETG without authority and by doing this it is misrepresentation and theft2019_03_04_!!__Subscription_payment.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
18 Apr 2019MediumAnother example of JETGS/JETG contract issues. This time due to US W-8BEN-E formsAV, AB, AHShows AV is aware contracts are in JETGAnother example of AV trying to control things when it was clear this the client contract is in JETGJE doesn't believe he signed this2019_04_18_(URGENT)_Mitsubishi_UFJ_Trust_and_Banking_Corporation_Invoices_and_Confirmation_of_Payee_scheme.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
1 May 2019MediumAB emails concerns over business to AV, GB and the other fake directorsAV, ABAB highlights lack of accounts on Companies House is causing damage to the business along with bounced payments due to AV/GB banking interferenceChain also shows how GB has wasted time and money because he thinking JT was a "spy" (£86K paid to KIRIS from RAN Ltd)Again more of AV "I'll look to address later" mumbo jumbo. Shows AV can't actually do anything. 2019_05_01_RANsquawk_future.pdfJETGSEmail
14 May 2019HighEmail chain showing AV controlling money exclusively for PaypalAV, PJMThis helps put AV squarely responsible for other frauds. Especially as AV has used his personal Paypal on one occasionAV is solely in control of money coming into Paypal.Shows not even the accountants have access to Paypal 2019_05_14_!!_Debtor's_Report.pdfJETGSEmail
28 May 2019HighMetrobank inform JETGS they can not continue to provide banking facilitiesAH, AVThis is due to non filing of accounts, questionable transactions and payee name being wrong on incoming payments (JET Group Ltd, which is was annexed)All actions leading up to this are the fault of GB and AVThis goes on to cause a number of issues for the business prior to wind up and in part can be attributed to the need for administration/liquidation2019_05_28_!!_Metrobank_notice.pdfJETGSEmail
15 Jun 2019MediumEmail over Metro bank closureAH, AVAgain staff are having to chase AV because he's a bloody useless theiving moronAH points out banking closure is due to questionable activity (incorrect payee names, GB moving money, lack of accounts)2019_06_15_MetroBank_notice.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
21 Jun 2019MediumAB send email to AV over billings runAB, AV--AV has caused a lot of damage, AB refuses to put his name to it2019_06_21_!!_Metrobank_notice.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
2 Jul 2019MediumAV emails stating Metrobank closure is being held back 30 days due to PJMAv, AST, PJM--Shows AV controlling matters2019_07_02_MetroBank_closure.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
12 Jun 2019HighAB questions the legallity of invoicing clients given the bank account is inaccessibleAB, AV--Shows AV controlling/annexing finance operations2019_06_21_July 2019 Invoice Run.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
12 Jun 2019LowEmail with AV paying for MailchimpAB, AV-Shows AV giving his own personal card details out - ties him in to as being part of the other fraudsNote this is part of AV/GB wider attempt trying to annex suppliers from being in JETG to JETGS2019_07_12_MailChimp_Payment_Problem.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
15 Jul 2019MediumAH reminds AV of the correct protocol whereby COO should have visibility of monies and their movementAB, AV, AHAV violation of banking protocols set by GB, AV-Yet more drilling into AV's thick head about the need for transparency2019_07_15_CRITICAL_measures_that_need_addressing_TODAY.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
24 Jul 2019MediumAB does not want to instruct accountants over the billing runAB, PJM, AVThis email was sent from AV's other business email, which GB has no control over. This shows AV actively acting as himselfWith banking changes and the attempted fraud, AB does not want to instruct PJM to do billings on the basis he does not want to be tied or related to AV's fraud. Effectively AB is giving rope to AV.As well as banking redirection, AB, AH, JE have no insight into finances now so there is an unwillingness to bill clients if the service can not be provided to client in the event of administration2019_07_24_Billing_Run_and_ANZ_(from_PPS_email).pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
26 Jul 2019HighAB and AH raise ANZ refund concernsAB, AH, AVit's clear AV refuses to enact this refund for monthsWhy is AV asking for the contract for ANZ. The contract is in JETG and AV has no authority to act onbehalf of JETGAH and AB show concerns about business reputational damage caused by not paying suppliers and clients (because money has been siphoned into GCV)2019_07_26_ANZ_-_RANsquawk_Invoice_&_Credit_Note.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
29 Jul 2019Very HighAV/GB sends invoices to AST/DB/RRGB, RR, AST, DB, JE, AH, AVMost of these invoices are fraudulent. Invoices are total rubbish as they do not make out clearly which legal entity they sit with (JETG/TTN/JETGS joint severally liable). Most of the terms don't make sense and are nonsense. Why is CB as a director of JETGS sending invoices to her own BB to GCV to be charged to JETGS?Given this was sent from AV it shows AV being complicit in accounting fraud alongside GBSee notes.txt in linked folderSee: 2019_07_29_GCVJETGS, JETG, GCV LtdEmail
7 Aug 2019HighEmail chain with AV and senior London staffAV AH, AL, AB, JEAV shown to be totally inept. Can't even take a photo of some notesJE highlights awareness GB is not ill but rather has been busy concocting invoices - See: 2019_07_29_GCVStaff show frustrations from GB/AV lack of actions. Shares promised from 3 years ago have not been grants, yet GB has found time and effort to defend the 76% sharesholding stolen in June 20182019_08_07_080519 meeting recap_AV_visit_to_London.pdfJETGS, JETG, GCV LtdEmail
22 Aug 2019MediumAV controlling banking changes again illicitlyAH, AB, PJM, AST, AB-Numerous clients have raised issues with payments and changing banking details again will only arouse more questionsAV instructing both AH and PJM/Versa what to do next regarding bank changes (Metrobank to Santander) without
offering any details
2019_08_22_Billing Run.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
28 Aug 2019MediumAV tells AB that he and CB are the only ones on the bank mandateAB, AVAB correctly points out parallels to previous frauds and what AV is doing. Is is the exact same thing as the RAN UK (research) Ltd frauds from 5 years beforeIt's clear that AV/CB do not want to give transparency because 2019_08_28_Santander_bank_details.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
2 Sep 2019The same old arguing because small business matters are being forced through inept "consultants" like AV who can not do their jobAV, DB, AST, PJM, RR, ABAV clearly highlights AH and JE are not allowed banking access. AH is COO and JE is the director of JETG, the company that owns the clientsANZ keeps being "investigated" but nothing happens for monthsWhy is DB and RR CC'ed on this email?2019_09_02_NEW AUTHORISATION & PAYMENT PROTOCOLS FOR COSTS.pdf
4 Sep 2019MediumAV signing off on billing mattersAV, AB, AHAV is not a director--2019_09_04_The Jet Group Services Limited bank details changes.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
11 Sep 2019Internal email dispute thread shows a number of concernsAV, JE, AH, PJM, ASTANZ has not been paid for weeks (months?) as have HMRC. Many believe JETGS is insolvent, including JE which is why advice was sought over JETG admniistration a few weeks ago.JE highlights money in Metrobank that could have paid Wework or HMRC has been redirected out Why is AV the only person who knows whats happening? This clearly shows he is conplicit in the frauds as he is the one handling the money2019_09_11_Current_Payments_-_WeWork,_ANZ_and_HMRC.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
16 Sep 2019MediumAH and AB chase AV over billingsAV, GB, AH, ABAnnexation of finances. These emails effectively highlight why JE had to make the descision to put JETG into administration as AV/GB had totally annexed financial operations at this pointIt's clear here there is a divide between those in Stoke and those in LondonHighlights the bizarreness where COO has no transparency over the business finances because AV/GB have annexed the finincial aspects of the business2019_09_16_URGENT - Friday invoice run.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
19 Sep 2019HighEmail demonstrating how banking failures from AV/CB/GB are impacting the businessAV, AB, AHIncompetenceIt's clear AV has been chase, often for months on things, such as ANZ, HMRC, etc and fails to act. Email shows how business matters have had to be channeled via idiots in Stoke due to their greed and control over banking facilities2019_09_19_Updated_VRIF_due_to_change_in_banking_information.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
1 Oct 2019HighShows AV controlling remittance.AV, ABInvoice fraudGiven the contract is for JET Group is it is fraud from them to redirect the address to CB's house.CB, RPW etc copied in, don't respond, shows they are complicit2019_10_01_VRIF_for_The_Jet_Group.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
2 Oct 2019MediumAV replies back to AB saying she will speak to CB over banking mattersAV, CB, ABShows CB and AV controlling banking facilitiesClearly if no JETG staff have visiblity on banking matters or accounts etc, only AV, CB and GB can be blamed for any wrong doing at this point"Cindy" is just an convolutted way of saying "George"2019_10_02_RANsquawk_Invoice.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
4 Oct 2019Very HighLong thread. JE and CP highlight a number of concerns over tax, accounts and fake directors. Addressed to RR, DB, ASTGB, RR, AST, DB, JE, AH, AV, CPRR, DB, and AST contonue to ignore CP, knowing there is fraud going onGB makes false allegations of hacking against JE. RR is copied in so would have been well aware of the disputes.This lays down preconditions for any share disbursement back to CP (i.e. wanting an audit). GB replies back acknowledging the need to disburse shares.2019_10_04_RAN,_JET,_JETGS_and_TTN.pdfRAN Ltd, JETG Ltd, GCV Ltd, JETGS LtdEmail
14 Oct 2019Very HighGB emails RS over made up investigation trying to frame JE given GB suspected JE was behind the cancellation of his "disablity pension" from IBMGB, RS, JE, AH, AB, ALMisrepresentationGB sends email out making out he was not behind this but it's common knowledge he's lyingSee main timeline2019_10_14_RS_CONTACTRAN Ltd, JETG Ltd, GCV LtdEmail
25 Oct 2019HighAV instructs accountants to run the billing listAV, PJMTrading insolvently -This is a few weeks before the administration2019_10_25_November_Billing_List.pdfJETGS, JETGEmail
22 Nov 2019Very HighAV calls a directors meeting for JETG Ltd. AV, GB, RRJE did not authorise this. It was completely illegal. Again, why is RR copied into this?JE (nor the JETG administrator, Simon) did not attend. JE did not want to validate its existance by attending. 2019_11_22_NOTICE_AND_INVITE_TO_BOARD_OF_DIRECTOR'S_MEETING.pdfJETG LtdEmail
05 Dec 2020HighMP emails AP to query if AP knew he was going to be appointed as a director. AP is surprised. AP, MP, GBDirectors need to know they are being appointed under CA2006AP refused to be proxy/"sitting duck" directorShows GB acting and misrepresenting others in order to shield his own actions. Similar also to the BOE claim he made with James Talbot2020_12_05_Alex_Piper_Email_No_Idea_of_Director_Appointment.pdfGCV Ltd,, JETGS Ltd, JETG LtdEmail